4,090 KendirovOKB Comments

  • Advanced Targeting 5.6 years ago

    Where do i find the mod setting?

  • Tactical Laser System Mod 5.7 years ago

    I am playing in and is having some problem with this mod.
    1. The texture around the laser appears to be opaque but can be fixed with dofferent reflection settings, but will result in the laser texture having reflections as well. This goes the same for the muzzle flash of the laser weapons
    2. The Laser is not doing damage

  • ADF-11F 'Raven' 5.9 years ago

    The model is pretty good, but flys like a turtle overall

  • ADF-11 F Raven 5.9 years ago

    This deserve more like.

  • CI-22 Cricket 1.3 years ago

    @porgpilot Thanks dawg, that slipped under my radar somehow

  • DeHavilland Fennec 3.4 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming thanks mate, definately going to use it on my upcoming builds

  • AV-8B Harrier II [Mobile Friendly?] 3.6 years ago

    @Blaze15 This account has been inert for a while and expect it to be that way for quite some time. my builds in simpleplanes so far are just a little hobby when im bored at school

    With Covid in effect im working from home and PC games are something accessible, I'll put your request in consideration when I have time

  • Yakovlev Yak-9T 4.3 years ago

    Supreme bias nuke launcher, I found the right flap to bug around and colliding with the aileron while the aileron is in work, otherwise, its a upvote

  • AV-8B Harrier II [Mobile Friendly?] 4.3 years ago

    Thank you for the many uploads people. It has been a while since ive achieved more than 5 upvotes

  • How do you actually create custom thumbnail 4.3 years ago

    @PhantomAviator Yes, DesignerSuite is a mod that is used for overlaying blueprints so you can make an accurate replica. Another use of DesignerSuite is also to make custom thumbnail by overlaying whatyou want as a thumbnail into your hanger. The mod has now been made as an integral part of the game

  • How do you actually create custom thumbnail 4.3 years ago

    Oh welp, my fault, false alarm. I did not play around with the built in designer suite enough

  • Propito ATF-391B founder 4.3 years ago

    Long harrier

  • Same-Class Submarine 4.4 years ago

    Now we need a Different-Class submarine, I very much appreciate the mobile friendly nature of this submarine

  • XT-F 06 Astaroth 4.5 years ago

    Hell, you cant stop me from being your upvotes farm. Take it

  • SLUAV 5.3 years ago


  • Gilgewher Industries BCVG-205 Hresvelgr KannonGunship 5.3 years ago

    I like the overall crazy design of this plane. You might have just created a flying tank.
    Maybe Ill try a design like this on a jet. Thanks for the inspiration

  • Shenyang J-21 Jin Wu “Gold Phoenix 5.3 years ago

    I like the design on this plane
    The supermanueverbility is true but your plane is not turning at a constant rate, more like wobbling.
    All control axis are quite unstable also.
    I suggest draining the fuel from the wing since that increases wing loading and impairs your rolling speed.
    Or if possible, make the whole plane lighter or increase lifting surface to get rid of the wobbling.
    The takeoff can be a bit messy if you pulled up too hard also

  • F-1veN 5.4 years ago

    A great overall build and I have found an issue causing the slow pitch.

    The front canard, the front canard control are wrong. It should be inverted to negate the slow pitch speed.

  • ADF-01 Falken 5.4 years ago

    My opinion, not a complaint
    The model doesnt have the stealth look of the Falken but did get most right. The manueverbility is also limited

    What i really like.
    The fact that you can open the nose to reveal the tls and open the missile compartment.
    The engine nozzle.
    That, mentioned above is something my ADF-01 Falken doesnt have (I do have one, check it out if you want)

    Still, its rare to find a good Falken like this

  • Mobile-friendly F-8J Crusader 5.5 years ago

    To be honest, your build is a real definition of mobile friendly replica. I still couldnt reach the number of part counts like yours without making my plane wobbling

