60 Markjn Comments

  • Mil Mi-24 SCP-1745: The Phantom Helicopter 4.1 years ago

    Your model looks great - first Hind I've bothered to download. Suffers from a lot of the same control problems almost every SP helo seems to have. Stays level, but drifts a lot and responds with random turns when trying to go to either side (A & D). Hard to keep still or stop. Delay in response to Q & E tail rotor turns makes it hard to use them and then they reverse and spin the helo randomly. Then don't respond at all for a while. It is SP helo controls that need a lot of fixing. Only way to fly it is to take everything slow. But when trying to take SAM tanks, you can't gp so slow...

  • CX500 - Cafe Racer 3.9 years ago

    Got a better run at it and made it over the airplane parking berms!

  • GR-AC 01 Block II 3.9 years ago

    Wow, drove to places I never thought I could. I swear it drives straight up walls.

  • Imperial Navy 4.2 years ago

    Adding a bunch of zero second lock fast Cleavers to a B-36... How high can I target from is the question - so I can use a big damage setting like @Jaspy109 said.

  • bushframe - 4.3 years ago

    I like how this flies. I just did my smoothest landing ever with this. Didn't even need the flaps. Though the flaps look awesome! Nice job.

  • Balius 4.3 years ago

    Just used this to fly through the Beast hanger deck. Nice controllable plane.

  • Flying Through the USS Beast Carrier 4.3 years ago

    I came searching here after flying through the Beast. I didn't know if it might unlock something like flying through the Pyramid. I tried it with a couple of planes that were not very stable, then used the Balius to fly through. Nice plane. I have to go upvote that plane now that I'm registered. (First post)

  • M1 ''American clory'' 3.3 years ago

    Please put some up some description of what is changed versus the previous version. You have several iterations of M1 tanks and I have no idea what makes them different other than what I can see in the pictures.

  • One RING To Rule Them All... 3.6 years ago

    Not all who wander are lost.

  • F-16 XL 1.2 fixed (thanks BogdanX) 3.6 years ago

    @RamboJutter Not criticizing at all, just agreeing with the original poster. I understand is is an old build. This plane is more than I have and can build so far, that is why I really only download and slightly modify other people's planes, learning building techniques that way. I should have said that the air plane looks fantastic, with only the wing thickness needing a tweak. I searched for F-16XLs yesterday because I just read an article about them.
    I have downloaded and enjoyed SEVERAL planes of yours. The F-5 improved is one of my favorites - just flew it two days ago. I don't think I modified anything on that, other than the guns a little. I also like your TSI3, Vulcan B4, and a couple others.

  • F-16 XL 1.2 fixed (thanks BogdanX) 3.6 years ago

    Yeah, sure looks like the wings are very thick - the F-16 wing is very thin and I suspect the XL wing doesn't get much thicker. I'll have to see if I can thin them out. I enjoy tweaking other people's planes how I like them. Maybe I should start posting modified versions of planes...
    "Although I think that the wings are a bit too thick"

  • High tech weapons 3.7 years ago

    Cool. Want to try the MOAB.

  • Eclipse II 3.7 years ago

    @TrueNoMan Oh, gotcha. Thanks for the reply.

  • Eclipse II 3.8 years ago

    "Do NOT fire Turrets and Main Batteries during ascension/decension!"
    Why not?!?

  • CX500 - Cafe Racer 3.9 years ago

    Fun! Tried jumping the earthen walls around airplane parking at Wright Airport, but came up juuuuust short and ka-bloowey. Put a mini wing gun in the headlight and now chase convoys too.

  • Mil Mi-26 3.9 years ago

    Kinda fun to drop the plane on a convoy. Then I attached 3 Boom 50s to the landing gear and it became a big bomb. A lot more fun. I had to make the bombs stick out below the tires just a hair because you can drop the carried plane from 1000 feet / 305 meters and it only breaks off the nose. I put one Boom 50 at each gear pointing down and scaled to the bombs to be thin to look like the gear itself.

    Mark like appropriately sized Boom.

  • Mil Mi-26 3.9 years ago

    Flies nice.

  • Object 263 1/1 3.9 years ago

    Nice suspension and targeting. Sunk the Beast with four hits from shore. Hit one of the destroyers too. then they got out of range.

