310 LittleKachowski Comments

  • F-82 Twin Mustang 7.3 years ago

    @junglekiIIer Building it was anything but.

  • F-82 Twin Mustang 7.3 years ago


    Landing gear is a bit of an issue for me at the moment, so far all of my models must be started in the air. I do have semi-functioning landing gear techniques, but most of them greatly unbalance the plane and/or do not particularly enjoy touching down.

    Stay posted! I'm working on some other goodies for this plane, too.

  • XP-54 "Swoose Goose" 7.3 years ago

    @MarcG Ay, thanks for resolving those. Whenever i make a plane, I try to keep utmost amount of realism. I leave it to the people who download it to tweak/fix what I make.

    A bigger issue with making this plane was being well aware that this was a FAILURE of a design, so getting it to work without stretching the proportions was a bit annoying.