@ChickenDodger132242 Man, I'm on Android so it's a bit tough dealing with the unmirrorable parts. I was trying to work with the COM to COL ratios but I really can't without PC. If I get a chance in the next week or so to hop on PC with better mods and such then I can take a look at it :). Sorry that I couldn't get what you needed right off the bat, it's just the mirroring of the parts that I'm having issues with and I can't seem to get around that.
@Havonec your wheels are very close to the center of mass, if you move them forward it will reduce the effect of stuffing the nose into the ground on landing
Keep up the creativity!
+2I love UAZ vehicles
+1As someone with 4600 hours of beamng playtime, I approve.
+1I love it
+1I like the additions
+1I like it, keep up the good work mate!
+1I love it, this is a cool ass plane!
+1Nice little craft you've made!
+1I haven't been on this site in a few years but its good to see that simple and great aircraft are on this site. This plane flies amazing, good job!
+1Decent dogfighter
+1@rbiemer I can make this thing stick to the ground like a dream if you'd like. I like the design
+1Very cool, one thing I would do personally is increase the suspension travel for rock climbing, other than that, it's perfect. :)
+1Neato designo!!
+1@Axel01 I'm just here to make theworld a better place and give those staring off a chance to suceed
+1Simple design and easy to fly :)
+1Props to you for the interesting design, it's very neat in it's own regard, good job :)
+1@ChickenDodger132242 Man, I'm on Android so it's a bit tough dealing with the unmirrorable parts. I was trying to work with the COM to COL ratios but I really can't without PC. If I get a chance in the next week or so to hop on PC with better mods and such then I can take a look at it :). Sorry that I couldn't get what you needed right off the bat, it's just the mirroring of the parts that I'm having issues with and I can't seem to get around that.
+1@ChickenDodger132242 I can take a look at it and make some adjustments if you would like. I can make it more stable and agile as well.
+1Good job! It looks cool from the front! :)
+1Finally after draging around i found the tiny prop
+1This thing is sweet, it’s s fun to fly!
Well designed, great suspension
I can't take off on the runway with it, the landing gear doesn't touch, help!
Very cool
I like the concept!
I like it!
@hapymeee my buddy thought that was hilarious I was commenting 6 years later 😂
@hapymeee NO
This thing is sweet!
This thing is badass, keep up the good work!
This thing is cool as hell, I wish it had a cockpit but it's an awesome concept.
Been a while for me too on this site, it's been a real long time since I talked to you last.
@Havonec your wheels are very close to the center of mass, if you move them forward it will reduce the effect of stuffing the nose into the ground on landing
This thing flies awesome, excellent handling characteristics!
Great flight characteristics!
I love it's flight characteristics and design. Keep up the good work!
I love the attention to detail, the when covers, the exhaust ports, the lights. Good job and keep up the great work my friend!
@BaconAircraft congratulations on the moderator role, it's been a long time since I've spoke to you last on here.
I love the design
I like it!
Hey that's pretty clever, cool build!
I like it, love the design and look of the aircraft.
Flies pretty good actually, and it's rather stable. GG.
Good work!
Keep up the good work!