322 Lazer22 Comments

  • YAMATO 1945 4.8 years ago

    Your next milestone is to make a Yamato with a full interior...
    With 200200 parts...

  • YAMATO 1945 4.8 years ago

    OOOO, The fire is so smooth and detailed on my CPU...

  • F-41 Sheeshbed 3.4 years ago

    RIP pilot, I’ve pulled 61G’s…

  • Fortress 4.0 years ago

    Who made the b-17? Its such a fantastic build I want to try it! Great video too!

  • Earth, made out of guns 4.6 years ago

    Make a soviet flag out of guns

  • Elco 80ft PT Boat [PT-109] 4.9 years ago

    It goes backwards:(

  • I'm bored Soo... 4.1 years ago

    1903–1919 1920–1939 1940–1969 1970–present
    Airco DH.4A
    Airco DH.9C
    Airco DH.16
    BAT F.K.26
    Blériot-SPAD S.27
    Curtiss Eagle
    Farman F.50P
    Farman F.60 Goliath
    Grahame-White Charabanc
    Junkers F.13
    Nieuport-Delage NiD 30
    Potez SEA VII
    Sopwith Wallaby
    Westland Limousine
    Airspeed Envoy
    Albatros L 73
    Armstrong Whitworth Argosy
    Armstrong Whitworth Atalanta
    Armstrong Whitworth Ensign
    Avro 618 Ten
    Avro 642 Eighteen
    BFW M.20
    Blériot-SPAD S.33
    Blériot-SPAD S.46
    Blériot-SPAD S.56
    Boeing 40
    Boeing 80
    Boeing 247
    Boeing 307
    Boeing 314
    Breguet 26T
    Breguet 280T
    Breguet 393T
    Bristol Ten-seater
    Consolidated Commodore
    Consolidated Fleetster
    Curtiss Condor
    Curtiss Kingbird
    Curtiss Robin
    de Havilland DH.18
    de Havilland DH.34
    de Havilland DH.50
    de Havilland DH.66
    de Havilland Dragon
    de Havilland Dragon Rapide
    de Havilland Express
    de Havilland Fox Moth
    de Havilland Hercules
    Dewoitine D.332
    Dewoitine D.338
    Dornier Do X
    Douglas DC-1
    Douglas DC-2
    Douglas DC-3
    Douglas DC-4E
    Douglas DC-5
    Douglas XCG-17
    Farman F.120
    Farman F.190
    Farman F.300
    Focke-Wulf A 17
    Focke-Wulf Fw 200
    Fokker F.II
    Fokker F.III
    Fokker F.VII
    Fokker F.XII
    Fokker F.XVIII
    Fokker F.XXII
    Ford Trimotor
    Handley Page Type W
    Handley Page H.P.42
    Handley Page Halifax
    Junkers G 24
    Junkers G 31
    Junkers W 34
    Junkers Ju 52
    Junkers Ju 60
    Junkers Ju 86
    Junkers Ju 90
    Junkers Ju 160
    Kalinin K-4
    Kalinin K-5
    Lockheed Vega
    Lockheed Air Express
    Lockheed Orion
    Lockheed Electra
    Lockheed Electra Junior
    Lockheed Super Electra
    Lockheed Lodestar
    Martin M-130
    Messerschmitt M 18
    Messerschmitt M 24
    Nieuport-Delage NiD 39
    Nieuport-Delage NiD 640
    Northrop Alpha
    Northrop Delta
    Percival Petrel
    Rohrbach Roland
    Short Empire
    Short S.26
    Sikorsky S-40
    Sikorsky S-42
    SNCASE Languedoc
    Spartan Cruiser
    Stinson Detroiter
    Stinson Model A
    Stinson Model T
    Stinson Model U
    Stinson Reliant
    Supermarine Swan
    Travel Air 6000
    Udet U 11 Kondor
    Vickers Vimy Commercial
    Vickers Vulcan
    Vultee V-1
    Westland Wessex
    Wibault 280
    Wibault 360
    Zeppelin-Staaken E-4/20
    Aérospatiale Corvette
    Airspeed Ambassador
    Antonov An-10
    Antonov An-24
    Aviation Traders Accountant
    Aviation Traders Carvair
    Avro Lancastrian
    Avro Tudor
    Avro York
    Avro Canada C102 Jetliner
    BAC 1-11
    Beechcraft 90 King Air
    Beechcraft A100 King Air
    Beechcraft B100 King Air
    Boeing 377
    Boeing 707
    Boeing 727
    Boeing 737
    Boeing 747
    Boeing 2707 (project)
    Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
    Breda-Zappata BZ.308
    Breguet Deux-Ponts
    Breguet 941
    Bristol Britannia
    Bristol Type 223 (project)
    Canadair North Star
    Cessna 402

  • Sparviero class Hydrofoil missile boat 4.2 years ago

    I played a lot of war thunder and i believe the hatch is the exhaust.@ChrisPy

  • French Alpines 4.4 years ago

    *Has an iOS device that cant run this” still downloads and upvotes this!

