450 Lillei1a1 Comments

  • Fan Plane 3.2 years ago

    I believe airplanes and other aircrafts also blow air to create thrust but their turbines and or propellers are like fans on a ceiling. So you can see how planes and birds have similarities in how they fly. But I think airplanes actually are more like insects in the way they fly than like a bird.

  • Flies with body. No engine/propeller. 3.5 years ago

    Use final approach. Or use throttle, I think maybe not using completely full throttle works a bit better and make it fly up with pitch while on ground it has some issues if you hold up or down too long I believe. So maybe hold up then let it go and take off straight up. It takes off vertically. It's probably best to just use final approach though.

  • Flapping airplane that can actually fly. 4.1 years ago

    I also have several other flapping airplanes and I might upload more that don't break at high speeds like that, and I actually have several versions of this same airplane.

  • Flapping airplane that can actually fly. 4.1 years ago

    This is my first ever upload.

  • Flapping airplane that can actually fly. 4.1 years ago

    Yeah, I know, it breaks if you flap too much when it goes fast enough. I'll try to fix it.