7,607 Liyicheng

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joined 8.7 years ago

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Hi,I'm a Chinese junior high school student who was born in 2003.
Yep,I have realized that I didn’t put my heart in Simpleplanes before(As you can see,I still don't have perfect builds.)
Also,I'm stressed out because of the schoolwork...You know I'm in China.
But I'm still trying to build something that is wonderful in my spare time.So it may take me a long time to finish one thing.
And that's all.
Some unfinished work:
CSH-2 "Rooivalk"(building,60%now,build slowly because of the mobile phone)--South African attack helicopter
Atlas Carver(40%)--South Afircan fighter
"Sherman" M1(40%,turrent has finished)--
F82 twin mustang(40%)
F14 Tomcat(30%)
Ju 87E