Nah lol. I might make something even better. Could very easily do so just from flipping the fuselage upside down and using it as inlets (scaled down) @Awsomur
I was thinking something around 1.5x the size of a C-5 with bomb bays in the wings. Or something similar to the B-36 with a cargo bay too. @Himynameiswalrus
No idea. I can experiment when I have time. @Flightsonic
It can depend on the size of the plane and number of engines. The bigger the plane/the more engines, the more countermeasures needed.
Hmmmmm I’ve got something for this from my old account. Just need to add flaps, and make custom landing gear that brake better than stock ones.
My honda jet
I know. Personally I think I’m decent, it’s just that yours is so perfect@jamesPLANESii
I mean this next line purely as a joke
rage quits sp because I’ll never be that good
If it’s a replica it’s probably fine.
mentioned you on it
How big?
V-22 with full cockpit and cargo bay
@dootdootbananabus nope. forgot to add, once the cockpit location was rotated, save new location as "form left/right" or something
@dootdootbananabus Put the cockpit on an arm/rotator contraption and rotate it 90 degrees, and slightly behind the yeager spawn point
Go ahead. I’m like a cockroach. i always come back
Nah lol. I might make something even better. Could very easily do so just from flipping the fuselage upside down and using it as inlets (scaled down) @Awsomur
Are you Elmer Fudd? XD
Yikes overload doesn’t support much for missiles and guns yet. @Flightsonic
What types of xml are suggested?
@GINGER01 @Awsomur @CoolPeach
Ah ok. @Himynameiswalrus
BIGGER Jk. Do what you want@Himynameiswalrus
I was thinking something around 1.5x the size of a C-5 with bomb bays in the wings. Or something similar to the B-36 with a cargo bay too. @Himynameiswalrus
Ah never mind then. @Himynameiswalrus
Or a huge plane with both
A plane with a modular bomb bay/cargo bay choice
In a little while. Still at school. @QingyuZhou
Nope. I could scale it for you. @QingyuZhou
Build it big with high detail and then scale it down with the fine tuner mod. @QingyuZhou
I love Star Wars, but sometimes I think that the SP forums should display the tags on the post outside of the full post itself...
Maybe a 2:1 or 1.5:1 scale? (2 or 1.5 feet for every 1foot of real scale)
@CoolPeach he maybe doesnt know how though. A setup using stock parts and controls would be a rotator attatched to a separate wing section
Sometimes. They can be weird. But they have to have wing panels of some sort in them
Panel lines? Not too many.
If either reattach it to the hinge point at the top (you’ll have to look) or you’ll just have to stay in the air. @Maten123
Which part of the wheel is it?@Maten123
I use postimg and it works every time @Awsomur
Models like plastic models? Hasegawa, Tamiya, etc?
Soooooo little tiny boxes?
Nudging and scaling
That’s a glitch with the missiles. The attatchment point got messed up so they probably didn’t deploy all the way. @SimpleFlow
I still have yet to figure out how to do that and have it look good. @Hyperloop
J7W1 Shinden
@Hyperloop actually based mine off of yours. Similar constuction technique but a bit simpler. Probaly do something twin engine next.
What details should I Add?
[word people click] (url here)
No space in between the brackets and parentheses.
XML modded fuel tanks. Also, fuselage blocks can hold fuel.
@AndrewGarrison just wondering, but why can’t we do this?
Pretty sure he was talking about the mod@Awsomur
goodbye sad oink
Not quick because the shape is difficult, but McDonnel Douglas’s JSF concept. If you dig a bit on the internet you’ll find drawings of it