3,248 Martijnproper Comments

  • Yakovlev Yak-9k 9.2 years ago

    очень приятно , товарищ ...

  • Heinkel He 219 Uhu A2 v7 9.2 years ago

    @Pander : Could you tell me whether https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/S80fud/Heinkel-He-219-MOBILE-FRIENDLY works for you? If so, I'll make it public.

  • Heinkel He 219 Uhu A2 v7 9.2 years ago

    @Pander : Removing the guns would do it I guess... Maybe tonight. And no worries, I'm testing the updated mobile version right now. It will probably come out in a week or two.

  • Heinkel He 219 Uhu A2 v7 9.2 years ago

    @Cedy117 @goboygo1 : thanks guys!

  • Heinkel He 219 Uhu A2 v7 9.2 years ago

    @ TheStapler @DeezDucks : I know. Changing the spawning distance would solve my problem but that's not in the game files. I can't bing the guns forward, the real plane has them even more retracted into the wings...

  • Heinkel He 219 Uhu A2 v7 9.2 years ago

    @FenixAlfa : that's done by XML modding. If you have the PC or Mac version, you can use an editor (Notepad++) to adjust part values like size & rotation. If you're on a jailbroken iOs or rooted Android, you might be able to do the same. If all else fails, as someone else to mod for you ;)

  • Heinkel He 219 Uhu A2 v7 9.2 years ago

    @Wildblueyonder578 : Go ahead, these are all open source aircraft. It is however polite to mention the people whose parts you use...

  • Ju87 D Stuka with working rear turret 9.2 years ago

    No worries mate, I like how you build... Always support what you like, hm?

  • Ju87 D Stuka with working rear turret 9.2 years ago

    No scaling the landing gear, I'm afraid... You could use the old method of a fixed wheel on a structural panel connected to a hidden rotator - I'm still learning how to do that reliably. I can rotate it any way you wish, though...

  • Ju87 D Stuka with working rear turret 9.2 years ago

    @KurtTank : Don't know about the length, you can rotate in any direction. I'll check tonight...

  • Ju87 D Stuka with working rear turret 9.2 years ago

    @PFCWesty155 : modding on mobile is diificult; you'd need a rooted or jailbroken device and some knowledge of its file systems and programming. Never tried but I think it could be done.

  • Ju87 D Stuka with working rear turret 9.2 years ago

    @KurtTank : I recently bought the PC version, if you want something modded just ask...

  • AeroEngineering Acadian Mist 9.2 years ago

    Nice, my dad used to have something like this!

  • Fw190 A_v2 9.2 years ago

    I'll send you a link to a high res jpg later.

  • Fw190 A_v2 9.2 years ago

    @KurtTank : I printed that page in A3, laminated it and hung it in my shed. That was the "vision" that started the whole comic... I plan to do more, yes, but the muse can be elusive. You inspired me before, though. Go make me something cool ;)

  • FB-02 Mandavochka - Vintage series 9.2 years ago

    спасибо! @Russkiy98

  • Fw190 A_v2 9.2 years ago

    @KurtTank : no worries mate, I like your work. And good choice on the studies ;) Comic is at https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/98345/Story-SCRAMBLE, if not I'll send you a mirror link. It's a big file so use a PC...

  • Bf109 K-4 v2 9.2 years ago

    Good job, as usual! I especially like the main wheels... I'll fly it when I get home.

  • XCCP-3045 Gregov Class Super Battleship 9.3 years ago

    Teleports you into the center of a star? Dude, there's some serious shielding required there! 2.477 x 10^11 bar pressure; I'm guessing if you can shield against that you'll generate a singularity and cause the star (ship included) to implode. Which, in itself, is a weapon too ;)

  • Update for Steam 9.3 years ago

    @XVIdarkLithium : Duh, that's obvious. If I may quote some *nix guy: "a computer that needs a mouse is not a real computer." I love shortkeys.

  • Martin-Baker MB7 9.3 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft : thanks! And what a difference the PC version is... I'm re-examining your Ju88 to learn how you do the upper / under hull camo. That was a /really/ nice plane. ;)

  • Dassault Mirage III (v1.0) SR 9.3 years ago

    Perfect job, really. Love these planes; the Belgian air force used these too, flying over my school a lot ;) Now a Fouga Magister of this quality would be nice too!

  • T-65B X-Wing StarFighter 9.3 years ago

    @AeroEngineering : Let me have a look in my shack; I may have some lying around from my time on Kashyyyk...

  • T-65B X-Wing StarFighter 9.3 years ago

    And 3700 G accelleration? Dude, that turns people into soup. Unless you have unobtanium-powered inertial dampers...

  • T-65B X-Wing StarFighter 9.3 years ago

    Happy? ;)

  • T-65B X-Wing StarFighter 9.3 years ago

    Remember, the Force will be with you, always.

  • Fw190 A_v2 9.3 years ago

    What do you study? I remember spending most of my holidays studying for mid-term exams :( Have you, by the way, read my comic? It features some of your planes - you even have a full-page spread ;)

  • Update for Steam 9.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison : But I have a laptop without a scroll wheel! (Any shortkeys?)

