@Fliegerkerlchen ...It obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is.
@Andrewgarrison You have got to realize what a loyal player base you have. The first update in a year, everyone is going to be super happy. It's the last update, but some of us want more. Have you ever considered selling the game to another company that does want to keep updating it?
Also you wont be able to give spotlights to people who have more points than you
@KornAerospace No like time that the aircaft where made (2000s, 1940s)
Is there a specific time period?
@Hahahahaahahshs It’s mostly inspired by the Bristol Blenheim
@Hahahahaahahshs Everyone says this but I was inspired by British aircraft
@Yourlocalhuman I have, I guess I might aswell make one.
@Yourlocalhuman In world war 2?
Do you want any other loadouts?
@BaconAircraft can you make this a succesor of this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/556Da1/B-E2-Tadpole
I may aswell join.
@TheOneAndOnlyToad Ok?
VTOL 4.5th gen multirole swing wing fighter
@AndrewGarrison We don't care about Juno. We want more updates for Sp, or maybe SP2.
+4@AshdenpawTG22 Yeah
Can you do my LF-1M and B-E4?
@AndrewGarrison you upvoted my plane no way
@NAFASIRO We know because he said he was going to and he isn't responding to anything we send him
@ToeTips He's gone
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore I just realised what you meant
@TheOneAndOnlyToad He's 4, why would you even think about that?
@BeechcraftA35 It is, in all honesty, a bad plane, litteraly made by a 4 year old.
+1@BeechcraftA35 I needed something to save it as?
@WaltIsNoobatSP69 They aren't for anything, those are for another plane.
@LunarEclipseSP His reaction was pure innocent joy
+3I wish I was popular enough to have one of these
8 years later…
+1@Stephengraffam221022222 Do you want me to?
@Pan I’m always high
@DaddysTruck1234 you haven’t even made a build, shut up.
+2@DaddysTruck1234 Calm down kid
+1I can make an F-14, but not 2000 parts.
Very cool 👍
@AndrewGarrison when will the update be available on IOS? Also, Something cool to add could be an image uploader for nose art, camos, roundels, etc.
@LoneSpaceGaming ”Air alert!”
@LoneSpaceGaming ”Defend the A point”
@LoneSpaceGaming ”Finaly! a hit!”
**” <— on both sides
@Fliegerkerlchen ...It obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is.
@LoneSpaceGaming "You've got a right wing in your hole"
+1Great! Keep improving!
@Randomplayer "Serves him right!"
@Randomplayer "We've been hit!"
pan from the bestselling game simpleplanes got it!
+1@L3thalPredator You said air-to-air.
@L3thalPredator Any spawned by the game dissappear. If you spawned one yourself, it will be there forever.
@WaltySimplePlanes69 Yes, TengL is from China and that is how we communicate.
@L3thalPredator Infinite range for air-to-air is already in the game.
bug sometimes in camera views the view can lock and you are unable to move the camera and look around
@Andrewgarrison You have got to realize what a loyal player base you have. The first update in a year, everyone is going to be super happy. It's the last update, but some of us want more. Have you ever considered selling the game to another company that does want to keep updating it?
+3Andrew, thank you.