@spefyjerbf I asked to do that, but Megaplanes wanted it to be public. I will not allow that next time. Thanks for the suggestion... I do not like it that no one looks at the desc. and then people like Tully2001 get upset that I am getting free upvotes for no work...
@Meep261 Thanks!
Thanks @Awsomur
Thanks @Cfire22
Ya @Kevinairlines
Get the file path from a ping image ex. C:Joco80/Image/WolfEatingAWatermon.png then hit enter @Warbrine
Thanks!!! @doge @doge
@Kevinairlines No, sorry. It has to many colors...
@Smasher Weird...
@Smasher Sorry to hear that... That is very strange.
Try reinstalling it. That should not be possible. If you have any armor items in the plane it will require the mod ... @Smasher
:) @A3
Thanks... @Birdman9301
@doge Okay great
@Tully2001 :)
@Tully2001 Oh, I see. Thanks. I did not understand... :)
@AudioDud3 :)
@AudioDud3 Yup!
@spefyjerbf I asked to do that, but Megaplanes wanted it to be public. I will not allow that next time. Thanks for the suggestion... I do not like it that no one looks at the desc. and then people like Tully2001 get upset that I am getting free upvotes for no work...
@AudioDud3 No problem, you deserve it!
@Kevinairlines :)
The link has expired... Set it to no expiration... I would love to come and maybe be a mod...
@doge Okay
@Dollarbling0852 Thanks
@doge Great!
@doge Okay, how about a small, fast attack helicopter..
@Kevinairlines ...I might be able to make you one 4 times the size, but 10 will crash my PC which can run 16000 parts...
@Dllama4 Thanks
@doge Okay, what kind of stuff are you best at?
@Tully2001 This is what I did not want...
@saturn28 Nice!
@MAHADI Not really... But thanks
@Tully2001 That is why I asked for no upvotes...
@saturn28 Which major?
@saturn28 Awesome!
Do you do replicas? If so, of what era?