You can take it, you don't have to give credit when uploading your work using this HUD screen, but if you still add credit then I will give you an Upvote.
This aircraft is equipped with:
1.3 HUD screen
2.bomber mode
3. The camera on the drone can be moved if there is a target
4.air-to-ground missiles
5. Flare ammunition 50000
Untuk @Ncorp saya telah mengedit kendarraan anda menjadi lebih berbeda sedikit,jadi saya hanya menambahkan peluncur rudal di belakang dan bisa berbelok
You can take it, you don't have to give credit when uploading your work using this HUD screen, but if you still add credit then I will give you an Upvote.
Special Thanks:
I hope it's not mine :v
vehicle: @ChrisPy
armament: @NCorp
Funky code: @NCorp
Sorry for the inconvenience.
@PriyanshuGM ok
Hey @PriyanshuGM,where did you get that HUD Radar Screen?
Hmm 500 part lebih,bolehlah
the plane is good but there are a few flaws, I have fixed it
Where did you get the HUD Radar from?
Korvet Atau Fregat?
@Th3rmoplylae for what?
No Weapons?
@Fiocing1 bruh
Hmm Bagus,oh iya apakah projek Pak DAnya berjalan lancar?
Wuih mengkeren
@PrismoRTX kok bisa😂
This aircraft is equipped with:
1.3 HUD screen
2.bomber mode
3. The camera on the drone can be moved if there is a target
4.air-to-ground missiles
5. Flare ammunition 50000
Sekarang aku bisa melengkapi Fregat ku dengan misil ini
I modified it with imagination!
Thanks for build it
Wtf Why this name is bad
@NCorp duh saya lupa memasang ban pada trailer belakang duh kapan kapan saya ganti yg baru
Untuk @Ncorp saya telah mengedit kendarraan anda menjadi lebih berbeda sedikit,jadi saya hanya menambahkan peluncur rudal di belakang dan bisa berbelok
Besok saya akan mengganti dengan yg baru sistem Aa akan saya ganti dengan rudal
@MentallyDistorted hanya memperbaiki saja apa yg telah rusak