3,690 LjSpike Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.5 years ago

    This is one fricken beautiful plane, I'd say it tops even the shield helicarrier from all time highest rated planes!

  • 'Blimp' Fusilage Part 9.5 years ago

    @XVIindustries and @WalrusAircraft here it is.

  • XML (?) for simpleplanes 8.7 years ago

    @Delphinus Thanks. Oh btw, there is one thing thats useful to me but not covered in there. Some people get control surfaces on structural wings, and some people can get things to attach to other parts, without being anywhere near eachother.

  • XML (?) for simpleplanes 8.7 years ago

    @Delphinus Ye, but a >good< unofficial guide? thats easy to understand etc. etc.

  • XML (?) for simpleplanes 8.7 years ago

    @Delphinus Any tips you have? Or do you know of any good unofficial guides?

  • Admiral's Feast Racer 8.8 years ago

    The asymmetry is spectacular.

  • Warmonger SPM-MT66 8.8 years ago

    That's real nice looking.

  • Fantasia 1 Commercial RIA Aircraft 8.8 years ago

    Thanks @TheNightmare - Don't forget to check out my newly released stealth aircraft too!

  • Where has Subassembly gone? 8.8 years ago

    Thanks @Supermini555

  • 1966 VW Beetle Wip 8.8 years ago

    It's nice, perhaps you should use some fuselages for the curves, it can make it quite a bit easier (atleastt without XML)

  • I AM LEGEND (WIP) 8.8 years ago

    It's nice, very nice looking. Hypno planes are generally far larger though.

  • Rhienforté 1946 Patrie [Anti Aircraft] 8.8 years ago

    @ramjet Not really any specific one, but I guess you could say it's slightly inspired by jeep etc.

  • Lonestar Commercial Aircraft (LSP-5-40) 8.8 years ago

    @DisferGoatz and @Delphinus Thanks!

  • TopGear's Geoff / Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust 8.8 years ago

    Ohh, I remember the sports car which used a diesel generator they tested on the show later on...Inspired by top gear? :P

  • Cessna 172 Floatplane 8.8 years ago

    It is a Beautifal set of pontoons you've added.

  • long haul 1200 wrecker 6X6 baja-2 8.8 years ago

    Nice! You're good at land vehicles like this!

  • Mak-132 K 8.8 years ago

    @Pilotmario only two fighters, however... There's a few taildragger jet aircraft of larger sizes, as they have the jet engines on the wings, far further forward then a fighter...Additionally taildragging can be useful in taking off at a shorter distance, as your already facing slightly upward.

  • Gendust GEW-1A "Telescope" 8.8 years ago

    @Berzerk The wings can be anywhere on a plane aesthetetically speaking (you'll know that if you've made a hypnoplane). The thing that matters is the CoM, CoT and CoL, which can be turned on with a button in the menu when making a plane... I'll let someone else explain how they affect flight, but due to this, your wings could be a mile infront of the front of the plane.

  • BREAKING NEWS 8.8 years ago

    Really, there still isn't a reason for this post... Also, next time it'd be better to give a post an informative title, rather than a slightly misleading one.

  • BREAKING NEWS 8.8 years ago

    @ChasingHorizon Well, that's a different matter. See, we have had all sorts of bad behaviour on simpleplanes, however, saying that there is an influx of one or two specific types, just because someone did it to you is a different thing, although I do agree the bypassing of the successor system should be looked into, possibly by a report button on the plane post, you shouldn't really have made this post, your best course of action, after he denied using your plane and turret, would've been to go to @andrewgarrison and not involve anyone else, just simply to handle it nicely then.

  • Piston boat rudder 8.8 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 well, most of all I need the suspension and wheel arches. One axle where it's just fixed, and 1 which can allow the wheels to turn.

  • Airbus A380 8.8 years ago

    @gamerperson1126 ahh it's nothing major, just the wing in the middle. On the plan view from above you can see it.

  • A-10 Thunderbolt II by Rohan 8.8 years ago

    @Rohan Lol :P

  • Unguided Missile & Other Miscellaneous Parts 8.8 years ago

    @Geekpride I might try it, on PC the people with XML modding can easily shrink it, but a new part for it would be nice.

  • BREAKING NEWS 8.8 years ago

    @Johndfg perhaps, but maybe in a little separate bit, and maybe less points awarded to original...