  • Flying Yorkshire 5.5 years ago

    This is a superweapon

  • Simple F-15 C Eagle 5.6 years ago

    《 Still Alive? Buddy? 》

  • ADFX-02 Morgan "Pixy" 5.6 years ago

    Im simply amazed by this plane having lowbpart counts compared to other Morgans

  • U motors-pantura simplesport 5.7 years ago

    Ill help you with this reaching 10 upvotes and 100 download

  • Teutonic Eagle 5.7 years ago


  • DeHavilland Fennec 2.7 years ago

    @ShocK69 go ahead

  • Su-35S TNI AU 3.6 years ago

    To add picture into description, type the following into your description
    ![](Image link)

    As for where you get image link in the first place, depends, some upload to imgur or other sites but I just post my pic on my discord server and then copy the link of the image

  • Xenosphere RX-112 4.2 years ago

    Why does this remind me of AC3: Electrosphere

  • .RT 7600 (Land) 4.3 years ago

    Superb, i would urge you to fix the cockpit aiming reticle though. The fact that you made the reticle out of a RCS port result in it spewing exhaust while turning causing a white spot in the middle of the reticle as mentioned by @Madmaximus

  • Placinorth FLA-39B Labmer 4.4 years ago

    Im an F-20 Tigershark person, and this looks like a buffed Tigershark to me. Upvoting

  • XHAA-2055 Odin UAV Overseer 4.4 years ago

    How does this not have more upvotes

  • Junkers JU-87 Stuka 4.5 years ago

    You might wanna fix the left landing though, the wheel arent connected

  • Junkers JU-87 Stuka 4.5 years ago

    I can see a good plane building future from this Stuka

  • GAF-1 Varcolac 4.5 years ago

    Files just like the real Varcolac flown by Sulejmani during the boss fight.
    I noticed that the vectoring thruster is inverted while rolling

  • Mikoyan Gurevich MIG-21 4.5 years ago

    Dont worry my guy, my latest build has barely gotten any downloads and upvotes, but all you could do is just keep barrel rolling
    Sometimes your upvotes peak and sometimes you barely get any.

  • MiG-29 [Mobile Friendly] 4.7 years ago

    @Bencampx Nope, sorry to dissapoint

  • XPF-01A Ripper 4.7 years ago

    Crazy manueverbility, I like it. The speed is a bit overkill but I guess that is your preference.
    The fuel tank clips into the wing when you manuever

  • X-02 Wyvern -Knight- 4.7 years ago

    Though I dont like the fact that you used normal engine instead of making vectored thrust, this is one of the best Wyvern I've seen in terms of airframe

  • M-11 '141 4.7 years ago

    @Nerfaddict try putting "![](URL of your image)" in to the description (remove brackets)

  • Su-27 v2 TVC 4.7 years ago

    ![](url of the image)

  • CF-1 '115 5.3 years ago

    This thing flies quite smooth and fast
    The canard layout seems cool also
    I think i might wanna weaponize this

  • ADFX-01 Morgan TLS [Mobile Friendly] 5.3 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes and spotlight

  • E-20 (Teki no Kichi) Setup 1 5.3 years ago

    Really reminds me of the ADFX-01 Morgan
    This is something really worth more than 10 upvote due to its functionality and mobile friendliness

  • Ainoer 220-250 5.4 years ago

    This plane is lacking wings for its weight. And the engine power is a bit too low. But overall, you did fine

  • FF-14 Snarl-2.0 5.4 years ago

    Whats so fun about downloading someone build's just to degrade it and post it again

  • Gloster Meteor F.8 5.4 years ago

    Cool plane but the inner section of the main wing is too long to be a meteor.
    Also, people prefer to have landing gear action group in "Landing Gear" action group, not 1-8

  • Ww2 remake of german stuka 5.4 years ago

    @Liensis Now is not quite the time, he is still new to the game. He will learn along the way

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 5.4 years ago

    Most mobile friendly B-17 ive seen so far. Excellent

  • Simple Mig 5.5 years ago

    This looks more like a Sukhoi to me, tbh.

  • NATF Program Challenge:RESULTS 5.6 years ago

    True that, the War Kite accelerate faster than my crush' hand slapping me