4,469 Mathieson Comments

  • Monster Truck 6.8 years ago

    Thank you!
    @CruzerBlade @milos4 @Sonicandknuckles

  • Monster Truck 6.8 years ago

    I tried to adjust the traction to make the brakes work better, but the truck is really heavy (weight added to create a low Center of mass) so the brakes just don’t stand a chance.

  • Monster Truck 6.8 years ago

    I took a break from the game for a while so I could focus more on school. @Aerobako

  • Dissecting the 1.7 update log 7.6 years ago

    @Awsomur Ah, Yes. Now I have found them. Thanks for the reply.

  • Dissecting the 1.7 update log 7.6 years ago

    Where are the WWII battleships located in sandbox mode?

  • Ultralight (Float) 8.2 years ago


  • Ultralight (Float) 8.2 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Honestly I think the best way to learn how to build the wings is to take them apart. You'll find that they are really quite simple. The front are a few short fuselage blocks that make up the leading edge of the wing. Then it levels out with a block that is a perfect square/ rectangle, this gives a good transition to the next section. The trailing edge is just a few blocks that have a bit of "rise" so that the bottom stays flat and the top slopes down towards the trailing edge.

    As for building the plane itself, I used the fine tuning mod. I built the plane about three times larger than I wanted it to be, then scaled it down. This allowed me to make the plane very light.

  • Ultralight (Float) 8.2 years ago


  • Ultralight 8.2 years ago


  • Ultralight 8.2 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Me too! I have set location spawnpoints on both of them!

  • Trophy Truck (Performance Version) 8.2 years ago

    Thanks! I might make a buggy, currently I have an ultralight and monster truck on the way.

  • Trophy Truck (Performance Version) 8.3 years ago

    @AdrianFlyingAce You're right... oops. At least you can still use the link to find my original truck.

  • Trophy Truck (Performance Version) 8.3 years ago

    @vonhubert Thanks, That is what I was going for. I really enjoy driving it through the deserts of maywar.

  • Trophy Truck 8.3 years ago

    I can make that happen.

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @kingofcreepers Because I wanted them. I know they are not accurate, but I liked the idea of being able to taxi around on land. You can land the plane on them, but that was not my true intention for them.

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @electronmember1 When you are going to land move the Vtol slider all the way down. Drop the throttle to 0-8% and let the plane touch the ground/water at around 80 Mph. when you do touch the water/land, pull up on the elevator as hard as you can, this should keep the nose of the plane up and prevent it from flipping. I find that reducing the throttle to zero and letting the plane glide down on its own is easiest. Practice makes perfect!

  • Beech-18 (Land) 8.6 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 The navy used both the land and sea variants. They did have a few different colour schemes though, all were very similar.

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS I think I will. As soon as Ive saved up some money that is. I recently got my first car so any money ive got is going towards that at the moment.

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @TheNightmare811 Thanks!

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS Nice! Ive always had an interest in FPV racing. I myself have a decent sized collection of RC vehicles. Several planes, a boat and three cars/trucks. No FPV vehicles though.

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS Thanks. If you dont mind me asking, is that your quadcopter in your profile picture?

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @NativeChief1492 No problem.

  • Beech-18 (Sea) 8.6 years ago

    @GrahamSimmons Thanks.

  • Convair B-36 8.6 years ago

    @Brields95 Thanks. Ive always done my best to make my planes fly well, it may be unrealistic, but I find that it is much more fun to to fly an agile, responsive plane rather than one that flies like an overloaded bag of rocks.

  • Airplane Suggestions 8.6 years ago

    @EaglesAbove The B-36 is done. I think it turned out pretty well, unfortunately I had to leave out a lot of small details, such as lettering, because of the large parts count. It was starting to slow down my computer.

  • Airplane Suggestions 8.6 years ago

    @EaglesAbove @NativeChief1492 Thanks for your suggestions, Ive started work on a B-36, but it has turned out to be a massive project. I will definetely finish it soon. I will probably also build a Beech 18 in both land and water configurations.

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning V2.1 8.6 years ago

    @JMicah4 That would be cool! To be honest I don't mind anybody doing anything with my planes just as long as they don't claim its their own.

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning V2.1 8.6 years ago

    @BogdanX Thank you! I tried to make the tail as realistic as I could while still maintaing the performance of the aircraft. I found that if I changed the size it drastically impacted the performance of the plane, so I decided to chose performance over perfect scale.

    Thanks for your feedback.

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning V2.1 8.6 years ago

    @arcues yup.

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning (Version 2) 8.6 years ago

    @SteadfastContracting @MEGANOOB Thank you.

  • Every P-38 Lightning Ever 8.7 years ago

    @Sunnyskies I finished it a little early, lots of rainy weather and nothing else to do.
    Heres a link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/21MchR/Lockheed-P-38-Lightning-Version-2

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning (Version 2) 8.7 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany Thanks!

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning (Version 2) 8.7 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Thanks. I tried to make it detailed and realistic without going overboard on the parts count.

  • Vickers Wellington 8.7 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx You caught me! Yes I doubled the engines (Did the same thing on the P-47), I placed two engines side by side and nudged them into position. The engine wrap was a round fuselage block nudged inside and then nudged upwards so that it stuck out of the engine and created the colouring.

  • Every P-38 Lightning Ever 8.7 years ago

    @Sunnyskies I'm working on an updated version now. You can probably expect to see it later next week.

  • Every P-38 Lightning Ever 8.7 years ago

    I was glad to see my plane on this list, and with such a high rating! That was my first replica aircraft ever, and I have to admit it leaves a lot to be desired, Since then I have learned a few skills, one being the nudge buttons, I didn't know about them when building that plane. I think I might go back and try to remodel the plane and release a better version. Thank you for taking the time to review my plane and the many others (this list is huge!).

  • Vickers Wellington 8.7 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Thank You!

  • P-47 Razorback 8.7 years ago

    Okay. Originally I did have the insgnia on the bottom of the wing, but the angle didnt line up so it was not anywhere near level with the wing. I will try painting them the colour of the wing, I had not thought of that. It is a good Idea.

  • P-47 Razorback 8.7 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Thank you. Those are some great suggestions and I will take note for future builds. I was aware that the insignia is only on the left wing, but when I did that the plane pulled hard in that direction and flew absolutely horrible. I could not find a way to fix the issue so unfortunately I had to put the insignia on both wings. I would greatly appreciate it if you know how to and/or could fix the issue.

  • Biplane Fighter 9.2 years ago

    The engine power can be adjusted if you feel the need for more...

    POWER! SPEEEEEEEED! POWER! -Jeremey Clarkson

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning 9.2 years ago

    @Gdc2001 Thank You!