45 Lawpark25 Comments

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.4 years ago

    @Sh0ckw4v While I really would like this as a feature, I think it could be difficult to implement in the way you describe, because the nature of SimplePlanes means that the game wouldn’t necessarily know what the actual “wing” is (i.e. if it’s covered by a fuselage or something like that), so instead I propose this: there should be a part that creates wingtip/vapor trails that originate at that part. This could have an effect like the tracers from the cannon part, for the ease of development, and could be customizable in the same ways (tracer length, color, and size). The only thing stopping someone from making a version of this with the existing cannon piece and some magnets is that the tracer cannot be turned on or off via Funkytrees, which stops this from being functional as environmental effects. If there was a part that produced a similar (or the same) trail that could be inputted by Funkytrees, players could manually put the trail piece on the edge of the wings of their creations (or anywhere else for that matter), and manually input when they want them to activate (at high AOA or low altitude, for instance). I think this piece would allow for greater levels of immersion, as well as open new possibilities for other usages, such as for smoke trails, fireworks, and manual damage effects. I’m no game dev, but I think this would be a healthy addition to the game without too much effort, as the cannon projectile tracer does most of the job already, lacking only the Funkytrees interactivity.

  • Ground Refueler Truck 2 months ago

    @Quackmint It can't turn, so you have to maneuver your plane to face it, and then you can adjust the arm with the levers. It's sorta intended to be spawned as AI, then operated from your plane, so you can't really turn it.

  • I'm remastering this. 2.6 years ago