  • Sopwith Camel V.2 3.9 years ago

    Nice looking build, but I had to reduce the weight some to get it to fly. But then again, I sometimes have problems with planes not reaching their potential from one session to the next. That is a SP problem.

    The Camel was 925 lbs originally, and I as finding wires in the SP version that were 11lbs. I got it down to about 4500 lbs so far.

  • Jawa Sandcrawler - shape study 3.9 years ago

    I'll make sure to name the next version of this (if I make it, and I hope to) the Uniti.

  • Jawa Sandcrawler - shape study 3.9 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes and comments!

  • Jawa Sandcrawler - shape study 3.9 years ago

    @Embo LOL! I had to look that up.

  • XB-71 Odin 4.0 years ago

    It is armed for sure. Added thrusters all over, shortened the wings too.

  • TLZ B-70 Valkyrie Bomber 3.0 4.0 years ago

    Looks like LightningFatty added a lot of air brakes and a couple of VTOL thrust nozzles outside the fuselage floating out in space. The airbrakes work, but I could not see the VTOL nozzles doing anything.

  • TLZ B-70 Valkyrie Bomber 3.0 4.0 years ago

    Looks like you added about 60 parts to Hyperloops's build. What did you add?

  • North America XB-70 Valkyrie Bomber 4.0 years ago

    Like this plane and this build a lot. I'd upvote if I could! I have filled the bomb bay with Boom50's and a few Cleavers.

  • A-1 SKYRAIDER GAA CHALLENGE 4.0 years ago

    I forgot it has an ejection seat, I should have tried that.

  • A-1 SKYRAIDER GAA CHALLENGE 4.0 years ago

    I like how it flies! I like having airbrakes. Good armament like a proper Skyraider. I took out a few convoy trucks with the guns then their second volley of missiles got me. Good stuff. Thanks! @TMach5

  • A-1 SKYRAIDER GAA CHALLENGE 4.0 years ago

    @TMach5 It did work after restarting Steam. Thanks for asking. Have not had a chance tp fly it more than for a few seconds yet though.

  • Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat 4.0 years ago

    @Hedero a lot of planes will pull up when you press S on the keyboard, but when you let go of the key will bounce back down a few times like a car with worn out shock absorbers. Even more common with rudder controls Q & E. My planes do it but some planes don't, and I wish I knew why. Thanks!

  • Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat 4.1 years ago

    Nice! Flies Great! How do you avoid control wobbles?

  • A-1 SKYRAIDER GAA CHALLENGE 4.1 years ago

    Hm, won't load for me on PC. I like Skyraiders, I'd really like to try it.

  • Convair YB-60 Heavy Bomber (All Jet B-36) 4.2 years ago

    "I've got some good planes that I want to make." Sweet...

  • Warriors|Simpleplanes Cinematic 4.2 years ago

    Great video! What song is that?

  • insta kill minigun 4.2 years ago

    What's it do?

  • x-34 4.2 years ago

    Like the smooth look of the body and canopy.

  • Simple tube body Jet F-86 or Mig-15 style 4.2 years ago

    Thanks for checking out my plane @dovahdesigns and giving me some feedback. I started with longer thinner wings and symmetric tailplanes but those were some of the things I changed out of desperation to get this to fly straight. It kept pulling up hard and looping over so I kept trying ways to force the center of lift backwards. My CoM was only a little behind the CoL at first, so I thought it would be OK, but it was not. You are right I should change them back since I have made many other changes since then. I made the wings shorter out of desperation at one point, then made them wider towards the back to move CoL. Again, I should change them back too. I made the fuselage longer after that, so I'll try it one change at a time. I resisted a long time, but eventually had to put 1000lbs dead weight at the nose. I hated doing that. I'm of the Lotus design school - "as light as possible." Thanks again.

  • Mach 5 to 10 op jet (MjN mod1) 4.3 years ago

    I'm not judging. I am still new at this game so I land too hard a lot and I like well damped suspension to reduce bouncing out of control. I don't have a joystick and the mouse controls are sometimes still hard for me to use alongside the keys.

  • Mach 5 to 10 op jet 4.3 years ago

    Thanks for all the air brakes. They are very useful when you pull up too much on a landing and need to quickly get the plane down and slowed on a short runway. And I need to turn up the air traffic density to use all the missiles.