I’m pretty sure I was in that match.
I’m in midtier, using USA. Saw a guy going like on my team going like 15-3 5 minutes before the match end.
Could be a coincidence tho
@OrangeConnor2 every other year, we pay the government $43024.46 USD
This manages to trick their software somehow and we can hack their systems and take the money back.
Legally, we gave them money
Technically, we’ve given them nothing.
Now I need to be sure this doesn’t reach any governing body…
@Graingy ofc! I have a chain of command.
What do you have? Trillions of grains of sand on mars that can’t even calculate the surface area of a star?
@GabrielFangster70 it’s said he’s spotlighted…
Plane costs 60 million and three-quarters of that is spent on the missiles
@Graingy GabrielFangster70 did on this post, chilD
@Graingy ah, none of those are me.
Side note: holy shit you really did pop off.
@Graingy I don’t remember, I didn’t hyper examine the name lol. It’s been like what? 3 days or smthn
@Graingy you you have, chilD
Why is @graingy spotlighted?
They deserve no recognition. None. Zilch. They suck
@Graingy It was words. Idk what it was tho
@Graingy not at all
I’m pretty sure I was in that match.
I’m in midtier, using USA. Saw a guy going like on my team going like 15-3 5 minutes before the match end.
Could be a coincidence tho
@crazyplaness thank you so much
@OrangeConnor2 Why was I never told about having a singular dry dock?!
I’ll will increase naval spending by 12 Cents! That’s enough to build another dock, right?
@OrangeConnor2 I was told it was deployed…
Do we have a hardly functioning aircraft carrier somewhere in our waters just… drifting?
With the sunfish now in deployment, we need something to defend it.
Sure this is outdated, but modernization efforts akin to the USS Missouri that was used up until the gulf war
@FabricioAlvesFragoso ok, thank you!
Thank you so much! People like you are the stars of the Simple Planes community!
Lmao, the missiles keep reaching G-Limit and just spinning around the planes lol
@FabricioAlvesFragoso yes please, if it isn’t too much of a hassle
Anyone got an English translate of this?
It’s a quality craft, but I don’t speak… Portuguese? (Idk anything about like any language besides English, sorry lol)
Christ, the maneuverability
Aww man, looks like you failed you no goon streak.
It’s was good while it lasted!
@AWESOMENESS360 he’s gonna delete your comment for saying that.
Said something similar, removed the comment within an hour
@OrangeConnor2 y’know, you’d think I would have enough mental capacity to make that deduction… I guess not
@OrangeConnor2 agree to the Douglas or me?
@AmericaMashDouglas what? Lmao.
How am I aggressive? I was making a joke lol
@ComradeSandman what are you talking about?
Our missiles are top of the line, that’s where all our money goes too.
It’s our flight systems that we spend nothing on
Btw, the VTOL slider makes the plane roll instead of provide more lift
@Graingy says the non human grain of sand on mars
@Graingy bruh, it’s one letter off 😭
Afterburners on a prop engine is crazy
@Graingy the dehumanize me.
Go on.
@Karroc9522 correct! 😀👍
@Graingy nah, I’ll stay riiight here
Lmfao I downloaded the old one yesterday day, and I see this now?
@Milsugione so in like 12 years?
Now build a 125M Neva missile system
Now build 1993 fictional Louisville
@OrangeConnor2 that’s what THE Government wants you to think, the dirty bastards
@DeezDucks ok 👍
@OrangeConnor2 no.
I’m talking about THE Government
@OrangeConnor2 THE government
@OrangeConnor2 every other year, we pay the government $43024.46 USD
This manages to trick their software somehow and we can hack their systems and take the money back.
Legally, we gave them money
Technically, we’ve given them nothing.
Now I need to be sure this doesn’t reach any governing body…
@OrangeConnor2 legally, yes.
Technically, no.
It’s complicated.
@Graingy ofc! I have a chain of command.
What do you have? Trillions of grains of sand on mars that can’t even calculate the surface area of a star?
@graingy @orangeconnor2
@OrangeConnor2 kill who?
The personnel on the ships? We can’t afford that.
Well, I mean, we can. But I don’t wanna :(
Where’s the fuel tank on this? 52 quintillion gallons of fuel is a tad unrealistic
@OrangeConnor2 uhh.
@OrangeConnor2 the uh… robot simping… uhhh
Listen, it was a long time ago, I hadn’t started to participate with the community that much, just… ignore any thing about this topic
Very… halloween related…