@stevemc01 😬Thank you, I guess ...... my English is very bad so what I understand may be different from what you say, but my use of fuselage is very bad so I can't make much complex or advanced work, sorry ......
@ThomasRoderick 🤔No, it's just that the restrictions on the navy in that world are vague, similar to how the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force refers to their 20,000-ton helicopter carriers as "frigates".
@ThomasRoderick 🥳In the real world 381mm guns are indeed the category of battleships, but in my own empty world due to the difference between the international situation and geography gives birth to such "heavy cruisers".
@EternalDarkness 😫Yes, the dreadnought is epoch-making, in fact, the main gun configuration of this ship is planned to refer to the KGV, but because my daily energy is limited and I may not have time to play the game for some time in the future, so the main gun of this ship is actually a product of reuse, maybe one day in the future I will replace the new main gun and turret for this ship, thank you very much for your support.
@Sergio666 Thanks for the compliment, I think it's because of the simpler wings and simpler fuselage of the seaplane. And it takes creativity, execution, and drive to consistently build quality flying machines, not many people can actually do all three, and you are one of them, love your interesting work, my friend.
@Sergio666 Lol, thank you for your support! I've never seen anyone else do this before, so I was afraid of breaking some community rule in an unknown situation, thank you very much!
@Quec lol, in fact I was originally going to call this ship the Rio, which exists as the flagship of the offshore defense fleet of the South American Republican Federation in a fictional worldview, so it's not very large.
@Sergio666 Have you tried changing the resistance of certain parts or changing the height of the engine? Maybe the fuselage or engine is causing too much downforce.
@stevemc01 😆Thank you!!!
@Sergio666 😊Thank you, my friend, for all your work and compliments.
+2@stevemc01 😬Thank you, I guess ...... my English is very bad so what I understand may be different from what you say, but my use of fuselage is very bad so I can't make much complex or advanced work, sorry ......
@Sergio666 🤤A million thanks my friend, you don't need to do that, it's just a small improvement, not even an upgrade.
@lz2222222 👻非洲大雪人,平时也就是看看视频,毕竟带剪辑的视频啥的也不会做......
+1@lz2222222 😳有两个视频,不过大佬算不上,4000个小时了连仿真机翼都不会,只有造造船才能维持得了娱乐这样子。
+1@lz2222222 主要起步的时候我也是这样的,我觉得玩这游戏创意是最重要的,没有特定的路径要求如何。
+1@OhSaDaHal Thank you for your work! It was fantastic!
Can you Add this to Maywar's sea?
@ThomasRoderick 🤔No, it's just that the restrictions on the navy in that world are vague, similar to how the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force refers to their 20,000-ton helicopter carriers as "frigates".
+1@PapaKernels LPHQ,Low parts and high quality.
+1@maximillianvonschaben 😋Yes, this ship combines some elements of the British Navy and the Italian Navy.
+1@ThomasRoderick 🥳In the real world 381mm guns are indeed the category of battleships, but in my own empty world due to the difference between the international situation and geography gives birth to such "heavy cruisers".
+1@EternalDarkness 😫Yes, the dreadnought is epoch-making, in fact, the main gun configuration of this ship is planned to refer to the KGV, but because my daily energy is limited and I may not have time to play the game for some time in the future, so the main gun of this ship is actually a product of reuse, maybe one day in the future I will replace the new main gun and turret for this ship, thank you very much for your support.
+1@Sergio666 🧑✈️You too, my friend.
@Sergio666 😉You get what you earn, friend.
+1@ArthurPlayer Lol,based on LittleJerry's construction of the most concise and powerful P-51's I've ever seen work.
@Sergio666 🦾Thanks a ton.
@LittleJerry Because I've always felt that simple planes need a character that can be controlled by the player,And this is really good.
+1Nice German doomsday jets.
+2@Sergio666 Thanks a million, bro!!!
+1Can I upload a modified version of this plane?
+2🤟Nice work! Man. And thank you very, very much for the support!
+1@ArthurPlayer 😎👌That's just because you're doing a great job.
+1@Sergio666 Much appreciated, my friend.
+1@Sergio666 Thanks for the compliment, I think it's because of the simpler wings and simpler fuselage of the seaplane. And it takes creativity, execution, and drive to consistently build quality flying machines, not many people can actually do all three, and you are one of them, love your interesting work, my friend.
+1@Sergio666 Lol, thank you for your support! I've never seen anyone else do this before, so I was afraid of breaking some community rule in an unknown situation, thank you very much!
@ALTMTR Thank you so much!
@WingsOfSteel Thank you very much!
@ChuanLiuBuXi2191 谢谢你!!!
+1@ICIN Thank you for giving me your vote!!
+1@Quec And thank you for your support!
+1@Feanor Thank you and thank you for your unbelievably magnificent work!
+1@Ayanon Thank you!!
+1@Karzigg 😉Thank you!
@Quec lol, in fact I was originally going to call this ship the Rio, which exists as the flagship of the offshore defense fleet of the South American Republican Federation in a fictional worldview, so it's not very large.
+2@Sergio666 🖖A good thing to be in SPVR.
+1A true product of the SP style.
+1only 94 parts.
@Sergio666 👌I'll see what I can do to help you.
@Sergio666 Have you tried changing the resistance of certain parts or changing the height of the engine? Maybe the fuselage or engine is causing too much downforce.
@Sergio666 🤤You have quite a lot of good work.
@shoot4942 It's Rough.
@BYAKUYA 大多数支持台湾独立的西方人实际上可能连台湾在哪里都不知道,更别说了解台湾和中国大陆的历史了,他们支持台湾的原因只不过是因为社会主义阵营的中国对台湾有领土宣称,甚至都不知道台湾以前是由中华民国这个完全丧失了中国国家代表权非法盘踞在中华人民共和国领土上的的地区政权演变而来的,他们支持台湾独立的另外一点则是他们认为台湾受西方国家鼓动去中化反华是独立思考民主自由的表现,可笑的是西方国家一天到晚都在说中俄对他们媒体宣传和操纵选举跟洗脑来破坏地区平衡,他们却真觉得自己是白莲花,哪怕是他们带着军队在阿富汗、伊拉克肆意妄为的时候也觉得自己无比正义,这一点西方世界和他们的狗腿子轮子直到中国跟西方彻底在现实决出胜负以前都会是这样,骂回去或者表达自己的论点都好,因为他们生气就太不值当了。