49 Kiwitostes Comments

  • TIE/LN Fighter 4.4 years ago

    Man, I absolutely love this build!
    I'm fascinated by the airbrake feature. Is that done with gyros? How??
    I love how you miniaturized and hid all the stuff that actually make it fly and achieved such a neat look.
    Good job also on the guns. Those are very convincing green lasers!

  • Incom T-16 Skyhopper 4.3 years ago

    Beautiful build! I was trying to build one myself, but couldn't get the flight dynamics right, so I just came online hunting for one. I admit I've tweaked it a little per my personal preferences, but it's a very enjoyable fly! Kudos

  • TRM LandSpeeder X-54L 4.1 years ago

    @PapaKernels thank you so much!

  • TRM LandSpeeder X-54L 4.1 years ago

    @Airglider112 thanks! Coming from you, it means a lot!

  • VTOL zero mark indicator light 4.2 years ago

    And.... I did it!
    After sifting through a million posts I finally came across syntax that worked: (VTOL<0.03)+(VTOL>-0.03)
    Now that I look at it, it seems soooo simple!

  • VTOL zero mark indicator light 4.2 years ago

    Ok, so so far I have managed to establish values at which the beacon either turns on or off using comparison signs (>, <, =, etc). What I can't get right is the syntax to establish a range of values. Ideally, it should look something like this:
    Input: VTOL <0.03 & >-0.03
    This ought to light the beacon in a range of plus or minus 3% of zero.
    I doesn't.

  • New Input System Explanation & Tutorial (Funky Trees) 4.2 years ago

    @WarRaptor17 Have you tried "-Roll" ?

  • VTOL zero mark indicator light 4.2 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Will do asap

  • VTOL zero mark indicator light 4.2 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Great! Let me know uf you make any progress. I'll try following up on you. Thanks a bunch

  • VTOL zero mark indicator light 4.2 years ago

    Thanks, @Treadmill103
    That alone lights the beacon on any value EXCEPT zero. So, I tried adding an "invert:true" argument, but I doesn't work with beacons, it seems.
    Also, I realize that it would be very hard to even trigger the beacon as I slide over the zero value, so I want to establish a margin of proximity to zero for the light to go on.
    Any ideas?

  • Anakin's Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor RodWan V2 4.3 years ago

    @RodWan Amazing work! It's sooo easy to fly and dogfighting is so much fun! I'd almost say it's too much for the AI enemies. They just get pulverized over and over! And R2 is amazing. I'm having the time of my life shooting everything with only R2 enabled! I did mod some of the body for personal preference, like adding a pilot and changing the positioning of the cockpit to get a clearer view out the windshield.
    A truly enjoyable ship!

  • Should I come back to SimplePlanes? 4.3 years ago

    No. Stay in school. If SP time allotting were something you could easily control, you wouldn't be asking this question.