  • COVID-19 Vaccine 4.5 years ago

    11m syringe, hmmm, I don't want to be injected by that. But we can put the vaccine into many small syringes.

  • Spanish Inquisition 4.7 years ago

    How to get ag9 pls help...

  • SB-01 Panther 3.3 years ago

    Me and my buddy were dying playing with this. my favorite aircraft now, thank you! 10/10

  • A Cube 3.3 years ago

    Lol, thank you for the upvote, should I make a 10,000 part cube?@BeastHunter

  • SimplePlanes VR is launching in 2 days. Join us this Friday, Dec 17th to welcome it, along with the next update (v1.12) for SimplePlanes 3.3 years ago

    Servers could be really expensive to upkeep, for example, a 200 player server could cost around $800 per month. If they get their own servers that would be $10,000 and above. It would be cool to add MP, just not possible in this situation. Unless of course you want to pay a $10 subscription a month to play on mp. @Deadeye4827089057

  • I'm bored Soo... 4.1 years ago

    ATR 42
    ATR 72
    Airbus A220
    Airbus A300
    Airbus A310
    Airbus A318
    Airbus A319
    Airbus A320
    Airbus A321
    Airbus A330
    Airbus A340
    Airbus A350
    Airbus A380
    Antonov An-140
    Antonov An-148
    Antonov An-158
    Beechcraft 200 Super King Air
    Beechcraft 1300
    Beriev Be-200
    British Aerospace BAe 146
    Boeing 717
    Boeing 757
    Boeing 767
    Boeing 777
    Boeing 787
    Bombardier CRJ-100
    Bombardier CRJ-200
    Bombardier CRJ-700
    Bombardier CRJ-900
    Bombardier Dash 8
    CASA C-212 Aviocar
    Cessna 208
    Cessna 404
    Comac C919 (project)
    Convair CV5800
    de Havilland Canada Dash 7
    De Havilland Canada Dash 8
    Dornier 328
    Embraer EMB 121 Xingu
    Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia
    Embraer EMB 820C
    Embraer/FMA CBA 123 Vector
    Embraer ERJ 135
    Embraer ERJ 140
    Embraer ERJ 145
    Embraer 170
    Embraer 175
    Embraer 190
    Embraer 195
    Fairchild Dornier 328JET
    Fokker 50
    Fokker 70
    Fokker 100
    Irkut MS-21 (project)
    Ilyushin Il-86
    Ilyushin Il-96
    Ilyushin Il-114
    Indonesian Aerospace N-219
    Indonesian Aerospace N-245
    Indonesian Aerospace N-270
    IPTN N-250
    IPTN N-2130
    McDonnell-Douglas MD-11
    McDonnell Douglas MD-80
    McDonnell Douglas MD-90
    McDonnell-Douglas MD-95
    Mitsubishi Regional Jet (project)
    Neiva Carajá
    Piper Chieftain
    Piper T-1020
    Piper T-1040
    Reims-Cessna F406 Caravan II
    Short 330
    Short 360
    Sukhoi Superjet 100
    Tupolev Tu-204
    Yakovlev Yak-42
    Saab 2000

  • The Engine of the Titanic 4.1 years ago

    Imagine if someone makes a fully detailed titanic. That would be very cool through its gonna be like the Yamato, almost no one can run it. This build it really good, I really enjoyed playing with this, thank you!

  • Airbus A400M Atlas 4.2 years ago

    Anyone here remember turboprop flight sim?

  • Jaguar XJ220 LM 4.4 years ago

    For me this looks like an Aston Martin. Great build, the detail is insanely good, somehow can run this on mobile.

  • (Simpleplanes fastest walker) Charles the speedmachine v12.2 4.5 years ago

    Charles climbed the biggest mountain. Charles flew off of the biggest mountain. Charles landed not successfully. Charles got decapitated. R.I.P. Charles 2020-2020

  • Magellan class battle ship 4.6 years ago

    As far as my limit goes the max i loaded was 7k parts on my mobile.

