@countingstars 你野爹我怎么没有自主创作能力了你这个拆了东墙补西墙似的行为有点令我无语了你能不能找堵墙把自己给撞死啊你活着真的丝毫没有任何的意义你是一个虚无缥缈的卑贱的人你唯一的存在价值就是偷盗你各野爹的劳动成果你现在连说话都要偷你野爹了你究竟是有多么的自卑呢
@countingstars 真想把你个废物逼放在油罐车下反骨碾压让你的可怜妈妈泪流满面的跪下求你野爹我停止然后我再反手将你妈这个罪恶的废物生成机钉死在十字架上掏空她的五脏六腑灌满水泥是你妈痛苦无比的离开你
@TheFlyingWolfYT The cover doesn't match the real thing.
Best Photoshop User.🤣😂🤣😂
bad control
@countingstars 我还以为你憋了个什么无敌大杀招结果就是这老几样拼凑的老掉牙词汇整的我捧腹大笑我寻思你能不能有点头脑别动不动就在那里乱叫什么叫你儿子做的东西这是你祖上做的东西你还得叫我声祖宗的你知不知道我身为至高无上的皇帝将要命令你这思想紊乱的贱民以予极刑以示神灵并让你的腐烂躯体疯狂的四分五裂血流成河使我笑开颜
@Ian_Yashima Damn Olimpus!Maybe I was right to choose to leave from Horizon Design Bureau.😂🤣😂🤣
@Dragoranos many of us are the witnesses, Ian is telling the truth.
Show Self Challenge😅😅
@CheetoPumkinEater1 He told me that he started playing simple planes years ago
Excuse me, can I use some parts of ur walker on my work?
gerat!get upvote!
what is cheating in you opinion?
Looks good Can the amour really work?
A piece of shit
I will drink in your skull!🪓👺
@Bobyo Although this is obviously a modern crossbow, it is still funny
@BaconAircraft There is a Chinese saying that a straight man is not worry about a crooked shadow.
@Anastvats Whats this language
@aerodummy nothing badly wrong,It happens all the time.
@c144538707 Long time no see
better than nmfy
@397blin very good player
@countingstars 不可以,你需要提升你的设备性能,否则你将会落伍于时代
@spectre118 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/HbQLnS/MS-18E-KAMPFER
I love this work
@CheetoPumkinEater1 Dont need doubt to much, this version is more friendly for new player than before
@p6284 starlight It has already been done
@luffwaffles Little slow,little hot,but I still did it on my cheep phone😂😂
@qlqjdhjThis is an international website.Speak English pls;/
@MDDJB 你可以整体放大六倍 刚好
good work
mobile 1.9 can not use mod
Please wrap up the skin.
Communism plane
@Xaijhanjuede So?
@countingstars 你野爹我怎么没有自主创作能力了你这个拆了东墙补西墙似的行为有点令我无语了你能不能找堵墙把自己给撞死啊你活着真的丝毫没有任何的意义你是一个虚无缥缈的卑贱的人你唯一的存在价值就是偷盗你各野爹的劳动成果你现在连说话都要偷你野爹了你究竟是有多么的自卑呢
+7@countingstars 真想把你个废物逼放在油罐车下反骨碾压让你的可怜妈妈泪流满面的跪下求你野爹我停止然后我再反手将你妈这个罪恶的废物生成机钉死在十字架上掏空她的五脏六腑灌满水泥是你妈痛苦无比的离开你
+5@TheFlyingWolfYT The cover doesn't match the real thing.
+4Best Photoshop User.🤣😂🤣😂
+4bad control
+4@countingstars 我还以为你憋了个什么无敌大杀招结果就是这老几样拼凑的老掉牙词汇整的我捧腹大笑我寻思你能不能有点头脑别动不动就在那里乱叫什么叫你儿子做的东西这是你祖上做的东西你还得叫我声祖宗的你知不知道我身为至高无上的皇帝将要命令你这思想紊乱的贱民以予极刑以示神灵并让你的腐烂躯体疯狂的四分五裂血流成河使我笑开颜
+3@Ian_Yashima Damn Olimpus!Maybe I was right to choose to leave from Horizon Design Bureau.😂🤣😂🤣
+2many of us are the witnesses, Ian is telling the truth.
Show Self Challenge😅😅
+2@CheetoPumkinEater1 He told me that he started playing simple planes years ago
+2Excuse me, can I use some parts of ur walker on my work?
+2gerat!get upvote!
+2what is cheating in you opinion?
+1Looks good
+1Can the amour really work?
A piece of shit
+1I will drink in your skull!🪓👺
+1@Bobyo Although this is obviously a modern crossbow, it is still funny
+1@BaconAircraft There is a Chinese saying that a straight man is not worry about a crooked shadow.
+1@Anastvats Whats this language
+1@aerodummy nothing badly wrong,It happens all the time.
+1@c144538707 Long time no see
+1better than nmfy
+1@397blin very good player
+1@countingstars 不可以,你需要提升你的设备性能,否则你将会落伍于时代
+1@spectre118 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/HbQLnS/MS-18E-KAMPFER
+1I love this work
+1@CheetoPumkinEater1 Dont need doubt to much, this version is more friendly for new player than before
+1@p6284 starlight It has already been done
+1@luffwaffles Little slow,little hot,but I still did it on my cheep phone😂😂
+1@qlqjdhjThis is an international website.Speak English pls;/
+1@MDDJB 你可以整体放大六倍 刚好
+1good work
+1mobile 1.9 can not use mod
+1Please wrap up the skin.
+1Communism plane
@Xaijhanjuede So?