@SPTNR thanks for the upvote. But how does 2020 relate to the plane.
Also thanks @cooldude321 for the spotlight
Btw why does it say 3 parts
The crash physics are pretty good. It’s just to hard to fly
@Airstar consider upvoting, it’ll help me out.
Underrated, good job.
Did you even test it?
The most unpopular post Maybe not once i comment
Didn’t he just retire? (Leave simple planes)
Thanks “@RepublicofWrightIsles” for the feedback on the previous version.
@RepublicofWrightIsles i understand
@RepublicofWrightIsles it works for me
Thank you
@SPTNR thanks for the upvote. But how does 2020 relate to the plane.
+1Also thanks @cooldude321 for the spotlight
+1Btw why does it say 3 parts
The crash physics are pretty good. It’s just to hard to fly
@Airstar consider upvoting, it’ll help me out.
Underrated, good job.
Did you even test it?
The most unpopular post
Maybe not once i comment
Didn’t he just retire? (Leave simple planes)
Thanks “@RepublicofWrightIsles” for the feedback on the previous version.
@RepublicofWrightIsles i understand
@RepublicofWrightIsles it works for me
Thank you