  • Boeing 737MAX-8 Southwest (with MCAS) 4.7 years ago

    Welp i can now crash more than usual...

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 4.7 years ago

    You lucky your ravioli didn’t get cooked; Mine caught fire cause of the Yamato...@LordAidanYT

  • Rick Astley 4.7 years ago

    Wait, this isn’t free robux...

  • Pz.Kpfw. VI. Tiger H1 (with interior) 4.9 years ago

    Make a mod free version, I love the build.

  • A Cube 3.3 years ago

    Bare with me, ill try to do it over Christmas @X99STRIKER @BeastHunter

  • SimplePlanes VR is launching in 2 days. Join us this Friday, Dec 17th to welcome it, along with the next update (v1.12) for SimplePlanes 3.3 years ago

    You’re right, for this game it’s probs going to be less as I’m talking from ARMA III experience. I think most mobile players would like MP in the game, I just think it would be way to expensive to setup and maintain. It would be a cool add on into the game through.@klm747klm747

  • first step 3.4 years ago

    Looks really nice, good luck to you.

  • Armoured military helmet 3.4 years ago

    Tarkov chads say this is the best helmet. I’m still in love with the maska after i was shot through the bottom of this helmet. Great replica.

  • Kubelwagen 1946 C2 3.4 years ago

    Love the little teaser in the pictures

  • B-29 SuperFortress 3.4 years ago

    When ipad runs this at 23fps… I’m very surprised. props to wizard for making this the best b-29 ever created on SP and will stay on this place for years to come. Thank you!

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk XII 4.0 years ago

    This is an awesome spitfire! I have a question: how do I adjust the fire rate of the cannon on IOS?

  • Mercedez-Benz CLK GTR LM 4.0 years ago

    Fighting a platinum user is like punching a concrete wall with a pensil, also cant fight you since im a fan. I would politely disagree with you through, I love mercedes and their cars get new features every year. I wouldn’t say their cars were a masterpiece in the 20th century but today in 2021 i think their cars look fantastic.@Chancey21

  • Rtx 2080 ti with insides 4.1 years ago

    It might take me a little longer than I planned it to, I have a lot of middle year tests right now, so I have to focus a lot on school. I hope I can build it before the start of April.@GreenFrog

  • Darth Vader Ver1.1 4.1 years ago

    Got shot, blew up, no head, still fine...

  • Rtx 2080 ti with insides 4.1 years ago

    Wow, thank you so much, Im working on a big project right now, and since im not very skilled it’ll take me some time@GreenFrog

  • Lion Class Guided Missile Cruiser 4.2 years ago

    Zumwalt class but 20,000 times better.

  • Lockheed SR-71 FedEx 4.2 years ago

    The meme “tracking my package after I order it” is now real! Through from the past few deliveries I had by fed-ex they will be dropping it from 56,000 feet without a parachute...

  • Gloster Gladiator 4.2 years ago

    War thunder vibes, great build! I remember starting as British fighters and i got the gold “trucks Gladiator”

  • Airbus A400M Atlas 4.2 years ago

    Same, i wish updates were more often@CaptainSquadronLeaderX

  • Focke-Achgelis Fa224 V2 4.2 years ago

    Yoooo, ag-9 lets go! Instant upvote

  • Not A Mi-35 4.3 years ago

    Enemy: why is that thing so fast, isn’t it a helicopter.
    Second enemy: yea, Russians are up to something
    Enemy: oh I can see it, wait, what is that?
    Second enemy, Its a heliane.
    Enemy: Nice

  • Boeing 747-238B QANTAS CARGO 4.4 years ago

    Cool! Happy birthday quantas! Also a suggestion, move the wings a bit further to the back:)

  • FNS Glorious - Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier 4.4 years ago

    I just wasted 10 billion because i tried landing on this. Task failed successfully. I love this!

  • He’s free 4.4 years ago

    He’s free and ready to kill...

  • North America B-25J Mitchell (AURI M-448) 4.4 years ago


  • German Soldier 4.4 years ago

    You forgot ag9 to speak German...@Locurapuntocom

  • Sd.Kfz 1946 Grenzarbeiter 4.4 years ago

    Very nice build, i love the details you put into this! still laughing about the Ag-9 instructions.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine 4.5 years ago

    “Its all those 5g towers”

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 4.5 years ago

    I need this in war thunder!

  • Cardi B. Simulator: Collector's Edition 4.5 years ago

    If i had to put worst things in the jar it would be my builds, lol
