@AeroEngineering lol i was just kidding... as for asymmetrical planes: i was going to make one soon anyway. though they have existed for a very long time.
@Skua Thanks! i have looked into XML modding and use nudge frequently, as for the glossy paint, I'm working toward making it look good in the new beta which makes the semi-glossy look very nice and refined
oh and for your question: try using a fuselage wheel someone has made and then copy the xml rotation into some jets. then you can have power along the fulcrum. also fulfruntall has a krazy parts mod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzstheTplCcEMHZBQ1FCZDl0cjQ that might help
@Delphinus thanks!
@AeroEngineering you make nna good point, I'll look into lading them again
@AeroEngineering https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/iil0JX/Unknown-Mass
I favorited . when I get back to my PC I'll look into it
@AeroEngineering thanks! I like booth ways but the slim seems to have stuck on me
@ronyseptian17 haha sounds fun
@DeezDucks glad on think so
@ronyseptian17 maybe, I haven't done a car yet
@ronyseptian17 thanks
@planelover400 was this one better?
@DeezDucks thank you!
thanks @deezducks !
@AeroEngineering what? i saw a asymmetric hypnoplane from 5 months ago!
@AeroEngineering wow thats incredible! that means a lot to me... though is there anything i could improve on?
@AeroEngineering lol i was just kidding... as for asymmetrical planes: i was going to make one soon anyway. though they have existed for a very long time.
@ronyseptian17 wow thanks! it means a lot when two silver users respect my work.
@Skua yes me too... i have a lot of interceptors, bombers, and classic planes that im ready to flood the newest planes page with XD
@Skua Thanks! i have looked into XML modding and use nudge frequently, as for the glossy paint, I'm working toward making it look good in the new beta which makes the semi-glossy look very nice and refined
@General360 lol. tip: make it symmetrical XD
@delphinus @kingdeadshot @nickasaurus @newair
@General360 yeah im following you... cant wait though
@General360 that looks cool
@Skua ikr?
@General360 when are you making your next plane?
@MrSilverWolf mirroring too
@General360 thank you thank you thank you!
@General360 yeah, just made a new hypnoplane... non-beta style ;)
i would enter but im too busy with the beta.
yeah, sometimes it glitches so much it creates two copies of the plane making it heavy to one side
@General360 @GINGER007 im in beta, its freaking awesome! planes look real now...
@General360 yeah, thats true.
@General360 im just saying that when new air said his planes and helicopters were good i though he meant he actually uploaded planes and helicopters
oh and for your question: try using a fuselage wheel someone has made and then copy the xml rotation into some jets. then you can have power along the fulcrum. also fulfruntall has a krazy parts mod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzstheTplCcEMHZBQ1FCZDl0cjQ that might help
@General360 but he hasn't made anything
@General360 yeah, and nimitz class super carriers :)
@General360 yeah, i like the world war two and vietnam era of planes, though i like the ww two-ww one era of battle ships
@General360 sweet! I'm just lookingat your planes for the first time and I'm impressed!
btw i have a surprise for everybody when i hit 2k
this is sadly true
can you do one of my hypnoplanes?
@AeroEngineering lol thanks!
@AeroEngineering lol yeah, couldn't Cole up with a good name so I was like- eh, what the neck?
@UnstableOrbit cries*
@BaconEggs np
@BaconEggs oh cool! maybe ill check them out
@BaconEggs have you made hypno planes?
thanks @deezducks
@BaconEggs oh?