@PZLAerospace Trun on the BAT, next is Fuel Pump Left And Right,APUBleed--On ,APUStart,Next Bleed R ,and eng2start--on ,and find the fuel supply valve switch No'2,ye trun it on ,next is eng1start and fuel supply valve switchNo'1,now trun on the HYDL and HYDR trun EngBleeds Off ,APUStart off APUBleed off ,now you can fly
@DevXternal You have to start engines
+11@PZLAerospace Trun on the BAT, next is Fuel Pump Left And Right,APUBleed--On ,APUStart,Next Bleed R ,and eng2start--on ,and find the fuel supply valve switch No'2,ye trun it on ,next is eng1start and fuel supply valve switchNo'1,now trun on the HYDL and HYDR trun EngBleeds Off ,APUStart off APUBleed off ,now you can fly
+5@alann 你认为你很吊吗,会说有个P用啊,做批评家要有实力,小瘪三。
+4@alann 哇,geigei好厉害啊,太NB了,我真的佩服我们家geigei
+3@CoralQu 我是傻逼
+2@ApplePies74 Not. No any mod on this post.
+1I'm making the rework of Boeing2707-200 )
+1there are a lot of B747 on the site, but they are all always perfect, yours is in the low grade
+1@FlashAirCEO 您不佩在这里评论
+1@MrCOPTY fixed
+1@NoblePlanesLTD Maybe
+1@Cereal So sorry,I don't know how to reduce the number of parts
+1@FaLLin1 MOD
+1@ChineseSPplayer1714 我对此感到难过
+1@XAircraftManufacturer About the windows
+1@Theflyingtoaster Why?
+1@nagefengkuangdejiashiyuan The procedure is on the joystick
+1@Boeing777x Oh right,in fact it's Antonov An-225,And it's will be a rally complex plane.
+1@Ericshideout I fixed it,but how to upload new XML film
@LM0418 Maybe
@rsanyal02 事实上我注意到这个问题很久了,但我不知道该怎么解决这个问题
@SpacecityCobra81 Maybe you had forgot some thing
So beautiful work.
@PZLAgencies Have you ever think why somebody can fly it but you
@PZLAgencies 由于我的英语水平不好,所以麻烦您用翻译器看这段话
当您下载我的搭载冷舱启动流程的飞机以后,您可以看见在驾驶员一侧有一些类似于XXXX………………………[ ]的符号与文字
@cx332 不管他
@Decembermin Thx for your remind
@Decembermin Oh you say this,I was thought you means inside
@Decembermin Cockpit was made by myself
@Decembermin Wtf man ,I'm the original maker
@superconstellation Because its more beauty.
@superconstellation Why not
@ThatGuy36 And I could make it be easier.
@ThatGuy36 But I don't want make a new B-777.So you can expect my next work.
@Ytcaptainjeffthepilot1234 Maybe I could try something new.
@realSavageMan 那这个技术的缺点也体现出来了
@realSavageMan 就是,翼根后面那里的形状不是很平滑
@EmpireOfSimpleplanes 一种程序算法简称
@Krikkit42 Attention your speed please