like i said, compare it to other builds of the time and you'll find none other like it. and in case 7 months of being apart of this community wasn't enough to notice, the game gets occasional physics tweaks and after 5.2 years they've taken a toll on these old builds. and it isn't exactly smart to judge a build that you have yet to replicate from an era you were never a part of.
@FoxTwo because it was far ahead of its time. at the time this was built, creations like this were non-existent. there was no xml mod tool, you had to do that manually from the game files so very few people knew how. there weren't near as many parts and options as we have now so builds were seemingly limited but somehow he managed to create this marvel of a bird. that is why is is and forever will be the most upvoted build in SimplePlanes history. not only the looks but the handling as well. compare it to other builds from 5.2 years ago and none can compare.
my only complaint with this plane is that, similar to alot of your planes, it doesnt seem to have any cap on the top speed and if you leave the throttle pinned it will just keep accelerating until the vibrations eventually become too severe for it to fly. Other than that i agree with Deezdudes that this is the most realistic YF-23 on the website by far and it looks and flys amazing
move the weight distribution foward (Remove some of the weight from the rear, add to the front) to prevent wheelies. you can also add downforce to the front by angling a flat-bottomed wing set to preferably around 20% thickness
This aircraft will forever be first place. It has like 812 upvotes. Basically the entire community upvoted it XD this thing isn't going to be matched any time soon
Amazing. I would suggest a fifth gen looking interior (probably one by Gestour, he has some great cockpits and you can modify it to better fit the looks of the aircraft) it is very evident that you spent alot of time working on this and you had great pride in releasing it to the public. Truly amazing.
@TheCommentaryGuy it costs like $100+ and only really gives you customization for your desktop lol. if youre building your own computer its not really worth it since you can just speed that extra money on better hardware
I removed just over 300 parts in exterior details (weapons, tail markings, and the little circle thingy on the fuselage) and was able to run this pretty smoothly on my galaxy note 5
@ZeroHours I figured that was another probable cause. That's likely the physics mode that is causing it to twitch out of control. The same thing happens to helicopter rotors (the old custom ones people made) when on my phone and they would explode. Sorry if my earlier comment came out wrong.
For some odd reason when I try to fly this aircraft, I am able to control it perfectly fine for a few seconds. Then it all goes south and all controls (even looking around) become irresponsive except for zooming. I can't even tap the main menu and restart, or control pitch and roll. (Using mobile device)
@SkyJayTheFirst yeah same. thats what im saying, people just crank the power up and make the plane fly multiple times faster than any plane has ever gone
@SkyJayTheFirst welcome to simple planes where everyone builds the most beautiful recreation known to man of an aircaft then slap an engine it, crank teh power up 2x and call it a day
@OUSSAMAD this is becoming an all too common theme unfortunately. someone recently posted... nothing... literally nothing and people upvoted it. it seems all you have to do is just post something random and come up with some half-done lore for it and people will go crazy for it.
@aircraftarsenal123 thanks, i turned this car into a 2019 spec Dallara chasis (speedway aero and road aero) and was wondering if it was OK with you to post them. i had been searching for more modern indycars for a while but i didnt think there was anyone willing or interested enough to build one so i did it myself. want to post them for anyone else looking for them as well.
i wonder if we were able to somehow make a compact engine and drivetrain combo could we potentially use something like this to make manual or sequantial transmission cars
@JumpingJack based on the tests i've done, no it does not affect drag and apparently it doesn't affect weight either, i was thinking of fuselage blocks. sorry
i REALLY love the aerodynamics on this, i wish there was some way to make a wind tunnel or at least see the airflow over the car because i feel like this car would have some very interesting aero.
finished. the parts that are ruining it are highlighted but now there's another issue, the parts connected to the wheel aren't able to hold themselves up so the whole thing collapses. im going to post another one though with a possible fix for that and you can edit it however you need
there is a bar that is connecting the very front horizontal rod to the horizontal upper rod (just above the shocks). that is preventing them from working. its essentially like putting the shock in a cardboard box, the shock isn't going to move, the box would move but since the box is solid none of it moves
like i said, compare it to other builds of the time and you'll find none other like it. and in case 7 months of being apart of this community wasn't enough to notice, the game gets occasional physics tweaks and after 5.2 years they've taken a toll on these old builds. and it isn't exactly smart to judge a build that you have yet to replicate from an era you were never a part of.
+6@Gameboy21 no, the F-35A isn't VTOL but the F-35B is
+5@CL125 because its a cheap way to get free upvotes for doing nothing because people think its funny
+4@BeeEngineer and one of the highest rated in the past year... this community confuses and worries me at times
+4@FoxTwo because it was far ahead of its time. at the time this was built, creations like this were non-existent. there was no xml mod tool, you had to do that manually from the game files so very few people knew how. there weren't near as many parts and options as we have now so builds were seemingly limited but somehow he managed to create this marvel of a bird. that is why is is and forever will be the most upvoted build in SimplePlanes history. not only the looks but the handling as well. compare it to other builds from 5.2 years ago and none can compare.
