Well uhh as you see, go to my “highlited airplanes” section and you will see a uhh art post, does that count? It was released before this challenge existed
According to a stranger on the internet (me) boredom is being bored, in other words, boredom is bored, or in other other words, being bored is being bored, but how could you prevent this? Well there’s no choice, everything must come to a end at some point, everything will get boring, there’s no choice until we could manually hack our own brains, everybody in the community will either quit since their busy or quit because their bored, both of these ways are probably not preventable if they have work or school or anything else, nobody could play this game for 80 years right now they’d be uhh... sleeping for a super long time, aka EXTREME HYBERNATION, anyways, there’s probably enough content on the internet... until it doesn’t exist anymore, well if it doesn’t exist, you might as well be bored, what else is there? As I said everything will come to a end, the universe and all of us included, we can’t stop it.
Why did I make a whole paragraph of words for no reason and why did I just include meaningless things in there?
Because 1 kidney should be worth 262k USD, 262k times 7 is 1.834 million usd, well a normal person should have 2 kidneys but you might have just found 5 more secret kidneys around in your legs, in that case, if the police haven’t confiscated them, open the engine hood and place 1 kidney there, trust me, it’s worth it, soon, when the police smells the kidney smell, run. FAST, just wait till each of them faint from the smell, if that’s not enough place another one on the road, a car will run over the other kidney and will produce a worse smell, after a while, kidney fight the cops and take their secret kidneys, now you have more than you’ve started with, once more reinforcements arrive, do the same, until everybody on earth has fainted, take their kidneys and sell it to the hospital staff since you kept them alive, you will now have infinite money, buy all the games and stuff you want.
Any [mods] reading, this is a joke, please don’t take it seiriously
When this releases everybody’s gonna be like ”Holy gosh it’s out””finally, with 58 teasers, azure has finally published it””I have waited 27 years, it’s worth it though” Next week: upvotes skyrocket
Good job! 1st Place! The low part count is surprising and the maneuverability is AWESOME! The wing design is cool and it features a interesting fuselage
This is pretty good, it has its downsides, the fuselage looks okay but you could remove some of the wing guns and make the wings less blocky, 3rd place!
@AzureCorp Well to be honest I don’t really have much time, and this was a small pain to make, also I think I smiled the cannons to 0 in mass scale but I don’t really know
@YoDudeChase Well I saw sammy’s “comment” section of his account, he upvoted a popular plane 5.6 years ago, and he left a comment. That’s the last I saw from his account. Also I saw that sammy’s comment had no upvotes.
@KnightOfRen well good luck
It’s late 2020, u doing fine?
@LunchBox well I added a super powerful gyroscope so it’s stabler In other words, I this build defies gravity
Well uhh as you see, go to my “highlited airplanes” section and you will see a uhh art post, does that count? It was released before this challenge existed
You can’t stop it, being bored is a choice (ik this is kinda a meme post but still I wanted to just comment everywhere I go for some reason)
+1According to a stranger on the internet (me) boredom is being bored, in other words, boredom is bored, or in other other words, being bored is being bored, but how could you prevent this? Well there’s no choice, everything must come to a end at some point, everything will get boring, there’s no choice until we could manually hack our own brains, everybody in the community will either quit since their busy or quit because their bored, both of these ways are probably not preventable if they have work or school or anything else, nobody could play this game for 80 years right now they’d be uhh... sleeping for a super long time, aka EXTREME HYBERNATION, anyways, there’s probably enough content on the internet... until it doesn’t exist anymore, well if it doesn’t exist, you might as well be bored, what else is there? As I said everything will come to a end, the universe and all of us included, we can’t stop it.
Why did I make a whole paragraph of words for no reason and why did I just include meaningless things in there?
+1Because 1 kidney should be worth 262k USD, 262k times 7 is 1.834 million usd, well a normal person should have 2 kidneys but you might have just found 5 more secret kidneys around in your legs, in that case, if the police haven’t confiscated them, open the engine hood and place 1 kidney there, trust me, it’s worth it, soon, when the police smells the kidney smell, run. FAST, just wait till each of them faint from the smell, if that’s not enough place another one on the road, a car will run over the other kidney and will produce a worse smell, after a while, kidney fight the cops and take their secret kidneys, now you have more than you’ve started with, once more reinforcements arrive, do the same, until everybody on earth has fainted, take their kidneys and sell it to the hospital staff since you kept them alive, you will now have infinite money, buy all the games and stuff you want.
Any [mods] reading, this is a joke, please don’t take it seiriously
+1When this releases everybody’s gonna be like ”Holy gosh it’s out” ”finally, with 58 teasers, azure has finally published it” ”I have waited 27 years, it’s worth it though” Next week:
upvotes skyrocket
Man, your builds were great, I hope you’re okay right now.
Also, I can’t really spotlight your builds since I need more points than you, I’ll just give you extra upvotes as a reward thingy
+1Good job! 1st Place! The low part count is surprising and the maneuverability is AWESOME! The wing design is cool and it features a interesting fuselage
+1This is pretty good, it has its downsides, the fuselage looks okay but you could remove some of the wing guns and make the wings less blocky, 3rd place!
2nd place! The design is amazing and I like the wings, the engine looks very unique, the part count is slightly high though
Yes I will paint it.
Okay, who let red out in the open? He’s sus
@tsampoy Ah yes I recognize this
@JeskoGoesVROOM Good strategy
What I am wondering is, how do you even make cars look so good?
@AndrePlaysSP I dunno I did see that he commented and upvotes a build, nothing else
You probably should, I would be interested
Man, the pinned comments...
@rexrexThezion ... Ok I’ll start making my own coffin give me a few days
Get a plane featured
One day maybe I could see that I have gold
I wonder, is he ever coming back? Or did he leave?
@YoDudeChase oh that’s fine then
@YoDudeChase Well it’s kinda late so yea I kinda need a fix my sleep schedule, perhaps I could tag you tmrw err something
Calm down. All you need is 1 teaser chill.
Well I don’t know if you visit this post much but sure I guess, I haven’t played X-Plane 10 on mobile in a long time, so basicly I am saying sure
And just like that... he’s gone
+1@BagelPlane exactly what I was thinking
Imagine you go the lengths to create a website, then you create a list of popular songs, but then their all linked to “never gonna give you up”
Edit: like I mean like if you click on the text you get sent to the rickroll
oh Man! Congrads!
+1Definitely Mobile Friendly...
@jamesPLANESii well the button wasn’t there so... it’s basicly gone now
@AzureCorp Well to be honest I don’t really have much time, and this was a small pain to make, also I think I smiled the cannons to 0 in mass scale but I don’t really know
Why do I feel scared and not at the same time?
@Iamanoob Yea. I did create it on iOS
+1@AzureCorp Ehh sure I guess... I’ll try
@PapaKernels ok fine tuner works, I’ll try to grade all of these submissions on oct. 8th, just saying
I suppose this account is Not active isn’t it?
@PapaKernels Max part count is 40
@Planicopter It’s great I’ll review it later though don’t ask why
@Highground ah, well then I don’t know anymore
@Highground Well I did see him upvote a build, maybe that’s why
@YoDudeChase Well I saw sammy’s “comment” section of his account, he upvoted a popular plane 5.6 years ago, and he left a comment. That’s the last I saw from his account. Also I saw that sammy’s comment had no upvotes.
@Gluck I checked his account. There’s no posts and followers and comments
EDIT: No way, Sammy has a comment check his account
@rexrexThezion Dunno