@Python22 You can't improve at building planes without trying. You'll only get better by trying and learning.
So try building it yourself, you could even download another's design for inspiration or review pictures on the internet for reference. I did this and look where it got me, now I'm a silver rank and.........inactive. XDXDXDXDXDX DXDDDDXDXDXDXXDXDX DX
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Look, I made this as a joke over how many Bad planes there were being made with weasel's name in it. Don't worry. (Oh, I am sad because the name got changed)
@Flightsonic that's cool. I won't be able to use it because my iPod can hardly run SP if at all. I was recently inactive for a long time brcause of this. I'm working on another build but I need someone to mod parts for me.
@salisbey woo, that was quick. I came to the website for a visit (I am currently inactive) and I saw this great creation, sadly I have no way to see how (or if) it flies. Looks Great!
@Skua Sorry, not sticking around. Just a few minutes ago I thought of something I really wanted to build. But I can't. I'm very sad.@MediocrePlanes Wow, you guys remember me. :)
@Delphinus yeah, heaps of my builds that I spent a long time on. Sometimes they might get, let's say, 2 upvotes. I can't build anymore because my iPod can't run SP.
@Dullwolf My iPod is Obselete (is that spelt correctly, predictive speech doesn't come up with it. Apple is just trying to hide their insecurities about their products going obselete within 2 years.) and can't do anything but browse the automaticly completes interweaving. F you predictive speech, f* you.
@RailfanEthan my only choice now is to save up for a quad core tablet, unlike Apple products, has processing power, isn't gonna die in a year and you're not just paying for a brand.
@Meawk that's why we get our lovely modded friends to do it! (Or we look up modded I parts) WARNING: you cannot change a setting on a modded part otherwise it will go back to being stock!)
@Python22 You can't improve at building planes without trying. You'll only get better by trying and learning.
So try building it yourself, you could even download another's design for inspiration or review pictures on the internet for reference. I did this and look where it got me, now I'm a silver rank and.........inactive. XDXDXDXDXDX DXDDDDXDXDXDXXDXDX DX
@Nerfaddict I used to play SimplePlanes on my old ipod. It can no longer run many things and i can't play SP
WHAT A SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME! I think it's cool people improve on my things. Keep this sort of thing up.
This's great, try clipping the cockpit inside of the body. Wish I could actually test it.
@Nerfaddict cool, I can't play it because I no longer have simpleplanes on any platform.
@DeezNuts52 Yep, I came back to see this website after months to find this.
Oh, Cool! I can't play the new update but if this is what the vehicles are like they are awesome!
Thank you@Flightsonic
@AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Look, I made this as a joke over how many Bad planes there were being made with weasel's name in it. Don't worry. (Oh, I am sad because the name got changed)
Just look through my posts on my profile, or I'll just tag you.@Flightsonic
@Flightsonic that's cool. I won't be able to use it because my iPod can hardly run SP if at all. I was recently inactive for a long time brcause of this. I'm working on another build but I need someone to mod parts for me.
I just made a mod request but spelt "Mod request" wrong, something like Modreast.
YoU're making a truck?
Nice Truck-Tricken' m8. Fully sick tricked out truck tricks. Gj.
When I joined something like 6 months ago he was like 20k or something.@Sutairs
@bskngshrk Thank you
@salisbey woo, that was quick. I came to the website for a visit (I am currently inactive) and I saw this great creation, sadly I have no way to see how (or if) it flies. Looks Great!
Wow I had been gone from this website for months, I came for a visit and this was still in first place!
+3@Skua Sorry, not sticking around. Just a few minutes ago I thought of something I really wanted to build. But I can't. I'm very sad.@MediocrePlanes Wow, you guys remember me. :)
Wow, I left the website months ago, came back for a visit and this was still a problem.
@Skua Wow haven't been on the website for months, I come on and see your'e a Mod. That's Great!
Nyaaaaaw, it looks like a diddle bubba plane.
@Redlord don't comment and especially not off the page!!!!! Nyeeeah!
@Delphinus yeah, heaps of my builds that I spent a long time on. Sometimes they might get, let's say, 2 upvotes. I can't build anymore because my iPod can't run SP.
@Skua oh, ok. So Aeroplane *Airplane*
@hadesrocksz thanks, I worked hard on it!
@hadesrocksz thanks, nothing happens when I'm not building. (I can't any more, my iPod can't run the update.)
@hadesrocksz np
@Dullwolf these magic speech thingys are really a pain.
@Dullwolf My iPod is Obselete (is that spelt correctly, predictive speech doesn't come up with it. Apple is just trying to hide their insecurities about their products going obselete within 2 years.) and can't do anything but browse the automaticly completes interweaving. F you predictive speech, f* you.
@DonaldDuke 10/10 IGN.
I know how you feel. I can't build any more, darn you overpriced Apple products!
Earn $650,000 working from home for only six hours per day! This was in an XP window titled "IMPORTANT". I'm on mobile.
@spefyjerbf just what I was thinking, I don't play LoL
@icecoldlava in the coming year (or years) I am considering getting a tablet. I might consider simpleplanes then.
@RailfanEthan my only choice now is to save up for a quad core tablet, unlike Apple products, has processing power, isn't gonna die in a year and you're not just paying for a brand.
This seems to have so many jets it will slow it down.
@Dstroyer101 uh huh, I actually am building a plane, I'm not sure if I will upload it.
@TheLatentImage ok, I did upload this as a joke though...
@Dstroyer101 ok......?
@Dstroyer101 no I won't completely leave, like right now, I'm still here. Just don't exp ct to see many planes from me.
@TheChosenZebra no the plane is fine now.
@TheChosenZebra I no rite!
@LeoBrasi @Lucasmah @Nickasaurus @MediocrePlanes @MediocrePlanes @NovaTopaz @Aussietonka cool, thanks guys!
@TalonFlame thanks!
@Meawk that's why we get our lovely modded friends to do it! (Or we look up modded I parts) WARNING: you cannot change a setting on a modded part otherwise it will go back to being stock!)
Ha ha, wow that is cool!
@Dstroyer101 K den