795 IamD
Player Biography
Hello, I am D. I live in North America and I am in 10th grade.
I enjoy:
-Hanging out with friends
-Playing Battlefield 1
Now a small disclaimer: I am not good. I previously played on iOS until
7/20. My older planes were horrid and I considered getting a new account and destroying such cursed creations. However, I simply deleted them all to save time and effort. Now I have SP on steam and I look forward to making some half decent aircraft. I think my masterpiece so far is my Matilda II.
Anyway I guess I should point out that I'm here to have fun, so if my plane doesn't have an exact cockpit replica, or the fuel scale isn't 1:1, I did my best.
The Docket:
- SU-25 Frogfoot - Done!
- Matilda II - Done!
- IL-2 - So maybe not. my game crashed and wiped the progress I had. It says it backed up the design, but it won't load. I don't want to look an IL-2 for a while.
Easy Eight - Replacement for IL-2, In progress
- Cromwell - Maybe
- I'm out of ideas
That's all folks, I hope you enjoy!