3,690 LjSpike Comments

  • Composite Trainer 9.3 years ago

    It's ok, neither here nor there really. I'd love to see something a bit unusual.

  • RIA Poltergeist 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @Delphinus !

  • RIA Twin 10 9.3 years ago

    Thanks @aircroft

  • Concorde (Drop Nose AVAILABLE) 9.3 years ago

    @XVIindustries new supersonic airliner being built, nowhere near as Beautifal as Concorde though.

  • Concorde (Drop Nose AVAILABLE) 9.4 years ago

    @XVIindustries the project was originally two plains, one long range and one short made, the French were doing the short range but cancelled it.

  • Fantasia 1 Commercial RIA Aircraft 9.4 years ago

    @Planefun thanks!

  • Parts 5 9.4 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor I could really do with a few styles of inlets that I can mount to wings or fuselages.

  • Fantasia 1 Commercial RIA Aircraft 9.4 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor like it?

  • Flying cigar, with old skool engine 9.4 years ago

    An unusual concept.

  • Fantasia 1 Commercial RIA Aircraft 9.4 years ago

    @Planefun @qazproductions @Cursechris thanks!

  • General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon 9.4 years ago

    @AgnesDesign By folding wing, I mean folding wing to make aircraft be able to park in a carrier or small space, there's a technical term I believe for his panavia tornado's wing movement.

  • Panavia Tornado ECR (German Air Force) 9.4 years ago

    @Cjredwards Folding wings for carriers yes. :P

  • Fantasia 1 Commercial RIA Aircraft 9.4 years ago

    @KingDeadshot Lol. you upvoted it before I even got to put in the description!

  • Reach for the skies 9.4 years ago

    Beet. Beetro. Beetroot! I KNOW HOW TO BEET HIM! ---> Beetroot + Propellors = Sliced Beetroot!

  • Water 9.4 years ago

    Its nice,

  • Antonov An-3 9.4 years ago

    Its nice.

  • Cockpit ejection system 9.4 years ago

    Well, I'd like this, but I think a better thing would be like...'slimline' detacher, one that's ultra thin.

  • Flaps??? 9.4 years ago

    Well, a rotator would work. I do wish we could remove the connectors on wings though, I wanted to put a smooth rotator-connected wing that'd line up perfectly, but it connected always so I had to scrap the idea

  • Turbulence! (Wind) 9.4 years ago

    Hey, it'd be fun. Maybe a little wind arrow somewhere :P
    I wouldn't want it to continue above a certain altitude though, as well...wind is to thin high up for turbulence to happen. You should try out my old turbulence simulator though

  • General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon 9.4 years ago

    @Cjredwards You appear to be missing any folding wing planes though, and the Eurofighter jets :P

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 9.4 years ago

    Hey XVI, why not try to make a high detail slightly more modern plane. I'd love to see a high detail spitfire! Or Lancaster bomber!

  • detachable plane inside bomber challenge 9.4 years ago

    @letsgofast11 getting back into the bomber would be very hard, without a hatch that extends up more of the back profile to speed inwards to it.

  • Antonov An-2 Hermes 9.4 years ago

    Beautifal actually, very beautifal

  • General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon 9.4 years ago

    I've never seen any of your planes before @Cjredwards but this is spectacular!

  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 9.4 years ago

    @XVIindustries Hey, I think your going to have to up the ante! Other people are coming around with very detailed planes (some even more detailed than yours!).

  • Paper Luigi Biplane 9.4 years ago


  • z-3.9 "coho" 9.4 years ago

    Quite nice, I would making it a thinner fuselage on the front half probably

  • Steampunk-Flying house 9.4 years ago

    This surpasses even PlanesOfOld/XVIndustries level of detail

  • Model 1 "Little Birdie" Flyer 9.4 years ago

    @Delphinus do you think you might be able to make it fly a bit better?

  • Sportlight LS-X2-A Duckling 9.4 years ago

    @A5mod3us well commercial airliners believe that, so I believe it to :P it's one reason why pitch controls are the top of the tail are good, as you can make he tail put those pitch controls further from the CoM. Just read about turning moments, and you'll understand the physics side of it, but yes. Long planes better.

  • RIA AV-1-9 XL 9.4 years ago

    That is fairly impressive, do you think you might be able to implement some nice technology into my "Model 1" plane? It's horrible at flying.

  • Sportlight LS-X2-A Duckling 9.4 years ago

    @A5mod3us anyway surely a longer tail would be better? The pitch controls would have more 'authority'.

  • Sportlight LS-X2-A Duckling 9.4 years ago

    Love the front but it looks tad to short

  • RIA AV-1-8Ex.Mod-LA01 Falcon 9.4 years ago

    @jquinn88 lots of planes are nose heavy at low speed, unless they have elaborate extendable flaps, that's one reason why there is a magic "cruise speed" for planes.

  • Ring a ding 9.4 years ago

    @karlosdarkness mind giving a link tot the original ring please :)

  • Airco DH4 9.4 years ago

    Love the wings, just not a fan of the body at the front

  • VTOL Prop 9.4 years ago

    @karlosdarkness I always get the front or back suddenly flip up after a short time of going up though, even when it -should- be balanced

  • Warbird One 9.4 years ago

    @karlosdarkness I kind of wish they had a half height gear, I chose the longer gear though for purposes of horitzonal acceleration on runway.

  • VTOL Prop 9.4 years ago

    How do you get vtol props to balance properly

  • VR-1 Valkyrie 9.4 years ago


  • The Inverter 9.4 years ago

    Ooh how fascinating, I did t think nobody else did inverting aircraft. I had a basic propellor one.

  • Gigant Industries FA-121-A Charger Delta 9.4 years ago

    I'll set you a challenge if your up for it @A5mod3us - A plane which can fly both forwards and backwards, preferably performing some manoveur to switch direction mid-flight. I made one a long time ago, but certainly a nicer looking one would be good.

  • Concorde (Drop Nose AVAILABLE) 9.4 years ago

    Only this isn't a French aircraft, the British manufactured the final version, the French planned out a short range slower version.

  • .Collaborative Buiding Project 14 9.4 years ago


  • .Collaborative Buiding Project 13 9.4 years ago


  • Vulture MP8C1 9.4 years ago

    @karlosdarkness @XVIindustries

  • Anti Submarine Patrol Plane 9.4 years ago

    @karlosdarkness that's really cool, the idea of how the planes wings could fold though, is folding on two axis. See my vulture mp8c1

  • Beechcraft AT-6B Wolverine 9.5 years ago

    @Authros if this isn't featured, I will be amazed, completely.

  • Business Jet 9.5 years ago


  • Beechcraft AT-6B Wolverine 9.5 years ago

    This, I could say is the best simple plane ever. When I first saw the teeth and stuff, I almost went into the App Store to update simple planes, it looks like you've painted those details on! BRILLIANT, 11/10!