768 K692 Comments

  • F4 carrier variant 9.4 years ago

    @Rohan Thanks ! (:

  • F-4 Phantom Replica 9.4 years ago

    @Meawk It was an awesome plane but it had a huge turn radius and it was easily outturned by the migs.

  • F-35B 9.4 years ago

    @Bakon Thanks for your suggestion, however I'm not skilled enough to make the rotating engine

  • F-35B 9.5 years ago

    @Meawk yeah it looks a bit off since we can't replicate it accurately using the structural nose cone block.
    Feel free to improve my design

  • parachutes 9.5 years ago

    Already suggested it here :

  • Fly through clouds! 9.5 years ago

    That would be nice but you have to remember that it's the kind of thing that doesn't add that much to the game but could make it harder to run on android or ios.

  • A Quick survey. 9.5 years ago

    That would be cool but I wouldn't buy one

  • Easter egg hunt 9.5 years ago

    I remember reading it on simpleplane's subreddit, I'm trying to find it.

  • The drought (upvotes) 9.5 years ago

    Yeah the vote system is useless otherwise.
    If you think people should see it then upvote it.

  • Weapons? 9.5 years ago

    @Kevpilot Tried it a few times but I can't get to have a big enough tank that doesn't add a ton of drag or doesn't makes the plane too hard to fly.

  • Whe need Multiplayer! 9.5 years ago

    Not going to happen. They already tried to a few months ago but then they realised that it wouldn't be possible and cancelled it so please stop suggesting it it's just a waste of time.

  • F-18 Hornet with CFTs 9.5 years ago

    @Tomospercy29 I don't give a shit about haters. I made a plane, if you like it then that's great, if you don't but have some constructive feedback that's also cool, but if you don't have anything better to do with your time than hating for something this dumb then you should seriously think about where your life is heading right now.

  • Weapons? 9.5 years ago

    Multiple calibers guns (.30 cal, .50 cal 20mm gun m61 vulcan gau8), unguided rockets, bombs ranging from SDBs to 2000 pounds bombs, some stormshadows missiles, and fuel tanks.

  • VTOL 9.5 years ago

    The control surfaces are too big

  • .Metor 9.5 years ago

    The gears are misplaced and the control surfaces, it's too draggy and there is not a lot of fuel but it flies pretty well

  • winging it 9.5 years ago

    Can't fly well, the vertical stabilizator don't stand on their own, you didn't restrict the rotators, it is underpowered and it only takes off at the end of the strip

  • Streamline mk 5 9.5 years ago

    There's way too much inlets so the drag is really high and it's either underpowered or too bulky

  • Prop plane 9.5 years ago

    @LordofLego It's a cool little build but no masterpiece. I don't feel like it deserves a 5 stars rating

  • Jet dragster 9.5 years ago

    @SmithyDaGreat Could you add a way to steer it ?

  • Prop plane 9.5 years ago

    Don't forget to use the all/primary/trim1/trim2 button to color each part of a same piece (like to make the blade of the prop darker) !

  • Flying Catapult Mrk3 9.5 years ago

    It's really unstable and the top plane exploded when I pressed activator 1

  • Holly Flying Mackerel 9.5 years ago

    @karlosdarkness Quoting another post : " Sorry but 3 stars is not supposed to be a bad rating. A 5 star rating has lost all of its meaning and is given way too easily. To me a 5 stars planes is really good looking (or an accurate replica) that flies perfectly and has practically no defect, or a really cool concept. A 4 stars has either one (either really good looking or flies really well). The 3 stars are not exceptional builds in any aspect but are still totally flyable. I don't want to disrespect the work you put in so a 3 stars rating will still give you points. The reason I rate this way is because it's hard to find really good planes when they all have 4-5 stars. Sorry if this offended you or whatever, I sincerely didn't meant to do this." Your plane is nice but there's a bit too much drag and I find it a bit imprevisible in how it handles

  • wing and wheels 9.5 years ago

    @KingDeadshot Sorry, I was just trying to be helpful

  • Super drone copter improved 9.5 years ago

    @KingDeadshot My bad, fixed it

  • navy challenge 9.5 years ago

    Some details would help

  • MiG-6 Kazoo 9.5 years ago

    That huge fan in the front is not going to make it stealthy at all...

