The drama is dumb too, bogdanx is one of the best creators but is complaining that a new person basically won the lottery,if somebody else won the lottery your probably not pissed about it
I agree, Especially if you don't have a good pc then you cant run the new build very well if not at all and that makes it boring for people who cant fly the cool builds such as the zero not to long ago
@MrSilverWolf Good Point but in every multiplayer game there is going to be trolls so it really doesin't matter if its in the game when bought or after there always going to be those people
This Probably not the place to say what can be added to simple planes but here we go 1st i think that when you attack the uss beast it should launch wasp's or other fighters I also think that there should be another airbase a wright isles but a modern one I know there is a mod for multiplayer but i think that there should be one in game for people that don't know how to download mods and use them finally i think you should be able to switch between planes so you can try to shoot them down
@metaphysicalgnome I did not see that let me look
@metaphysicalgnome People just upvoted it as a joke not as a serious plane
The drama is dumb too, bogdanx is one of the best creators but is complaining that a new person basically won the lottery,if somebody else won the lottery your probably not pissed about it
+1I agree, Especially if you don't have a good pc then you cant run the new build very well if not at all and that makes it boring for people who cant fly the cool builds such as the zero not to long ago
@Panthers4741 I agree
@FLOWRIDER0 Ill try and find out how to use it thanks
@Ultra0 Ok I think Ill do that thanks
@asteroidbook345 Yeah I agree
@ArcturusAerospace yeah but its still pretty laggy
@ArcturusAerospace yes but My idea is just 1v1 or 2v2
@typeZERO If its to Make simple Planes better than why not say what it is if its for the better of simple planes
A twin otter would be cool
@officialryanyang ok so like a destroyer turret
@officialryanyang how many barrels needed?
I can be a turret designer Im decent at it
+1@IngenerMakogon2007 Well it doesint really work under water if it shuts down as soon as it goes under water
+2@TrislandianAlliance Ok thanks for explaining
@ThePropellerIsAFan yeah that happens to me every once and a while I think if you save it every 10 min so that might help
Great map good job
@RealFlippy you have to be on you're browser and click download once done move the file to desktop or a folder and double click on Athabasca
@asteroidbook345 yeah lol ive been playing for 3 years and its always annoyed me
@Bob9998 Do you Know how to fix or is that just how it is
@TrislandianAlliance Bruh f104 gave the same responce just nicer try to be like that and youre very "important" i can tell
I know im a nobody CHILLLLLLL
@F104Deathtrap yes I know but i was-int sure if they look at forums
@Shippy456 He gave me the idea to post this here lol
@MrSilverWolf Good Point but in every multiplayer game there is going to be trolls so it really doesin't matter if its in the game when bought or after there always going to be those people
@asteroidbook345 Yeah sorry when I start writing and i'm in a roll I just keep going.
@Dllama4 these are just ideas and yes i know downloading mods are easy but some people dont know how still
@Shippy456 I made a Forum Post
@Shippy456 Yeah I know i just wanted to share my ideas
This Probably not the place to say what can be added to simple planes but here we go 1st i think that when you attack the uss beast it should launch wasp's or other fighters I also think that there should be another airbase a wright isles but a modern one I know there is a mod for multiplayer but i think that there should be one in game for people that don't know how to download mods and use them finally i think you should be able to switch between planes so you can try to shoot them down