@Kenneth_ you used easy roads 3 for roan network ?
also give it a try maybe it can be a android compatible.
i can provide you old mod tools if you need.
but still if this map become android compatible i think most of the phones cant run it because this map uses lot of trees grass and other beautiful things.
@Datarcuchir mmm thats weird. I never seen that before. Go to your posts and check if unlisted mod post apear. Or maybe try to upload spmod.info file from different device.
@Datarcuchir sp site for comunication. First go to sp mod page click create then upload spmod.info file on simpleplanes then upload photos dowloand links and etc.
I need make this: when Pitch is more than positive or negative 0.2 piston stop working when Pitch are under positive or negative 0.2 Piston works again
So i made this Pitch<0.2 but with this when Pitch are more than positive 0.2 piston stops this is fine but when Pitch are more than negative 0.2 piston didn't stops.
@FLOWRIDER0 @ACEPILOT109 part count is more than 2000 part. Yes It bit laggy but my phone can't run original version because it load cpu much. But my version load gpu but whole building is occlosion culled thats why my phone can handle it.
Someone say it copied but it's not copied its based on haneda airport
Go to sp mod wiki then install unity and dowloand mod tools you can also see jundroos tutorial this tutorial is old but i think this can help you.
First make pc version then i teach you how to make mods for android because you need another unity version and mod tools for android also you need android sdk tools
@lianken thanks
@Kenneth_ what about Google drive?
I have discord but google drive is more comfortable for me to send you old mod tools.
Here is a link
@Kenneth_ you used easy roads 3 for roan network ?
also give it a try maybe it can be a android compatible.
i can provide you old mod tools if you need.
but still if this map become android compatible i think most of the phones cant run it because this map uses lot of trees grass and other beautiful things.
@Kenneth_ after 1.9 update only mods that don't have codes in them is still compatible for android. But some custom scripts still working.
First you need unity 2018.3.8 and old mod tools because new mod tools don't have android mod builder.
You can still make maps and plugins for android but you cant make part mods android compatible
@SierraX how many part plane can your phone run? I planning to buy galaxy s8 and i am interested.
Cool. first mod for ios
@AndrePlaysSP send message to andrew from jundroo website maybe you find more accurate answer
@AndrePlaysSP this post
@AndrePlaysSP i seen post about it. I don't know this is true or not but 3 month and it costs money
@IlyaPasternak that's means mod isn't compatible with simpleplanes
@buildingisoverrated you have limited amount of time to recovery your account so think about it.
@KnightOfRen i already read
This is so unfortunate
Kakhikotchauri1 #4658
@Datarcuchir i ill download discord
@Datarcuchir mmm thats weird. I never seen that before. Go to your posts and check if unlisted mod post apear. Or maybe try to upload spmod.info file from different device.
@Datarcuchir sp site for comunication. First go to sp mod page click create then upload spmod.info file on simpleplanes then upload photos dowloand links and etc.
@SnoWFLakE0s update i made this (Pitch<0.25)+(-Pitch<0.25) and it works fine.
Still thanks
@SnoWFLakE0s i have question.
I need make this: when Pitch is more than positive or negative 0.2 piston stop working when Pitch are under positive or negative 0.2 Piston works again
So i made this Pitch<0.2 but with this when Pitch are more than positive 0.2 piston stops this is fine but when Pitch are more than negative 0.2 piston didn't stops.
Can you help me?
@AWESOMENESS360 cool but need jumping function.
@BagelPlane thanks
@exosuit i am a mod creator and I alredy have conclusion about this mod.
I and 1918 can't collaborate so i leave mod removed.
If you don't know i don't care about points
@Strikefighter04 thanks
@exosuit ok if you think that, you can use original haneda.
"Quick way to get upvotes"
Looks like you were never created mod
@FLOWRIDER0 @ACEPILOT109 part count is more than 2000 part. Yes It bit laggy but my phone can't run original version because it load cpu much. But my version load gpu but whole building is occlosion culled thats why my phone can handle it.
Someone say it copied but it's not copied its based on haneda airport
@BeryllCorp my version is modified and customized also terminal location changed and etc. dowloand his haneda and see what is a difference.
I'll remove this post after I upload mod.
You can't download mod here.
I'll upload this mod after i finish development
@BuiltBionixInd10 try my Wright town 2 map. It is a much less laggy on android
I am from post soviet country and people hate soviet cars here xD ( it is a cheapest car here )
But very nice build.
I I'll dowloand it :)
@AndrewGarrison yes exactly. It became 3d when you get close
Yes!!! Finally glass.
My suggestion N1
70% or more Parts disappear when player crash their creation so can devs add xml feature that can make part non disappeareble after crash ?
suggestion N2
Can devs add brake inputs for car wheel ?
Then we can use other inputs for wheel braking.
@BagelPlane can you give me your pre-set degree auto trim ?
@Snowdog see video again. You don't need to open file. See full video
@TheSavageManZ cool. I hope you create sport cars in future. Cars like nissan 370z dodge viper and etc.
i know video editing is piece of junk. also because of screen recorder software video quality is low
@Jontor if you enabled map go to menu and click "Mods sandboxs Maps"
@theeunknown thanks 😊
@officialryanyang thanks for inviting. But sadly i didn't use discord.
@MiladicPlanes try
@officialryanyang mm i don't know what is that. But make sure you import mod tools
@officialryanyang i use old 2018.3.8f1 and i don't know why you have problem in 2018.4 .
But if you still cant solve this problem try 2018.3.8f1
here is a link of 2018.3.8.f1 sp mod tools version
Go to sp mod wiki then install unity and dowloand mod tools you can also see jundroos tutorial this tutorial is old but i think this can help you.
First make pc version then i teach you how to make mods for android because you need another unity version and mod tools for android also you need android sdk tools
@mohsen thank you for answer :) i ill try. Good luck :)
@AircroftDesigin wow first spotlight ever for me. Thank you :D
@Biscool i think this post can help you
Thank you @BogdanX @Zackracer10 for helping thank you
@BogdanX you are right suspension strength is too much. Thanks again for good recommendations :)
@BogdanX i change mass scale to 1 and it works very nicely now. :) :) :)