26 LoveSomePlanes Comments

  • Antonov AN225 2.8 years ago

    It is a amazing build, and the fact that the head actually OPENS is amazing, but it is really laggy with 2K parts it almost blew up my macbook. But in all it is a great build :)

  • IJN Akagi 2.7 years ago

    Bruh the zeros be like "planes not included each sold separately"

  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.7 years ago

    (unless you have a nasa computer)

  • John Deere 6250r 2.8 years ago

    Now this is a exotic build. I've never actually seen a tractor before... well, looks nice. Kinda easy to tip over tho.not that many parts for a lot of detail. And the best thing is that its actually very close to the real size. Nice job, cant lie.

  • Comprehensive Game Map 2.9 years ago

    Whats A1 and A2 on wright islands

  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.7 years ago

    Pro tip: Dont bomb this thing, you and your computer will instantly regret this.

  • GKN SIMBA WOOD ARMOR!! (25mm cannon) 2.8 years ago

    this is a really good build. i've never actually seen a good looking veichel with less than 1000 parts... good build dude. would have been really cool if there was a interior...

  • Airbus A350-900 2.8 years ago

    This is a really good plane with a surprisingly low amount of parts, and flys pretty well(i mean for me it does 1 dont use a joystick) and best of all it does not lag

  • Dubna class Tanker (Lite) 2.9 years ago


  • URC Type-300 Aircraft Carrier 2.9 years ago

    It kinda looks like the USS beast

  • Make USS Beast fly with this 2.7 years ago

    The USS Beast is now the helicarrier lol

  • [AI Fighter] M1IP Abrams + snow camo 2.7 years ago

    Cool =D

  • General Electric-F110 2.7 years ago

    Dam it this is Minecraft and the redstone update all over again making stuff like piston doors and aircraft engines when you already have simple things that dont require 500 parts

  • RSF 2.7 years ago

    I have not been on in a while... i guess i have a lot to catch up on, and i just want to say, that this is the most amazing and well working car i've seen(that can actually take fast turns easily)

  • GKN SIMBA WOOD ARMOR!! (25mm cannon) 2.8 years ago

    @Jauntyccmbr k

  • GKN SIMBA WOOD ARMOR!! (25mm cannon) 2.8 years ago

    also how do you launch counter measures?

  • 2019 Koenigsegg Jesko: Attack Variant 2.8 years ago

    and nice build in all :)

  • 2019 Koenigsegg Jesko: Attack Variant 2.8 years ago

    very nice interior

  • Potted Tree 2.8 years ago

    Quite literally the name no need for description

  • SimplePlanes Island Map (redo...a bit more artsy) 3.0 years ago

    This helped a lot, thanks! now i know where everything is.

  • moyai 2.7 years ago

    so i shot him and all that happened is that his mouth fell off lol🗿

  • Zaine's Rudolph Squadron 2.7 years ago

    @Zaineman if you could make a less plane version that would help @ElWiWi

  • A m o g u s 2.7 years ago

    What a i looking at here?

  • Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer 2.7 years ago

    @WormWithLegs Agreed

  • General Electric-F110 2.7 years ago

    Buuuuut good build

  • Avro Newcastle 2.7 years ago

    epic android build i am quite literately surprised it looks this good

  • Uh an ASAP IJN Hiryu Egg original free not stolen good nice ship 100% best in japan world war two ca 2.7 years ago

    @JustDragon "ALL FOR THE LOW PRICE IF $133060.99 USD!!!" Yea... idk about that

  • CraneGame 2.7 years ago

    Cool a game in a game how about a working computer next so you can play simple planes in simple planes and play this in the simple planes(a game in a game in a game. wow.)

  • T-47 Snowspeeder 2.8 years ago

    how did you get those AT-ATs?

  • PEEL P50 2.8 years ago

    i mean, if it is not that fast, then why would you worry about your feet being in the crumple zone? unless you get hit by a car head on(and this thing is literarily a tin can on wheels so it you would probably get seriously ingered if it hit any part of the car...) is almost the only way to get hurt? i mean, would it really like hurt if you crashed this thing into a wall at its top speed?

  • how to fly a heli 2.8 years ago

    @X99STRIKER they are preaty easy, manlly use keys Q,W,E,A,S, and D, but you can enable mouse joystick.

  • Lockheed SR-71 FedEx 2.8 years ago

    fed-ex has upgraded to jet power i think teleportation is next

  • Pushrod Prerunner 2.8 years ago

    @RDAdesigns thats i nice tactic. i dont really care if the thing looks good but the reason im saying this is good is because its good to handle and it does not flip over(at least not that often as the little bugger really that thing is like drift missile...)

  • A3 2.8 years ago


  • A3 2.8 years ago

    the front looks normal, but when you see it from the side...

  • A3 2.8 years ago

    wat da hell is this how does this even FLY
    dis is cring

  • Pushrod Prerunner 2.8 years ago

    nice car not to detailed but its still good

  • how to fly a heli 2.8 years ago

    left joy stick..? oh your on moble..? i think? im on mac

  • Fuselage Bomb Blocks 2.8 years ago

    yay thing go boom now all i need is a beefy comp and dropbox cuz my 2017 macbook will probably not even hold up the boom 250

  • how to fly a heli 2.8 years ago

    ok... just im trying to figure out what does what

  • P-51 Mustang 2.0 2.8 years ago

    um... what? wha-? you know what? i wont even ask.

  • how to fly a heli 2.8 years ago

    @X99STRIKER like the gator 2? ye i am talking about that one i cant fly it i just go to the side and then flip over

  • how to fly a heli 2.8 years ago

    i really dont understand

  • how to fly a heli 2.8 years ago

    please someone help..?

  • PI-JIC-SwordFish-Mk1 2.8 years ago

    Im surprised that this is a such a low part aircraft and it looks so nice... and it flys like a dream. real nice build.

  • Pro.1155 Destroyer 2.8 years ago

    L A G but awesome build but really im on a trash computer so its like makeing my game go at 2.43 FPS

  • Dubna class Fleet Tanker 2.8 years ago

    will this explode violently when you throw a torpedo at it(i mean if its a tanker it has like gas or diesel and stuff right? so it should blow up like its full of it, right?)

  • Pro.58 Kynda class missile cruiser (1980) 2.8 years ago

    but really this is a good ship, lots of detailing, definitely a god build, only if you could make a less part version(2000, maybe?) it would be awsome.