13.6k JayDay60 Comments

  • [CLOSED] Car Replica Challenge 7.1 years ago

    Needs more jdm

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    1. How? It's literally a recreation of a viral video and meme with a bomb inside it so it can actually be of use in other creations. 2. Reread the site's rules. There's children here, please don't use foul language. @TheOwlAce

  • Future Car 6.3 years ago

    The front looks like a mix of Mazda CX-9 and the 2019 Honda Accord Sport Touring, the hood and fender pattern looks like Lamborghini, and the back looks like a 2012 Honda Insight.

  • President bush plane 6.3 years ago

    RIP HW

  • Borg Cube 6.6 years ago

    @whereby you really just had me return from my retirement on SP to come here and read a reply that was aimed at what was clearly a joke.

  • If Simpleplanes users were classmates 6.9 years ago

    Me(hey I'd probably be the dude looking at Star Wars crap on my computer in class)

  • T-70 X wing 7.1 years ago

    Best X-Wing I've seen on the site.


    When you first open the game, click on settings and toggle gyro controls @icecoldcore

  • Star Wars V-4X-D Ski-Speeder 7.1 years ago

    Thank you @TheLatentImage

  • Star Wars V-4X-D Ski-Speeder 7.2 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/KyTo95/V-4X-D-Ski-Speeder-MOBILE-FRIENDLY Uploaded the mobile version and you can find it here. @88blaroo

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    You have uploaded concepts of prototype and legitimate aircraft that was used by Germany in WW2, or the Nazi Party at that time. @TheOwlAce

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    Oh pulling rank now huh? I'm in a state college of 15 THOUSAND people. I hear this 100+ times a day, and on top of that, I work in a fast paced work environment. The meme is in the forefront, and you could just have easily ignored this post, but instead you are throwing in pointless insults rather than be critical. You're a high school senior, you should know better than to be mean just because you don't like something without making a change. @Zippy6

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    1. I'm white, granted, but I do not want to be any other color. 2. You do not know how a meme works. 3. You are implying that I am a Nazi, but you're the one who has posted a slew of Nazi era planes on your profile. 🙊@TheOwlAce

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    I appreciate your gratitude and compassion for my work. @Mijmaj

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    Thank god there's a block one.@Zippy6

  • Resistance Ski Speeder 7.2 years ago

    I actually liked it when it first came out but I don't think I had internet at the time and it didn't go through.@chancey21

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    Someone just did lol@Tribaldragon1

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    Good for you. @Awsomur

  • Do you know da wae 7.2 years ago

    It may offend some Ugandan citizens, however this is a creation that is replicating a viral video. This post could be seen as racist in the same way that people are offended by Nazis(rightfully so), and yet people still post Nazi weaponry and technology creations here. You can't tell me that this post is "oh so horrible" because of separate events on different platforms without drawing comparisons of other possibly offensive things of said platforms, like previously stated Nazi items. @CALVIN232

  • [TEASER] my second Star Wars build is here 7.2 years ago

    Up 2 u man. @chancey21

  • Star Wars V-4X-D Ski-Speeder 7.2 years ago

    Increase throttle for a speed boost at the cost of maneuverability@xGeneralFischx

  • [TEASER] my second Star Wars build is here 7.2 years ago

    Forgot to mention but I tried to add that into mine. The instructions are on my post but I would suggest switching it to trim instead of VTOL.@BACconcordepilot

  • Star Wars V-4X-D Ski-Speeder 7.2 years ago

    What's your part limit? I'll see what I can do for you. @88blaroo Doesn't mean you can't still do it! I would love to see how you do it! @chancey21 I can answer your question with your name lol @Mostly Spoilers! @ProKillaV12 Han died in Rogue One confirmed. @Boisdad

  • Dick plane 7.2 years ago

    Please read the rules before posting and please remove this post.
    Thank you.