  • A-10 Thunderbolt II by Rohan 8.8 years ago

    @Rohan long time no see :)

  • Unguided Missile & Other Miscellaneous Parts 8.8 years ago

    @Geekpride the rocket however, won't engage thrust, will it? Plus, what if I want to fit it to the fuselage, or want to avoid using a large, clunky pylon? We could make manually guided rockets back before even fuselages, but they were big, and messy. The point of an individual unguided rocket, is to be small. Compact and efficient.
    Additionally an unguided rocket would probably be smaller then the guided ones, max two blocks long.

  • BREAKING NEWS 8.8 years ago

    @Johndfg , I know how to bypass the successor system myself actually, but the problem there isn't copying, it's the bypassing of the successor system. So if that's what the apparently "breaking news" is, then that's what it should say... Copying planes. Even without variation is fine with the successor system, it's not going to make you a super good community , member, but it's fine. The bypassing successor system is the problem.

  • A-10 Thunderbolt II by Rohan 8.8 years ago

    Nice, the weapons are a bit overkill but nice nonetheless.

  • What if you scale a part so big it comes out in real life 8.8 years ago

    Wait, can simpleplanes be printed now :o I so want a whole collection of @Rohan and @SpiritusRaptor planes, I'm not sure hypnotoads will hold together though.

  • Unguided Missile & Other Miscellaneous Parts 8.8 years ago

    Tag added. Didn't know till now forum posts had tags.

  • BREAKING NEWS 8.8 years ago

    Copying planes, doesn't matter to much, due to the whole thing of the original person getting points from it, and normally people do put a small variation on it, a recolour or control surface or landing gear change. I recently did a variant of the XE-08 shuttle, new colour, slight adjustment to some control surfaces, a few Pistons and a landing gear movement, not a BIG change, but a change nonetheless, but the original creator was very kind and supportive, and said how he liked the variant. There are a few more people getting angry in comments, but only a few.

  • D-56 cruise warcraft 8.8 years ago

    Keep up the good work!

  • Maritime Patrol/Bomber 8.8 years ago

    She's nice, she is.

  • Dassault Rafale (smoke trails) 8.8 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor ahh thanks, its been a long time.

  • Piston boat rudder 8.8 years ago

    Ahh ok @Destroyerz117, oh do you think you could build a car chassis perhaps. I'm not as good at mechanisms in SP

  • Piston boat rudder 8.8 years ago

    Nice idea, I foresee the problem of it being asymmetrical. I thought rudders were rotated by being fixed to a gear though, which when turned, rotates the rudder with it?

  • Airbus A380 8.8 years ago

    It's a nice variation, however it's asymmetrical

  • Dassault Rafale (smoke trails) 8.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 oh no, I know he's busy, but he's quite good at XML, so can do those sorts of things fairly easily (normally)... Ahh, i remember back when he made simpler planes though, that was the good ol' days. If you can do them well though, go ahead, and link me to them.

  • Dassault Rafale (smoke trails) 8.8 years ago

    Hey @spiritusraptor I'd love to see you to make a Cessna or something similar! Also, do you think you might be able to make me a 10x power VTOL engine, some VTOL nozzles with very little thrust effect & a more powerful light/beacon?

  • Part collection 1: Coloured stunt smoke! 8.8 years ago

    Nice idea, however it'd be better if they were VTOL thrust nozzles.

  • XE-08 Shuttle 8.8 years ago

    Thanks @ViperGB and @Razr for your speedy up votes. Almost as fast as the shuttle!

  • Supermarine Spitfire 8.8 years ago

    @Stadlles A lot of people have made spitfires. Not just you, nor just Himynameiswalrus. I personally like SpiritusRaptors replicas the most, however it's nice that this one is both simple, yet accurate.

  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 8.8 years ago

    Still making mighty impressive planes I see.

  • Supermarine Spitfire 8.8 years ago

    It's a nice, simple, plane. It'd be nice to be in vanilla planes actually.

  • Yabba Dabba Do! 8.8 years ago

    Oh this is damn nice.

  • 'Blimp' Fusilage Part 8.8 years ago

    @Jachupl Perhaps.

  • Shattered ice 9.0 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld awesome!

  • Shattered ice 9.0 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld go back to making old planes please. :)