Not everything is possible in simple planes, for example, it is not possible to make the state of Alaska, complete with working grizzly bears, swimming trout, snow falling, running water, and all to size, (I don't really know if it's impossible, so I'm calling you out!)
Check out my build called literally "It Ain't Pretty, but it Gets the Job Done" I'd like to enter it into the competition if that's alright, I can make it a successor of something if you like.
Fascism is: the people serve the government and give all their resources to said government.
Communism is:for the good of all, and to avoid all the power of a country being in the hands of a small group of rich and powerful people, let's give all of our resources to the government (which just so happens to be a small group of rich and powerful people) @ForeverPie
But srsly @ForeverPie , look up their definitions, as in a political regime, and they are really pretty much the same thing but communism says it in a nicer way.
None of those really scream"me" @Botfinder , I thought I might have my own nature show "Idiots in Their Natural Habitat" what do you think? I could cover people like Bill Nye, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, and the like.
I was about to, but Chuck Norris kicked down my Door and said "Don't. Even. Think about it." @Supercraft888 , I couldn't figure out why until I realized that I had made a joke about him, "gamma rays didn't make the hulk, chuck Norris farted in the laboratory."
Aha! Thank you!!!!! @CALVIN232
test 2
I meant but y doh, stupid auto correct @Alienbeef0421
buy y do @Alienbeef0421
[is this it?] (
This is a test
I don't know how to link, I'm on iPad, but you can find it on my posts @CALVIN232 , is that a problem?
Not everything is possible in simple planes, for example, it is not possible to make the state of Alaska, complete with working grizzly bears, swimming trout, snow falling, running water, and all to size, (I don't really know if it's impossible, so I'm calling you out!)
Check out my build called literally "It Ain't Pretty, but it Gets the Job Done" I'd like to enter it into the competition if that's alright, I can make it a successor of something if you like.
Fascism is: the people serve the government and give all their resources to said government.
Communism is:for the good of all, and to avoid all the power of a country being in the hands of a small group of rich and powerful people, let's give all of our resources to the government (which just so happens to be a small group of rich and powerful people) @ForeverPie
Did you do it? @ForeverPie
Mind. Blown. @Pianoman , even I can't argue with that logic. Yet...
+1Nah fam, Star Trek as been on for over 50 years @JakeTheDogg
But srsly @ForeverPie , look up their definitions, as in a political regime, and they are really pretty much the same thing but communism says it in a nicer way.
Communism is just less honest fascism. The facts are real :P
Lol, slept till 12:00 today @Mox
Np, or should I say np (Klingon version)@Awsomur
Yeh, and Wesley crusher needs to die @Awsomur
You stole the name of a Star Trek ship :O
I trust captain Picard more than the wiki @Awsomur , you should to :P
I'm homeschooled, so we already finished school ;)
Erm, not quite... :(
That's not how they say it on Star Trek tho @Awsomur
May the fidget spinners be with you in these troubled times.
It's not klingonese, it's just Klingon. But good job!
Lol, 501st upvote trolololololololololollllllll.
+3Ok,my mistake @Pilotmario
Noice! I did a research paper on this, one thing though, I'm pretty sure they are longer than that...
I agree @KDS , but on a less somber note, you said "a moment of science" instead of silence :p
No problem @AerodynamicallyConfused
Juts out if curiosity, is "good bless" intentional or auto correct for "God bless"?
I feel shame to have even made the feeble attempt I did to build this. I cri.
The world needs this.
Osteeen, stupid auto correct @Botfinder
Joel ostensibly is a false teacher, bill nye I an idiot, and benny hint is another false teacher @Botfinder
Lol @Supercraft888 , you should see my minecraft name it's, Whaaaaaaaaaaaale.
None of those really scream"me" @Botfinder , I thought I might have my own nature show "Idiots in Their Natural Habitat" what do you think? I could cover people like Bill Nye, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, and the like.
I was about to, but Chuck Norris kicked down my Door and said "Don't. Even. Think about it." @Supercraft888 , I couldn't figure out why until I realized that I had made a joke about him, "gamma rays didn't make the hulk, chuck Norris farted in the laboratory."
Lol, I have managed to avoid anything but a broken toe @Gemista
Ouch, I have a friend who slammed full speed into the sharp corner of their metal microwave, it was just above her eye and she had to get stitches.
Lol :P @Maxwell1
No, I hate simpleplanes, that's why I play it so much. :P
Flies around, like a fly, look ooooouuuut @Maxwell1
Good to know @ZephyrSystems
Lol @CaesiciusPlanes
Technically the earth is shaped like a football with its sides tucked in, like an oval that is really really close to a sphere.
Interesting idea...
Lol @FlyingThings