1,949 MKGamePlay Comments

  • Custom chopper (Working) 7.0 years ago

    I gave you an upvote for the effort. It is a good looking motorcycle. The jet engine is placed in such a way that the rider's unmentionables would get fried.

  • MKGP Cessna A-37 Imitation Mk-1 7.1 years ago


    Thank you for your observations.

    I am aware of the issues.

    What you refer to as “tail-flutter” is actually the angular momentum in effect. It can be reduced by moving the rocket-pods closer to the Centre-of-Mass, but then the aircraft would look less like a Cessna A-37. The other way is to increase the fuselage weight, which would make take-off and landing difficult. Speed could be easily increased using different turbines, but that would increase the fuel consumption and consequently reduce the endurance/range. I say this because I have tried to solve these problems, with limited success. For a straight-wing CAS aircraft, I didn’t think speed would be a priority.

    I would like to have a look at an aircraft that solves all these issues without introducing new issues. That way, I can learn from something that is exemplary.

  • Su-24 Fencer 7.0 years ago

    Good job. You even took care to include the boundary layer splitter. Very meticulous.

  • CedCo 1971 WaspC2 SportsWagon 7.0 years ago


    I think he converted a tudor (two door) into a combi (station wagon).

  • H-6L Variable-Sweep Strategic Bomber 7.1 years ago

    This is similar to the original design of the Tupolev-160 as designed by the Myasishchev Design Bureau prior to takeover by the Tupolev Design Bureau.

  • Experimental Helicopter 1.1 7.1 years ago

    I am impressed with the effort and technical skills. Would you please update this with instructions on how to operate? I was able to get the rotors turning but was not able to take off. I have default physics settings.

  • Chassis 7.1 years ago

    Lot of hard work went into this. I have been trying (and struggling with one of my builds) to see whether two rotators with the same axis of rotation can handle two connections each, one on the sprung side and one on the unsprung side. It appears the game only allows one connection-pair, while the other rotator hangs around in mid air.

    Ref: https://steamcommunity.com/app/397340/discussions/0/1495615865207867123/

  • Myasishchev M-32 7.1 years ago

    It was Myasischev, along with TsAGI, who designed the aircraft that is officially known as the Tupolev-160, and that is because, the design were transferred to the Tupolev Design Bureau. The original Tupolev-160, as envisaged by the Tupolev Design Bureau, looked very much like the Tupolev-144, but was rejected by the government.

  • MKGP Boeing-737 Imitation Mk-1 7.1 years ago

    @ACMECo1940, thank you Sir. I have created a new version of the Boeing-737 with corrections.

  • MKGP Boeing-737 Imitation Mk-1 7.1 years ago

    @Bobbybuilder12, you are correct and I plan to rectify the wingspan in the next iteration.

  • MKGP Tupolev-160 Imitation Mk-3 7.1 years ago

    @ACMECo1940, I have created one Boeing-737. It is under 200 parts. Please follow this link.

  • MKGP Tupolev-160 Imitation Mk-3 7.1 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 I make mine on PC. What do I need to keep in mind to make one that is mobile friendly? Please advise.

  • Mod Request- Scale Rotator 8.5 years ago

    There is an existing discussion on this topic.

  • Help? WIP jet 8.5 years ago

    Wrapping the wings with fuselage sections worked for me. A width of 0.25 units should be slightly greater than the width of the wing.
    P.S.: Your aircraft looks nice. The upwards bends at the wing-tips remind me of the natural winglets of the tips of a gliding bird's wings.