+4my only complaint with this plane is that, similar to alot of your planes, it doesnt seem to have any cap on the top speed and if you leave the throttle pinned it will just keep accelerating until the vibrations eventually become too severe for it to fly. Other than that i agree with Deezdudes that this is the most realistic YF-23 on the website by far and it looks and flys amazing
+3my computer would force shutdown and never turn back on if i even attempted to open this xd
+3nice, now i can spawn tons of these in and theres a possibility ill have a birdstrike
+3move the weight distribution foward (Remove some of the weight from the rear, add to the front) to prevent wheelies. you can also add downforce to the front by angling a flat-bottomed wing set to preferably around 20% thickness
+3Love it
+3This aircraft will forever be first place. It has like 812 upvotes. Basically the entire community upvoted it XD this thing isn't going to be matched any time soon
+3Amazing. I would suggest a fifth gen looking interior (probably one by Gestour, he has some great cockpits and you can modify it to better fit the looks of the aircraft) it is very evident that you spent alot of time working on this and you had great pride in releasing it to the public. Truly amazing.
+3@PlaneFlightX thank you so much
+2@TheCommentaryGuy it costs like $100+ and only really gives you customization for your desktop lol. if youre building your own computer its not really worth it since you can just speed that extra money on better hardware
+2@BaconAircraft yeah, its default now because of all the child protection stuff going on
+2I removed just over 300 parts in exterior details (weapons, tail markings, and the little circle thingy on the fuselage) and was able to run this pretty smoothly on my galaxy note 5
+2@ZeroHours I figured that was another probable cause. That's likely the physics mode that is causing it to twitch out of control. The same thing happens to helicopter rotors (the old custom ones people made) when on my phone and they would explode. Sorry if my earlier comment came out wrong.
+2Change the wing position
+2For some odd reason when I try to fly this aircraft, I am able to control it perfectly fine for a few seconds. Then it all goes south and all controls (even looking around) become irresponsive except for zooming. I can't even tap the main menu and restart, or control pitch and roll. (Using mobile device)
+2You know its good...
When the cockpit alone is too great for mobile users
+2@RepublicaOfTurboAirliner id be shocked if most of those mods even work 4 years later
+1@ReinMcDeer no rush, im excited for whatever new aircraft you produce. Good luck in university btw
+1@TheTomatoLover yeah sadly this isn't stealth, its just dodging missiles with a really fast aircraft
+1@RandomFurryBattlebotsFan facts
+1@32 it was for me when i first built my PC but i honestly dont even notice it anymore
+1@5cmPak38aufPzKpfwIISfl901 too political, cease at once
+1@SkyJayTheFirst yeah same. thats what im saying, people just crank the power up and make the plane fly multiple times faster than any plane has ever gone
+1@SkyJayTheFirst welcome to simple planes where everyone builds the most beautiful recreation known to man of an aircaft then slap an engine it, crank teh power up 2x and call it a day
+1a fellow Aeronautica player
+1@OUSSAMAD this is becoming an all too common theme unfortunately. someone recently posted... nothing... literally nothing and people upvoted it. it seems all you have to do is just post something random and come up with some half-done lore for it and people will go crazy for it.
+1@JettStorm some people just want to keep evolving backwards
+1@SpletzerAvion exactly, i can finally finish the interior of my cars
+1@aircraftarsenal123 thanks, ill definitely try it
+1@aircraftarsenal123 thanks, i turned this car into a 2019 spec Dallara chasis (speedway aero and road aero) and was wondering if it was OK with you to post them. i had been searching for more modern indycars for a while but i didnt think there was anyone willing or interested enough to build one so i did it myself. want to post them for anyone else looking for them as well.
+1@FrostyYeti lol
+1Does size matter?
+1-Boeingboss YES BIGGER!
did you actually make the error message out of fuselage parts just to get help? you absolute madlad XD
+1i wonder if we were able to somehow make a compact engine and drivetrain combo could we potentially use something like this to make manual or sequantial transmission cars
+1@LieutenantSOT that once again goes back to me and Chancey's statement about "too many rules"
+1@JumpingJack based on the tests i've done, no it does not affect drag and apparently it doesn't affect weight either, i was thinking of fuselage blocks. sorry
+1i REALLY love the aerodynamics on this, i wish there was some way to make a wind tunnel or at least see the airflow over the car because i feel like this car would have some very interesting aero.
+1try adding VTOL nozzles as a form of thrust vectoring to help with manuverability, but ill see what i can do
+1cool design, i love the rear bodywork and that smooth transition of the spoiler
+1@Shanethepain1 i cant figure it out, sorry
+1@Shanethepain1 yeah the hinges just above the axel might be the issue, I’m going to keep experimenting
+1finished. the parts that are ruining it are highlighted but now there's another issue, the parts connected to the wheel aren't able to hold themselves up so the whole thing collapses. im going to post another one though with a possible fix for that and you can edit it however you need
i can post a fixed version if you need me to clarify which part
+1there is a bar that is connecting the very front horizontal rod to the horizontal upper rod (just above the shocks). that is preventing them from working. its essentially like putting the shock in a cardboard box, the shock isn't going to move, the box would move but since the box is solid none of it moves