  • Update for Steam 9.3 years ago

    @ AndrewGarrison : I'm a bit sorry to ask this here but... I recently bought the PC version (ex-iPad) and the thing I miss really badly is a zoom in/out button in the designer and simulator. I expect it's there (iPad supports zoom) but the controls section doesn't mention it and I can't find it anywhere. Help, please! Otherwise, I'm very happy with the PC version - quite a difference from mobile!

  • Minesweeper 9.3 years ago

    Very good work, this is beautiful!

  • Fw190 A_v2 9.3 years ago

    Glad you're back!

  • A question 9.3 years ago

    Adding ballast in the tail section sometimes works for me. Also, a hidden VTOL engine & nozzles can be used for trimming. You should ask someone to mod you a .25 strength engine, though. I'm having similar troubles with a Antonov 72... I'm on iOS too, by the way. Check this, too... https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/f1vux8/Variable-Incidence-Wing-STOL-test

  • Important question for mobile players 9.3 years ago

    @TheLatentImage : wow, man, that's a nicely complete sentence. I'd upvote that one if I could.

  • Important question for mobile players 9.3 years ago

    And a compass. I spend WAY to much time in the stratosphere ;)

  • Important question for mobile players 9.3 years ago

    The sandbox is the game's core, any additon to the existing parts would be very welcome. To offset the Computer Crowd's advantage, I'd like more increments in part sizes. For example .1 increments in stead of .25 ones. Also landing gears (larger), rotators (SMALLER) & wing thickness adjustments. Also, decals would be very nice. Weapons would be fun but MaxTeoZ' stuff is fine too. On discovery - you can discover things only once. Dynamic landscape details (houses, ships, planes) could be fun to mess with over a longer time.
    Also a 'mod database' would be very useful (however you can filter the 'parts'-tag). I don't really care, really. If I feel limited by my iOS version, I'll buy the PC one - it's not that expensive for hours of fun. But for Finnagel's sake, MAKE ME A LINUX PORT! Pleeeeeeeeaaaase!

  • F-261K(Kitty) 9.3 years ago

    @realluochen9999 : she's three, no worries there mate 😆

  • F-261K(Kitty) 9.3 years ago

    My daughter now loves you. :(

  • Special Delivery 2 (X-mas edition) 9.3 years ago

    This is a good idea and definitely a challenge. What I don't understand - and after a year, I'm taking the time to ask - is how you can give the First Place 9 upvotes. I mean, you can only give one per plane, right? You can't control other's upvotes so 'they' can vote the hell out of any plane you dislike. I just don't understand :(

  • Free weapons by MaxTeoZ 9.3 years ago

    @MaxTeoZ : I thank you very much for these. It seems you've become the go-to guy for weapons! Might I request you do the same kind of thing for WW! and WW2 bombs? That would make a LOT of people (me first!) very happy.

  • FJ-20A NATO ''Sparrow'' SSTEF COIN 9.3 years ago

    Ah... Acronyms...

  • FJ-20A NATO ''Sparrow'' SSTEF COIN 9.3 years ago

    Nice! What's a SSTEF?

  • Skoda Sk-266 - Vintage series 9.3 years ago

    @SkyCruiser @WalrusAircraft : thanks for the support, guys!

  • Big Red 9.3 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft : and the Netherlands & Belgium, yes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z9YjyyrLGNA

  • Big Red 9.3 years ago

    Very deserving of the 'SimplePlanes' nomer, indeed. Also reminded me of Sesame Street - only that Big Bird is (?) yellow (he's blue where I live) ;) If the tail wasn't so sharply angled I would have called the plane Manfred.

  • Aerostyle LSF-2055 Space Fighter (A.K.A ''Project One'') 9.3 years ago

    The plane is a little short to pich well... You could move the wings way back, also the front and back pitch controls (wings & canards) should have opposite directions. Still, fun little bird.

  • Focke-Wulf TA.462A ''Pirschjäger (Stalker)'' 9.3 years ago

    It's a nice plane, though. Maybe you can take the Walrus' bomb bay from my Ragnarok bomber and fit it to this. Could make a nice addition...

  • Focke-Wulf TA.462A ''Pirschjäger (Stalker)'' 9.3 years ago

    You do know 'ein Pfirch' is 'a peach' in German? Sorry, I'm off hunting peaches! (Peaches come from a can / They were put there by a man / In a factory downtown)

  • Focke-Wulf TA.462 ''Gefährliche Bogenschütze (Dangerous Archer)'' 9.3 years ago

    @RABpilot : and I apologize for any nagging; I'm a grammar nazi. Check luft46.com if you haven't seen it! If you have, maybe this Lippisch http://www.luft46.com/lippisch/lip13a.html or a Fw Ta400.

  • Focke-Wulf TA.462 ''Gefährliche Bogenschütze (Dangerous Archer)'' 9.3 years ago

    Germans tend to name military stuff after predatory animals, though... Looks nice, I'll fly it later. And comment on that ;)

    (Edited, no longer relevant)

  • AIM-52 Phalanx 9.3 years ago

    @DeezDucks : heh, you could call it the 'Hoplite', or 'Macedon' (which is funny because old Alex the Great figured out how to kill phalanxes) or 'Sheltron' which is a successor to the Phalanx, see Scottish wars.