4,371 KarlovyVary Comments

  • Yakovlev Yak-15 4.8 years ago


  • OS2U Kingfisher (Depth Charge Modded) 8 months ago

    Since this work is activated by Detacher, it would work the same way if the object to be detached was not a rocket but a wooden fin part.

  • OS2U Kingfisher (Depth Charge Modded) 8 months ago

    I use rockets. Bombs and missiles disappear underwater, but rockets do not.

  • Nakajima KI-84 Hayate 4.1 years ago

    Sure,Any time.

  • Messerschmitt Me209 4.9 years ago


  • Focke-Wulf 190 A 4.9 years ago

    どういたしまして〜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )

  • FN SCAR-L (Many fixes) 1.8 years ago

    It is possible, but I don't know what variations other users want, so you may not get what you are looking for.

  • Auto Hopup SSM(Playable and AI) 3.7 years ago

    If you can get rid of the hop-up behavior, you can make Cleaver or Inferno missiles with them inside. However, it is very difficult for me to explain how to make them using only text.

    You can refer to my postings of penguin missiles and AAMs, as well as other people's postings of aircraft equipped with missiles that look different from SimplePlanes missiles.

  • Auto Hopup SSM(Playable and AI) 3.7 years ago

    If you want to make this missile a sub-assembly, you can't keep the Hopup feature. Again, this is because the behavior of the missile is determined using data obtained from the cockpit (like the cockpit parts on your aircraft providing you with altitude, speed, etc.).

    So if you put a missile in a different aircraft as a sub-assembly, it will not get those data and will not work properly.

  • Auto Hopup SSM(Playable and AI) 3.7 years ago

    You can't, because the missile's behavior is determined entirely by the data obtained from the cockpit on the missile, and the missile itself must be a single entity.

  • IS-2 model 1944 3.7 years ago

    Don't use the DShK I made to put on my IS-2M. Please delete any work that uses my DShK. If you make an original DShK or put up a DShK of a user other than me with permission, it is up to you to post it again.

  • T-54 3.7 years ago

    Don't use the DShK I made to put on my IS-2M. Please delete any work that uses my DShK. If you make an original DShK or put up a DShK of a user other than me with permission, it is up to you to post it again.

  • ISU-122 3.7 years ago

    Don't use the DShK I made to put on my IS-2M. Please delete any work that uses my DShK. If you make an original DShK or put up a DShK of a user other than me with permission, it is up to you to post it again.

  • Auto Hopup SSM(Playable and AI) 3.7 years ago

    You just need to lock onto the enemy. You can't steer it by yourself. It's all automatic.

  • Auto Hopup SSM(Playable and AI) 3.7 years ago

    Because it's two pictures.

  • IS-2M (Czechoslovakia) 4.4 years ago

    I only have the iOS version of SimplePlanes, so I can't post my work that supports mods.

    So, you'll have to make this work that supports the mods by yourself.

  • Penguin Missile 4.7 years ago

    I just found out about Club Penguin and thought SpeedBan sounded interesting

  • FN SCAR-L 5.0 years ago

    Thank you for your comments!

    The description field contains the URL containing the modified version and description, so please check it if you like…

  • Bf-109 K-4 5.1 years ago

    Thank You bro

  • Bf-109 K-4 5.1 years ago

    Thank you bro!

  • Bf-109 K-4 5.1 years ago


  • Bf-109 K-4 5.1 years ago

    Thank you!

  • MBT1 5.3 years ago

    Uh-huh. I seem to have misunderstood. I'm sorry

  • MBT1 5.3 years ago

    Hey,I'm Predecessor about This Tank.
    I'm not your cousin who are 8years.
    Why did you tell such a lie?

  • Type-23 MainBattleTank 5.7 years ago

    Thank you!

  • Type-23 MainBattleTank 5.7 years ago

    Thanks for nice your opinion!
    I‘ll Improve there when I craft Tank

  • Type-23 MainBattleTank 5.7 years ago


    Some parts were edited by my friend.
    I now understand that I have to write it.
    Thank you for your opinion. I'll be careful in future.