0 JakobsEngineering Comments

  • Hawker Typhoon Mk. IB 8.4 years ago

    @AughtFour Yeah, Macs aren't designed to run programs like this. I have to keep cooling gas (just propane, really) nearby to stop it from overheating.

  • Mac Mod Support??? 8.4 years ago

    @RocketLL I tried this on my Mac, and it said that no such folder exists. I have no experience with Bash, but even when I typed it correctly (obvs putting my actual mac acct name in), it didn't say that file exists. Any suggestions?

  • Strato Buggy 8.7 years ago

    Great buggy! I found that it's a little better offroad when you put front spring strength and damper to 140%, and the rear to 120%.

  • Jelly Planes Must Die 8.9 years ago

    Hey, I've seen complaints about Jelly planes, but I haven't been able to figure out what exactly they are. Can anyone explain for me?

  • Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat 9.0 years ago

    Hot damn! At 1500 ft and ~1285 mph, it can pull steady 13.8G turns with the wings folded!

  • Gulfstream G650 9.9 years ago

    Maximum speed at 10,000 feet with 0° pitch is just over 650 mph. You can get much faster at higher altitudes, and the wings are tuned for optimal performance at around 38,000-46,000 feet. The flight ceiling is around 61,000 ft.

  • MiG-29 Fulcrum 10.0 years ago

    If you want to fit VTOL thrusters, go ahead as there's a VTOL engine built into the airframe. I designed the plane with it there, with the intention to use VTOL thrusters for increased thrust and speed, but so far it hasn't been practical, as the affects on flight characteristics outweigh the benefits in speed. I am currently working on this, and will upload another version when the issue is rectified. However, do not replace the VTOL engine with fuel, as the fuel is too light, and will adversely effect the weight distribution