1,707 JG6000 Comments

  • Delta Strike Fighter 2 3.3 years ago

    @BeastHunter yes, I kept the thrust vectoring, exactly the same mechanism as you had. It worked very well so I couldn't have done any better!

  • AirSus Rotodyne A39999999 2.7 years ago

    Thats my kind of madness! It has a few, well, erm, how do I put this....flight control issues, namely, it has none.

  • Delta Strike Fighter 2 3.3 years ago

    @BeastHunter I loved the original shape you had used so I wanted to keep it as much as possible.

  • Boeing 737-200 KLM 3.0 years ago


  • Flying Boat 4.1 years ago

    @WiiWiiTheMini - you gotta love it.

  • Future Armed Transport 4.4 years ago

    @11qazxc good thinking!@11qazxc

  • 1950's Rocket 5.0 years ago


  • SpaceShipOne 5.7 years ago

    You can but not for long as it forces the nose up. It’s really just to stabilise it in free-fall and it works perfectly. @asteroidbook345

  • SpaceShipOne 5.7 years ago

    SpaceShipOne was developed before the joint venture with Virgin to develop SpaceShipTwo@ThePlaneCrusher

  • Space Shuttle - Accurate 5.7 years ago

    If you launch the escape craft just after taking off, it will still have fuel for its engine. I couldn’t figure out how to stop the shuttle from using its fuel as well as its own@Sovjetair

  • Military Space Shuttle 5.8 years ago

    You never know what those sneaky military types are up to@MegaFox

  • Little Willie 2 6.0 years ago

    Thanks for the comment, I was pleased with that one. Makes a change from trying to make planes that go as fast as possible. @Thehorriblepilot

  • Flying Pancake (Vought V-173) 6.1 years ago

    Cheers, thanks for the comments. I knew it had problems, I just wasn’t sure how to fix it. I’ll move the props and see what happens@Pilot72