@MrShenanigans a fictional aircraft of my own design, but i did take a bit of inspiration from Ace Combat’s control systems + videos of irl aircraft maneuvers
@Mustang51: The rifle has some basis in the M1 Garand, and a bit in the Mosin Nagant
ArcturusAerospace: I could, mind giving me some reference pictures so that i can do it sometime?
@Brencool35 ios, you have to find Andrew Garrison‘s account, he has directions in this latest forum. Steam, right click the game on the list, properties, betas, and then click publictest
Hello, I have come across a strange issue. I have made attempts to join the Japanese server. While I am able to get past the joining channel 0 output, I explode shortly after, crashing the game. What could be the issue in this case? Is there a solution available?
The game that really just got me into the community. It was warship craft I got into, and at the time I was in the middle school. I think it was about a year or two later that iI joined the Conscripted Hub. Good times, I like ham
@Bismarcksurvivor100 fortunately, i have multiple new rifles built. One of them is an automatic rifle similar to the STG-44, so a bit more modern than this 1930’s soldier.
@hRmm typically, a superheavy tank is one that is heavier in armor and armament to most heavy tanks. Going off this, this tank is certainly heavier than most heavy tanks and has a much bigger gun than standard.
@SuperStriker33 Thank you! There is actually a mod you can use to take screenshots in the game, but for this one i screenshotted my screen, edited it in an external program, then used the newer blueprints function to create a custom thumbnail. It even works on mobile!
+5So hot
+4@BeastHunter build's published!
+3I have a baguette in mind
+3@ZWLenning @VerargerterVortex Your tea is served
+2Your development over time has been most impressive. Keep it up!
+2This is based off of a shipwreck in MC, i couldn’t find a tutorial and so copied it layer by layer instead @BroAeronautics
+2@EliteArsenals24 671 currently
+2So strange yet beautiful
+2Beautiful A-10. Can't wait to fly it!
+1It doesn’t function, but it does look neat
+1@TatsuTheOtaku Yes
+1I'd love to have a spread tool for blocks. Lets builders make a hull's flare on the front and back of a hull while being able to save part count.
+1With the forum itself, you can do this
@MrShenanigans a fictional aircraft of my own design, but i did take a bit of inspiration from Ace Combat’s control systems + videos of irl aircraft maneuvers
+1M e o w z @p0tato72
+1There is now a way to do it
+1@nagisaAlt yes, i believe that is correct.
+1Would you like me to send Yu-ru as an unlisted build, if you don’t have it?
@DistinctivePlanes I have put the specs up on my profiles, if you would like to see.
+1Dis is art
+1@P0TET0Z fictional country
+1@Mustang51: The rifle has some basis in the M1 Garand, and a bit in the Mosin Nagant
+1ArcturusAerospace: I could, mind giving me some reference pictures so that i can do it sometime?
Sure, feel free to @THEAIRCRAFTCRAFTER
+1@Brencool35 ios, you have to find Andrew Garrison‘s account, he has directions in this latest forum. Steam, right click the game on the list, properties, betas, and then click publictest
+1@Mustang51 i believe it’s about 1km, with a few give/take
+1Goodness, that SMOOTH
+1Hmm, i guess this could fit in: T-49
+1No problem, @MarinoYeet
+1Lovely aircraft
@Roofustardus yeah, that’s the one. The original builder deleted it, so i used a modified skeleton from it
Yeet bois
Hello, I have come across a strange issue. I have made attempts to join the Japanese server. While I am able to get past the joining channel 0 output, I explode shortly after, crashing the game. What could be the issue in this case? Is there a solution available?
The game that really just got me into the community. It was warship craft I got into, and at the time I was in the middle school. I think it was about a year or two later that iI joined the Conscripted Hub. Good times, I like ham
@Jerba @ACEPILOT109
Tags yeet
@Bismarcksurvivor100 fortunately, i have multiple new rifles built. One of them is an automatic rifle similar to the STG-44, so a bit more modern than this 1930’s soldier.
Use this:

@hRmm typically, a superheavy tank is one that is heavier in armor and armament to most heavy tanks. Going off this, this tank is certainly heavier than most heavy tanks and has a much bigger gun than standard.
Beautiful map. Definitely looking like an airport.
@ZWLenning currently sitting at 1013 parts, only added one VLS missile due to previous ships having lag issues
@SuperStriker33 we can use this:

@SuperStriker33 Thank you! There is actually a mod you can use to take screenshots in the game, but for this one i screenshotted my screen, edited it in an external program, then used the newer blueprints function to create a custom thumbnail. It even works on mobile!
Tags as requested on the forum post
@MulletMan101 @Nintendo
Happy birthday!
@MajorSix @Oukraine :p
Truly a force to be reckoned with.