315 HydroMoney22 Comments

  • Husky HX-4 Firebird Mk.V 2.8 years ago

    Oh my god, this is an amazing aircraft, I hope its not a strange request, but would you be fine with me using it within an RP?

  • Which is better 2.7 years ago

    neither, just use a bi-plane

  • Community questions! 2.7 years ago

    1. Chicken Eggs, sunny side up with runny yolk and browned edges. Also, quail and duck eggs are neat, boil quail eggs, runny yolk as always.
    2. About 3 months, though I've had Simpleplanes for around 7 months now, I got it December 2021.
    3. My favorite public work is probably my "X-72 Arkon" it has a wing structure that I searched around for since I got the game, so when I saw a sweep wing challenge I just said "screw it" and built it. The wings on the Arkon split in half, and they can sweep forwards or backwards while split and combined for different flight characteristics. Another favorite plane I have is one I probably won't publish called the "Crystallite" which I made for a bud whos writing a book, it was also my first VTOL.
    4. Potato bread.
    5. PC, its the only platform I have the game on, though I may get it on my phone to build on the go.
    6. Pretty good, definitely one of the better communities I've been in.

  • KP-7B 2.7 years ago

    @idontknow8b (Sorry if I sound like a noob, its because i am lol)

    So I just make n upload, then you just add your twist? Sounds good.

  • KP-7B 2.7 years ago

    @idontknow8b Sure, any help is appreciated, especially for a noobie like me!

  • KP-7B 2.7 years ago

    @idontknow8b Thanks for the tip! In all honesty, I was under the impression that smoothing referred to drag, haha.

  • What do you hate doing on simple planes? 2.7 years ago

    The gosh darn mirror button not mirroring properly, like i already did it once, just do it again for the other side. Any other things can probably just be chopped up to my inexperience.

  • Variable-sweep Wings Challenge [CLOSED] 2.8 years ago

    This was so fun to participate in, especially as it was not only my first time doing a challenge, but also my first time posting an aircraft to Simpleplanes.

  • Variable-sweep Wings Challenge [CLOSED] 2.9 years ago

    Gosh darn it, I accidentally messed up and my aircraft wasn't uploaded as a successor. Well, I'd still love to see what everyone here made, this looks like an awesome challenge.

  • [Build Request] Requests are open. 2.7 years ago

    green plaen

  • What should I make ? 2.7 years ago

    very late reply but just make an original creation, can't go wrong... i think

  • (SOLVED) Aircraft Destability: 2.7 years ago

    Fuel impacts COM, if you have fuel in a fuselage block then that fuselage block will have more mass and the mass will decrease as you use up your fuel. If you want to negate this you can either place a fuselage block with fuel at the centre of mass so the mass changes but the COM does not, or you can set the mass scale to 0 on a fuselage fuel piece and place it where ever to have fuel that does not effect mass at all.

    Personally, I grab a fuselage block, fit it to the thickest section of the body, fill it with fuel, set mass scale to 0, and then go into the fuel percent and set it super high for a large amount of fuel. And none of the mass changes.