  • wing and wheels 9.5 years ago

    @KingDeadshot The first thing I do before flying a plane is checking the CoM/CoL/CoT, the thrust to weight ratio and the wing loading. It teaches me a lot about how it's going to behave, and if I notice a problem with its handling I'm going to know what causes it and how to fix it. In this case it's easily fixable and it could make the plane better without much effort. But I still agree on the fact that it is behaving totally decently and it doesn't make it unflyable.

  • The Flying Eagle 9.5 years ago

    I really like it

  • America challenge 9.5 years ago

    I'm in with my F/A-18E Super Hornet : https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/qkZRs2/F-A-18E-Super-Hornet-IMPROVED-VERSION

  • wing and wheels 9.5 years ago

    You should try to put the CoT on the same height as the CoM otherwise it's going to be pitching up/down heavily.

  • Aircraftwjs 9.5 years ago

    Unflyable and ugly

  • F18 hornet 9.5 years ago

    Sorry but calling it F18 is lying, I was not expecting this

  • A simple plane 9.5 years ago

    There's too much inlets (and as a result the drag is huge), there is not enough fuel, the horizontal stabilizers are too small and the CoM/CoL are WAY too far apart, and it makes the plane really hard to maneuver

  • Aircraft 9.5 years ago

    I really like it but there's no yaw control

  • Thrust vectoring copter I 9.5 years ago

    Hey it's a pretty nice plane but I improved it here : https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/wTu575/Thrust-vectoring-copter-improved Don't forget to rate it to let me know what you think of it (:

  • Hang Monorail 9.5 years ago

    Great concept but it's blocked in the first turn

  • helijet 9.5 years ago

    I like it but it's more a STOL than a heli. You should make the paint a bit lighter though and maybe make the control surfaces bigger.

  • P-21J Devastator 9.5 years ago

    I really like how it looks

  • B7 anphibiancrawler 9.5 years ago

    Looks cool but here are some tips to improve it : The roll surfaces are too big. You need inlets (the flame is yellow, it's supposed to be orange). The engines are too high and it makes the plane spin. The rear gears are at the end of the plane, you should put them just behind the center of mass(it will make taking off from the runway easier).

  • LockheedP-38 9.6 years ago

    Pretty good but you should move the rear gears forward, remove the rear vertical stabilizer facing downwards because it gets destroyed when taking off, and fine tune the wings because it pitches down really hard

  • F-15 Replica 9.6 years ago

    Hey, I improved it quite a bit here : https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/DL7829/beefmens-F-15-improved Let me know what you think of it ! (:

  • Delta 9.6 years ago

    Hey, it's not so bad for a second plane, but here are some tips : First, you NEED 3 landing gears. Otherwise it's going to be hard to take off, and impossible to land. You can put either 2 in the rear or 2 in the front, but it's easier to land with 2 in the rear (you slowly descend and just before touching the ground, you pull up and slow down using the speed brakes). Next, if you put a gear at the rear, it shouldn't be on the last block, otherwise it can't take off until the end of the runway if your plane doesn't pitch up naturally (like the p51 mustang, see how the rear gear is way higher than the front gears ?). You just need to have some gears in front of the COM/COL and behind. Your control surfaces are also way too big and make the plane unstable. You should try to find the optimal size. Good luck and keep making planes to get better at it !

  • Flying wing 10.0 years ago

    @TMach5 Thanks man glad to see that you appreciate it.

  • @K692 - Worst VTOL ever fix 10.0 years ago

    That's dope man