45 ItsTSL Comments

  • Afterburner Challenge 2.8 years ago

    I will try one more time to try and make a bigger and denser flame

    It looks like I am good at my job as a sound engineer lol

    I tried to lower it as much as I could but I tried to make it realistic. Now I will try and lower it even more.

    I am really grateful for the criticism because it is the main way for me to get better at building. I will add another version for you to test, even aside from the challenge, as soon as I can and I am sorry for the long lag of the reply, I am just moving in another house. Thank you very much for the time you invested in my build.

  • Mobile friendly A10(stable) 2.8 years ago

    It's a nice build. It could use some flaps tho.

  • USS Shrimp 2.8 years ago

    @VrawlYT Thank you very much.

  • USS Shrimp 2.8 years ago

    @Oxen Haha thank you very much I wish you enjoy the build.

  • USS Shrimp 2.8 years ago

    @Oxen Thank you for your input. What can I add to improve it?