@ArchieTheJetBoi Honestly I don't even remember anything of this plane anymore but there is no way to actually make a working microwave weapon in this game nor working SWBMs, the microwave weapon as far as I remember is just a minigun that blows up stuff close and the SWBMs don't do huge explosions sadly. I made this ages ago without really knowing how to make stuff in the game
kinda looks like the scintilla from beamng drive, its really wellmade and nice, if someone printed this and showed me outside of this website i wouldn't even believe it was simpleplanes,
hey so i've made a plane with the engine of your F-35, its an upgrade of someone else's XFA-33 Fenrir, they said its ok for me to post it using his airframe, but since i used many parts of different planes im asking you too. can i post it? im gonna credit you in the post
hey so i've upgraded your fenrir, i added VTOL, the microwave weapon, and SWBMs, everything like the one in the games, i also made a new paint job and newer details, if there's no problem with it, can i post it? im gonna give you credit, after all you're the one who made everything, the reason i want to post it is that there aren't many newer fenrirs on the website, and its a pretty cool aircraft, your fenrir is the best one i could find, but there were some things missing, so i'd like to upgrade it a little to make it ace combat lore accurate, can i post it?
@flightdesigner su 37 has cannards and its front is pointed downwards, its also bigger and its cockpit is much more agressive and looks more like a bubble
i cant change the position of the radar, it keeps saying ''Wrong number of arguments specified, 4 arguments were specified when 2 were expected for command 'AceRadar_position' [Single] [Single].''
i dont understand why some people hate moths, or even bugs in general, they are the most incredible creatures, you dont get a freaking giant 6 legged, horned, vertebrates, only bugs have this, just search hercules beetle, its ginormous
honestly, i didn't like that film, it was pretty obvious how was everything going to go once we got to see ''red'', its kinda like a shitty how to train your dragon spinoff, it had so much potential, and it could be so much cooler, but they did that. and fuck it, i hate that blue thing, kill it, burn it alive, throw salt at it (ur build is still amazing tho, never seen anyone make stuff like that)
@Thirtybirdy sincerely, i've bought stormworks and i found it shit, cant build anything, cant turn on shit, cant even enter some planes, it requires lot of time and practice to do simple things, normal games have a learning curve, stormworks has a learning cliff
@ArchieTheJetBoi Honestly I don't even remember anything of this plane anymore but there is no way to actually make a working microwave weapon in this game nor working SWBMs, the microwave weapon as far as I remember is just a minigun that blows up stuff close and the SWBMs don't do huge explosions sadly. I made this ages ago without really knowing how to make stuff in the game
@Graingy wdym it can't even fly it flies well
and to this day he still did not post the version with lower parts
didn't include controls...
its good tho, but it glides like a brick
+2the clouds look beautiful, but they are too low, how do i make them spawn higher?
kinda looks like the scintilla from beamng drive, its really wellmade and nice, if someone printed this and showed me outside of this website i wouldn't even believe it was simpleplanes,
you should add wings to it and make it PSM
its great
I am gonna fix the images, later
that is insanely maxwell
hey so i've made a plane with the engine of your F-35, its an upgrade of someone else's XFA-33 Fenrir, they said its ok for me to post it using his airframe, but since i used many parts of different planes im asking you too. can i post it? im gonna credit you in the post
+1this is so cool, i love fictional WWII aircraft
+1hey so i've upgraded your fenrir, i added VTOL, the microwave weapon, and SWBMs, everything like the one in the games, i also made a new paint job and newer details, if there's no problem with it, can i post it? im gonna give you credit, after all you're the one who made everything, the reason i want to post it is that there aren't many newer fenrirs on the website, and its a pretty cool aircraft, your fenrir is the best one i could find, but there were some things missing, so i'd like to upgrade it a little to make it ace combat lore accurate, can i post it?
i've got a bug report, i called it Lysis I, its a pretty big bug, its white and can walk and fly, and looks pretty damn cool
+2clr mano nem sabia q tu era BR, eu nunca encontrei ngm q fala otra lingua no simpleplanes, tanto q ate esqueci q tinha 💀
+1love the style, looks like it was made on plane crazy lol
+5how do i make things heavy like this?
the cockpit on the actual one is not centered tho, its a bit to the left
+1the fact that its engines are a lil bit lower than the rest of the aircraft's fuselage makes me sad
lol what
+1I am unwell, and i am not aware of what i am doing at this exact moment, please, stop me
+1@XWorks ???
+1@flightdesigner su 37 has cannards and its front is pointed downwards, its also bigger and its cockpit is much more agressive and looks more like a bubble
+1@flightdesigner but it doesn't even look like the su 37...
+1@flightdesigner its a mig 29
+1@hpgbproductions tought you weren't going to reply, people dont tend to do it, thank you
the mod cant be configurated, its bullshit, i've tried everything, and if it can, you explained it like your ass
i cant change the position of the radar, it keeps saying ''Wrong number of arguments specified, 4 arguments were specified when 2 were expected for command 'AceRadar_position' [Single] [Single].''
cant download it, it says error 404
+1you watched spirited away didn't you?
+1i dont understand why some people hate moths, or even bugs in general, they are the most incredible creatures, you dont get a freaking giant 6 legged, horned, vertebrates, only bugs have this, just search hercules beetle, its ginormous
@winterro dont you dare
honestly, i didn't like that film, it was pretty obvious how was everything going to go once we got to see ''red'', its kinda like a shitty how to train your dragon spinoff, it had so much potential, and it could be so much cooler, but they did that. and fuck it, i hate that blue thing, kill it, burn it alive, throw salt at it (ur build is still amazing tho, never seen anyone make stuff like that)
@Alisuchanka 2000
+2@Croissant yea
this plane is so cool, its kinda sad that i cant use it with another plane on the map
@Thirtybirdy sincerely, i've bought stormworks and i found it shit, cant build anything, cant turn on shit, cant even enter some planes, it requires lot of time and practice to do simple things, normal games have a learning curve, stormworks has a learning cliff
+1@NoOne123 thx
kinda looks like something from dispicable me lol
its face is kinda messed up, and i cant find a way to fix it.
still, 10/10 compared to other godzillas on the site
images are working now, finally i've figured out a way of putting them.
crocodile boi isn't available anymore B(
@Pickledancer6000 sadly, i dont think it is
+1the runway is pointed backward, if anything tries to takeoff from that thing, it would stall and die
@handitover https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/N24LK5/Messerschmitt-Bf-110-G-2-V1-FIXED
also yea if you can help me with the cockpit i would be grateful
kinda good design, can i make a jet based on this?