795 MMDerK Comments

  • Advanced Targeting 6.9 years ago

    Thanks to this mod, I was able to achieve 96 hits with bomb training!

  • Help!(F-15) 5.4 years ago

    @HenriBobby So you want to improve the pitch performance of this F-15?
    There are several ways to improve pitch performance
    1 Bring the center of gravity and aerodynamic center closer to the limit where the airplane can fly without spinning
    2 Install the elevator on both the primary wing and horizontal stabilizer (Set the primary elevator invert to Yes and the stabilizer elevator invert to No.)
    3 Set the elevator length to 20%
    Control Surfaces length can be set within 10 to 90%
    However, if the length of the elevator is too wide, the pitch performance will drop because the wings will stall
    The optimal elevator length is 20%

  • Me-262 Test 5.4 years ago

    Since the elevator is too wide, the horizontal stabilizer stalls when turning strongly

  • MikoTestScripts 5.8 years ago

    I checked about what I commented on earlier
    The building on this map will break if something contacts
    Therefore, a building will be broken just when a truck rolls and contacts a building
    The phenomenon that the bomb disappears was actually the bombs penetrating the ground and falling into the sea
    I was mistaken that the bomb had disappeared in the air because no explosion occurred
    The reason why the bomb penetrates the ground is the lack of performance of my PC and the large map data

  • MikoTestScripts 5.8 years ago

    Destroying a truck in the city of Mission 2 destroys the house with a truck explosion
    So I can not complete the mission without causing any damage to the town

    When the bomb was dropped from a certain altitude, the bomb disappeared in the air

    I used google translation

  • Japanese plane(Need help) 5.3 years ago

    Why did you think an airplane with such a small primary wing would fly?
    The primary wing aileron is inside and the elevator invert is no
    Make an airplane that can fly normally before putting on decorative blocks

  • How to make a highly stable airplane 5.3 years ago

    @TrislandianAlliance I did not know the forum until now

  • Help 5.3 years ago

    Always yaw to the right as it is asymmetrical
    Flat spin as there is no vertical stabilizer

  • Why is this so unstable!!!??? -- SOLVED 5.4 years ago

    Stall when pitching up because horizontal stabilizer is too small
    If you want to increase yawing stability, make the vertical stabilizer larger or away from the center or add to the bottom of the fuselage

  • Help!(F-15) 5.4 years ago

    All-flying tail wings are less stable
    Increase stability by lowering the range of motion and operating speed
    The ideal I have reached after testing is a movable range of 10 ° and a rotation speed of 40% (This is my personal idea, so you don't have to follow)

  • First Plane needs upgrades 5.5 years ago

    I challenged and completed this plane upgrade

  • jointed pendant 5.7 years ago

    Ultra super great cute

  • hello help 6.2 years ago

    Since the nose is flat, it spins horizontally
    Since the top and bottom of the rotator are reversed, it makes contact with the rotor blade
    Since the center of gravity and thrust center are separated from each other, spin vertically if thrust is raised
    Because it is asymmetrical left, it is not stable

    I use Google Translate

  • Old Generation Jet 6.4 years ago

    I am glad that everyone is having fun

  • AI Aircraft Mod Challenge 7.0 years ago

    I changed and posted again.

  • AI Aircraft Mod Challenge 7.0 years ago

    It is a simple fighter.
    Sorry to trouble you, but please erase unnecessary parts and install weapons on the pylon there.

  • F-11 A Big hunter (Fictional) 7.2 years ago

    @kgv23 Your response is very fast!
    The timing when you commented has been only a few seconds since I uploaded it!