1,069 ImLvLiCHN Comments

  • Can someone fix my plane one month ago

    Regarding the issue of automatic rolling of airplanes, simply remove one wing and copy the other. Your airplane's horizontal tail is too small, making it a bit difficult to operate

  • Can someone fix my plane one month ago

    Open the menu, find the buttons for the icons of the three balls, press them, and you will see three balls on your airplane. The red ball represents the center of gravity, the blue ball represents the point of lift action, and the yellow ball represents the point of power action. Your airplane's red ball is too close to the blue ball and is prone to backflip during flight. Add some weight to the nose appropriately. Your air intake is too large, and excessive wind resistance can also affect the stability of your aircraft. Try to retract the air intake to maintain a more streamlined shape. The engine horsepower is not enough. You can replace it with a larger engine or use the XML manager to adjust the thrust, or reduce the weight of the tail appropriately

  • Douglas P-61 Black Widow[WW2 Challenge] one month ago

    When I first painted this airplane, its visual perception was at least 50% invisible, which caused me to make some small mistakes in the early stages of production (unable to see clearly). I am not very good at adjusting colors, and I am not so sensitive to colors.

  • Douglas P-61 Black Widow[WW2 Challenge] one month ago

    @nukethefrench Thanks

  • Douglas P-61 Black Widow[WW2 Challenge] one month ago

    “生于黑夜而死于黑夜的邪门战斗机”-《战地启示录》by 松本零士

  • Please help! one month ago

    @ImLvLiCHN If you want to improve, it is recommended to improve the wing structure and increase lift. You can use the XML manager to modify component properties (such as gravity and drag

  • Please help! one month ago

    Open the menu and find the three ball perspective (icon button containing three balls). You will see three balls, with the red ball representing the center of gravity, the blue ball representing the point of lift, and the yellow ball representing the point of power. Generally speaking, the red ball should be in front of the blue ball, but not too far away from it, so that the plane is less likely to backflip and easier to maintain level. The yellow ball should be kept on the same y-axis as the red ball as much as possible, and should be located at the center of the x-axis. In your plane, although the red ball is in front of the blue ball and not far from it, the yellow ball is too far away from both of them, causing the plane to be pulled towards the front end by tension with the main landing gear as the fulcrum when taking off. Moreover, for this propeller plane, its main wing is too far back, which leads to its lift point being too far away

  • Please help! one month ago

    I'will try

  • CPC-O2U"Liening"(Lenin) one month ago

    @nukethefrench thanks

  • Arado Ar.234 "Lightning" one month ago

    @spootfire I am now preparing for another challenge that I have mentioned, and regardless of the outcome, these are my original plans. I also hope that there will be more good airplanes in this challenge. At the same time, I will continue to learn how to better make an airplane.

  • Arado Ar.234 "Lightning" one month ago

    @nukethefrench Because Nazi Germany gradually became at a disadvantage in the later stages of World War II and their resources became increasingly scarce, the F ü hrer (often considered a lunatic) hoped to turn the tide of the war with a small amount of German high technology, and even some crazy ideas were put into practice at that time

  • un safe cart one month ago

    When the United Nations security saw you carrying some galvanized square steel into the venue...

  • sea bomber one month ago

    @yourlocalldc10 Yes, regarding the setting of hinges and shafts, you can use VTOL and Trim control, but Trim defaults to fine tuning the pitch of the aircraft, while VTOL often controls the flaps of the aircraft (you are using a system aircraft)

  • sea bomber one month ago

    @yourlocalldc10 There are many tutorials online that are clearer and more detailed than mine regarding this type of issue. However, if you are too lazy to find them, I have the patience to explain them to you

  • sea bomber one month ago

    @yourlocalldc10 You can simply add a pivot and hinge to control the pitch of the machine gun, then add a camera for easy shooting, and finally add the machine gun. Regarding the control of the pivot and hinge, you can use angle following. Open the camera settings, find a button with the icon of the box marked with "x", open the panel, and fill in two letters or something else in "look pitch" and "look yaw". Then open the XML of the pivot and hinge (first, you need to install the mod, which is included in your application and does not need to be downloaded), find "inputcontroller", and fill in what you just entered in the camera panel in the input field, Pitch controls the pitch of the hinge, yaw controls the rotation of the shaft, and then changes the "range" to 1 in the "jointrotator" column. Note that after changing, do not point to the shaft and hinge, as this may reset their state. If there is a reverse problem, you can go to the "invest" in the "input controller" to change "false" to "true" .

  • FA-33 C one month ago

    I hope you can persevere. Your airplane modeling is very good

  • sea bomber one month ago

    She's very long, you can try adding some machine gun towers in idle positions, like the B-17

  • Wunderwaffe Challenge (CANCELLED) one month ago

    @spootfire I have now made the approximate shape of the plane. I feel a little tired. I have been using my spare time to make planes and upload them for several days in a row, but don't worry, I will rest well. These two challenges have a lot of time for me, so much so that I can even conduct hundreds of tests to detect deficiencies

  • Wunderwaffe Challenge (CANCELLED) one month ago

    The planes I have recently made are all German planes. I just decided to participate in another challenge last night and decided to make a plane for the Republic of China. Now I want to work on two projects simultaneously.

  • Somebody give me ideas for fighter planes that would be easy to make... one month ago

    I think less than 50 parts can only make a very simple aircraft, but after careful consideration, the F4F has a simple appearance and structure. You can give it a try

  • Me-264 B "Amerca Bomber" one month ago

    @Trainzo Thank you for your support

  • Me-264 B "Amerca Bomber" one month ago

    @HudDistance The original author did a good job, but she was only listed as a semi-finished product. When I actually experienced her, I found that the original engine had a lot of horsepower, making her almost fly at a speed faster than World War II propeller planes. I quickly found out the reason why the original author did this: she was too heavy and had insufficient available lift. So I made improvements to her.

  • Me-264 B "Amerca Bomber" one month ago

    @NewPilot381 She is too bulky, you need to constantly pay attention to whether the plane is leaning and try to pull it up during the taxiing process. I can't make the rocket thruster automatically shut down after 30 seconds because I don't know how to make missile thrusters yet

  • Me-264 B "Amerca Bomber" one month ago

    I have made improvements to this aircraft and upgraded it to a six engine version of the Me-264B, with the addition of a terrifying mount (approximately 30 tons, 135x250 kg aerial bomb)
    AG1 uses rocket thrusters at full throttle and automatically launches after thirty seconds
    AG2, open the hatch door
    AG3 automatic level flight
    AG4 lights
    AG7 Enable Engine
    Trim: Fine tune the pitch of the aircraft in level flight
    I am learning to make my own wings and trying to improve my aircraft by adjusting MXL properties
    I believe I can create my own work

  • Highschool master aviation class one month ago


  • Petlyakov Pe-2 one month ago


  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F one month ago

    As a Chinese, just changing the livery of this plane means a different thing to me

  • MiG-15 PLAAF 2 months ago

    我把机枪修改成了23炮,并把50MM修改成37MM,3挺机炮名字都叫37mm&23mm Gun,并且发射间隔为0s,这样就还原了真实的米格15的武器系统,准星也花了点时间重新做了。襟翼本来想用VTOL控制,但是找不到实际控制面。“Fei Xing Yuan”真的蚌埠住

  • Nakajima G11N4 Hakusan Kai 2 months ago


  • SB-2 2 months ago


  • 88mmFlak38 auto 2 months ago

    简介有些问题对不起我第一次上传我的作品Sorry for some issues with the introduction. This is my first time uploading my work