@TTL Easy Man,Thanks to your approval.But we were fine ,we weren’t arguing. I'm really grateful to you.I misunderstood him yesterday just like you , but just like what I said, He had no ill intent.
Sorry guys.Some small problems of the plane’s nose are solved now.Because of my busy school works,I have no time to make a proper Handbook to teach you how to control this plane.I promise I will offer it with a holiday coming.
@Seemeing Download the plane and check the fuselage,you will find the secret. In fact,thanks for updating from simple planes,it’much easer to build Me262
@L1nus And I just realize that I set full fuel.If you set 25% fuel then you will find its pitch authority is not as bad as you thought,what do you think
@TTL No That’s not a mistake.I regarde it as a good personality .I mean less arguing.
+2@L1nus That’s ok ,I got you.Sometimes we do misunderstand because of our different cultures.
+2@TTL Easy Man,Thanks to your approval.But we were fine ,we weren’t arguing. I'm really grateful to you.I misunderstood him yesterday just like you , but just like what I said, He had no ill intent.
+2Sorry guys.Some small problems of the plane’s nose are solved now.Because of my busy school works,I have no time to make a proper Handbook to teach you how to control this plane.I promise I will offer it with a holiday coming.
+2@cyon Thanks.Efforts always pays off.
+1@Seemeing Download the plane and check the fuselage,you will find the secret. In fact,thanks for updating from simple planes,it’much easer to build Me262
+1@100904 It’s up to you.Feel at ease
@DCSplanepro12 Yes,I need VPN
@DCSplanepro12 Woo,It’s so cool.Unfortunately,I was not able to watch the video on phone.When I back home then I will try again with my computer
Would you like to tell me how to download a new carrier?Is it a mod or just a craft built by others?
@alaala9235 Of course
@Rb2h Perhaps that it’s mainly because of the poor mobile phone wouldn’t allow me to play a 1k+ plane smoothly XD
@Tothanhnhut Congratulations! Welcome to Cat Party!
@L1nus Ok I will take that
@L1nus And I just realize that I set full fuel.If you set 25% fuel then you will find its pitch authority is not as bad as you thought,what do you think
@Tothanhnhut Start up Two Engines at first,just on the left side of the “Wings” Button.Then click the “Wings” Button.
@L1nus There's a Fly control increased stability button behind the Engine Button
Sorry,but if you want,I can make the bomb or the rockets@TWDDerSharkmarine
I named it jabo just because the skin in warthunder
Hi,guys.I just want to make this post perfect.If you think that I uploaded it too many times,then just download and play.I don't need "Upvotes"
Don’t worry.I am the maker.It has some changes @GrentonAircraftCo
@ACEPILOT109 Thanks
@KfcGaming Agree!
@KfcGaming It's L 39.You can find it in Google……I guess
@BetaFischYT Thanks!