my potato pc can't even use this without lagging a crap top with slow mode, yet this didn't stop me as saving this as "Do not ask why it's here."
jokes aside this is a really good build
@FirstFish83828 i have a problem tho, when i download it there's no cockpit so i cant build it, cuz i see the main cockpit only when i play not when i build
yo can i just say i LOVE these irl aircraft but "simple" but its so hard to find them because the game is called, wel, you know simpleplanes
this is all i've ever asked for bro and its finally here
@JABH2000 thanks. it's been a while i haven't played Simpleplanes, 1 year and a half. Holy moly, and now the sequel is coming too
+1my potato pc can't even use this without lagging a crap top with slow mode, yet this didn't stop me as saving this as "Do not ask why it's here."
jokes aside this is a really good build
@HawkerHarrierDude @GOZZbro You have to remove mass weight (MassDrag) on the XML editor
I love simple and classic things. this is very very nice, good job
Man, this is some real good stuff, tysm
No fking way i found my childhood anime plane.
oh no, the War Thunder PTSD donator.
really cool ngl
hmmm, very a c c u r a t e d
@FirstFish83828 yessir!
dis gonna be fun
@Gabo9606 lol
i thin fritz x
maybie im a bit late
hehehe ima do dis,
this is very cool
if i could fly it
Twin engined F-16, like it
+2@WinsWings uh ok
bruh how much i wanna do this challenge, but i dont know how to make a helicopter
how is this better than my latest plane
@Bryan5 ah ol
+1alright, ima do dis
+1@Bobyo what are these codes?
+1why this thing cute
@ACEVIPER9710 no. not custom minigun, no custom weapons at all
heppy bday!
looks so cool
this thing is so fvuking cute
dude, u literally reposted somenthing that wasn't even yours -_-
+1no! this is not a boeing 737, this is a BOIG 737373
+1@FirstFish83828 ah
@FirstFish83828 nah dude im sorry i wont do it, and i cant do it because my last comment
@FirstFish83828 i have a problem tho, when i download it there's no cockpit so i cant build it, cuz i see the main cockpit only when i play not when i build
@FirstFish83828 alr ima try make a simple VTOL drone
alr ima do dis
like it, very cool
+2@BeeEngineer :)
@Dukeindabox comunist-soviet, btw thx
+1@BeeEngineer ya thank you
@BeeEngineer ah man, can i make a version without missliles or it's over?
@ACEVIPER9710 nah bro rules are no minigun and definitally NO MODDED WEAPONS
+1well i made it, its basically a soviet A7 corsair, i put inferno, coz tough i could put missiles
@X99STRIKER affermative
lmao that dog is amazing
"lemme geit fou"
@ShukoiFans well i can make planes, but not very detailed
hmmm, intresting this could help me make some other aircraft, btw you got built from my country, VIVA SUKHOI 57!