  • [CLOSED] Nuclear Weapon Challenge 7.4 years ago

    8=D hehe @Awsomur

  • Tournemant entry... 7.4 years ago

    I am actually, but Mahkie Mahk is a god among men.@RailfanEthan

  • Tournemant entry... 7.4 years ago

    Hey shut up I'm from Dorchesta.@RailfanEthan

  • Rick's Space Cruiser 7.4 years ago

    Ah jeez Rick, y-y-you are making me nervous oh

  • 1.7 Beta now available 7.6 years ago

    SimplePlanes? More like ComplexPlanes, I love it.

  • AH-829 7.6 years ago

    I got a BF3 vibe from this, me likey a lot.

  • Supercharged V6 7.6 years ago

    This needs more upvotes, the air filter alone is amazing.

  • Rasamama S36(NO MAN'S SKY) 7.6 years ago

    That was E3 2015. Then take a look at literally any interview he ever did. He says yes to literally any question, and that's the lying part. If it is planned to be a part of the game, then just say that it will be implemented as soon as possible, not "yes, it's 100% there." Have you ever heard of Ghost Recon Wildlands? The multiplayer portion of the game was promised back before the game dropped, but it wasn't promised to be included when the game launched. That's what NMS should have done. The game was classified as a AAA title and charged $60 per copy, that means Hello Games has to take responsibility for their actions. I downloaded the game after the last update like 2 days ago, and it's still boring. They should have given PC an early access version and built on that, but no, they had to drop it on PS4 to cash in on the hype and no one who got the digital edition could refund it. @ThatTotalRando

  • Rasamama S36(NO MAN'S SKY) 7.6 years ago

    There's one thing I hate that people do. Lie. And Sean Murray completely lied about the game, which is the biggest case of false advertising that I've ever seen. That makes me mad, AND on top of that, they charged $60 for a game with less content than a plastic shopping bag. @ThatTotalRando

  • Rasamama S36(NO MAN'S SKY) 7.6 years ago

    Done. @ThatTotalRando

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    42°13'41"N 71°0'17"W @F104Deathtrap Research it and then you'll understand.

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    That's fine my friend, but you do not have to. I mean I live on the other end of the entire country! @AdrianFlyingAce

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    The website caps off at 800 parts, and it's not hard to see why lol @SweptBackWing14 What are you bombing? The building or your game? @AstleyIndustries haha thanks! What device do you have?

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    @MrVaultech I have something coming I think you'll enjoy. @WeeBabySeamus Keep being awesome, this game is and will always be the best. @grizzlitn thanks man!

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    With lots of crashing and frustration. @CALVIN232

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    I'll try that, thank you! @jamesPLANESii

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.7 years ago

    iPad Air 2 64GB, thanks! @destroyerP

  • It's time for a BIG plane! 7.7 years ago

    The website caps off at 800, he would just need to make an unlisted post with the cockpit detached and then mobile users can download it. @CDRxavier

  • IMPORTANT 7.7 years ago

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kiuVKyTwwtw @helilover03

  • Flakpanzer.291 'Himmelsauge' 7.7 years ago

    TIE fighter, calling it now. @grizzlitn

  • -Arrivel- 7.7 years ago

    @Fjorge @JoddyFubuki788 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/

  • -Arrivel- 7.7 years ago

    That movie SUUUUUUUCKED

  • Red Baron 7.7 years ago

    Make something you like, not what other people will. Toy around a bit, have fun, and build your heart away. It's not about the fame, it's about having fun in a community. @Jamesflight04

  • Red Baron 7.7 years ago

    Well I would say start from whatever you find interesting. Planes/Replicas/Gadgets? I like Star Wars, so most of my profile is Star Wars replicas. @Jamesflight04

  • Red Baron 7.7 years ago

    Dude man, you added 1 part. It may have adjusted the flight pattern, but it does still qualify as a copied upload. Also, the original creator clearly does not want this on the site, so the best course of action here is for you to delete this upload and create something new. No hard feelings, but if this upload still stays against BogdanX's wishes, then unfortunately you will be made fun of and/or attacked over it.(Not me, I honestly don't mind, I just want a clear environment.) @Jamesflight04

  • B-1 Battle Droid 7.9 years ago

    I was referring to the Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer, not you specifically lol. @SSGTWolf