@BACconcordepilot woah never heard of that I'm still 13, lol sometimes when I'm on computers I search up memes and funny stuff but otherwise I get on with my work. We are doing animating now so it's fun
@BACconcordepilot ummmmmmm well why don't you do that... Based off this build or make your own be sure to tag me if you make your own. I'm in the middle of making a gameboy
Yayyyy, (in creepy voice) now tell me your password so I can hack your account and delete it heheeheheheheh, (back to normal voice) wait I didn't say that...
@Minecraftpoweer ahhh poops. Somebody couldve told me earlier I've tagging more than 3 people all the time, no wonder some of them didn't respond༼ つ ಥಥ ༽つ ಠಠ ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@BlackhattAircraft hahaha yeah I usually wouldn't mention anything about planes to them apart from this weird kid who has these Top trump cards and I show him the card and he has to say that name but he screams If I show him a small plane like a Cessna, cuz he says "I SIAD I DUNT KNO DAH SMAWL PLANES!!!! ARRRGGGGGAGAGAAAAAA!!!!!!!"
@metallicplanes oh well ummmm... Im, I'm.... I'm not a human I'm a car ok!
@Ebf123 yes the orange works well with the white.
@belugasub yeaaaaaahhhhh BOI I'm gold. Mostly thanks to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ btw I work up and found myself at gold!
@belugasub lol jk it's ok. I understand you want to show your plane making skills to the max
@MAHADI thanks so much dude it's been a while since i've seen you. i guess i needed a break from SP and now i'm back refreshed.
Love it, very detailed and a nice design. I like that the engines do the weird thing where they move to add to manuverability
@BACconcordepilot woah never heard of that I'm still 13, lol sometimes when I'm on computers I search up memes and funny stuff but otherwise I get on with my work. We are doing animating now so it's fun
@BACconcordepilot lol don't you have lessons to attend? Well I mean are you doing a subject now? Math? English?
@BACconcordepilot seriously? I just finished school
I made something kinda similar, here
@BACconcordepilot ummmmmmm then how are you commenting...
Nice plane tho
@belugasub lol, let's just refer to them as the bits above the wheels thx. Btw Ive almost run out of your planes to upvote lol.
@metallicplanes what do you mean?
@BACconcordepilot ummmmmmm well why don't you do that... Based off this build or make your own be sure to tag me if you make your own. I'm in the middle of making a gameboy
@TheBroadside beep beep beep beep (slowly reverses away) I was never here...
Yayyyy, (in creepy voice) now tell me your password so I can hack your account and delete it heheeheheheheh, (back to normal voice) wait I didn't say that...
@ViciousTNT lol, I merely missed the TV when I didn't where it playing Wii sports tennis! Lol
@JDPeery128 you probably would have gotten more attention if you didn't include the wings, but overall very nice. You got the b button on point btw 😉
Nice very accurate
@slayeralpha yeah...
@CrashFighter05 nope, just a part of my Nintendo series
@slayeralpha indeed it is, but once my Wii remote went flying off my hand when playing Wii sports tennis, it merely missed my television. 😬😓
@Shippy456 it's really annoying to find the perfect image on Google to build from I'm making progress, thanks for wanting to support my build :)
@BlueCitrus meh probably something like that.
@ACEPILOT109 😂😂😂
(๏д๏) (villager noise intensifies)
yaaaayyy let's quit together!!! wait what...
@Shippy456 I know you were joking but I started making I before you told me
@belugasub lol
@belugasub lol you said "deepy duck"
@belugasub Q UA CK quack Q u a K Q UA CK qU aCK Q UA CK Q UA CK Q UA CK Q UA CK Q UA CK Q UA CK
Constellation: Hehehehe
SP: ...
(One second later)
Constellation: Hey no fair!!! (Rages)
@Shippy456 lol im making a Gameboy now.
@robloxweponco that's cuz it's not, it's the original.
@Shemes213 Merci
@Megaplanesinc indeed it is
@SamCentral seriously? We be the cool kids we don't need no baby wrist strap(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
@Explosiveman56 ok your just asking to get that upvote taken off you
pretty much impossible to control(。>﹏<。)
@Minecraftpoweer ahhh poops. Somebody couldve told me earlier I've tagging more than 3 people all the time, no wonder some of them didn't respond༼ つ ಥಥ ༽つ ಠಠ ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@bjac0 okay that's pretty bad. Thank the lord I'm not in danger.
@Minecraftpoweer I can already do that... Well that's what it looks like
@BlackhattAircraft hahaha yeah I usually wouldn't mention anything about planes to them apart from this weird kid who has these Top trump cards and I show him the card and he has to say that name but he screams If I show him a small plane like a Cessna, cuz he says "I SIAD I DUNT KNO DAH SMAWL PLANES!!!! ARRRGGGGGAGAGAAAAAA!!!!!!!"
If I was a moderator I would ban loads of accounts quickly then delete my account. Lol jk I would probably just help smaller accounts to grow
Wait what happens when they succeed do they delete your account?
@bjac0 okay sorry sorry. Am I at risk here I'm a iOS user?
@SupremeDorian k cool
@ThePrototype k cool