this is what we need, a military symbol coded into the text item, not those who made the emblems by using fuselage because once you place it on the plane mistakenly and try to remove it, you would be removing it one by one, but this one does not the same because this one is a text,,,,,,hopefully theres more emblems like this especially with the philippines one
the problem is, for me after trying out many creations of auto-aiming, is it doesnt hit the planes for me, because the aiming reticles of the cannons in-game doesnt align with the target reticles in-game
@DarthAbhinav but spawn in a tundra wasteland after discovering the air base, they would still lock on to you even if you used the little buggy made by jundroo
@overlord5453 yes, thats what i was trying to do when i create those planes i posted here, but i had to delete them because everyday i found new ways to make them detailed and had to restart. like i wanted to create a tech tree just like war thunder, and give us more options like livery skins or decorations. hence why i suggest to create like a folder so atleast it can be managable and so it can look clean, and not to waste time scrolling all the way down
i've downloaded a few auto-aim creations but none came close to making the gun reticles in aiming camera mode follow the targets crosshairs, hopefully this one works
@QuantityPlayer ohh thanks, ill download it and test things out, although heli is also the thing i want to perfect it too aside from boats but it seems its too complicated to make the heli not spinning because of the tail rotor
I also want to know since i want to organize my planes and try to atleast make it like a tech tree of some sorts but the way simpleplanes put everything in an alphabetical order and in a complicated one at that, i felt the need to restart
this is what we need, a military symbol coded into the text item, not those who made the emblems by using fuselage because once you place it on the plane mistakenly and try to remove it, you would be removing it one by one, but this one does not the same because this one is a text,,,,,,hopefully theres more emblems like this especially with the philippines one
+1@LJh1 oh ok thanks, now atleast i know
+1the problem is, for me after trying out many creations of auto-aiming, is it doesnt hit the planes for me, because the aiming reticles of the cannons in-game doesnt align with the target reticles in-game
+1if only we can shoot lightning with it XD
i thought simpleplanes was free on pc??
@SkylineAero probably on XML, where partscollision is changed to True in xml
@overlord5453 so its only for cannons?
bro why some of yall use pitch and roll for the anti-air turrets, it wont even target a single thing because aiming is gonna be hard
@DarthAbhinav but spawn in a tundra wasteland after discovering the air base, they would still lock on to you even if you used the little buggy made by jundroo
were making red alert russian units with this one
not gonna lie tho, it takes off on like one foot and then turns and crash
@overlord5453 yes, thats what i was trying to do when i create those planes i posted here, but i had to delete them because everyday i found new ways to make them detailed and had to restart. like i wanted to create a tech tree just like war thunder, and give us more options like livery skins or decorations. hence why i suggest to create like a folder so atleast it can be managable and so it can look clean, and not to waste time scrolling all the way down
@GodsCreation oh, im used to the inverted one's on the horizontal tail wings
i've downloaded a few auto-aim creations but none came close to making the gun reticles in aiming camera mode follow the targets crosshairs, hopefully this one works
@QuantityPlayer ohh thanks, ill download it and test things out, although heli is also the thing i want to perfect it too aside from boats but it seems its too complicated to make the heli not spinning because of the tail rotor
@QuantityPlayer do you have like a boat made by yours so i can download and study? just the simple ones that doesnt need too much xml coding
@FlyingPatriot thanks for that, now my tank now has a spinning radar (not yet the functioning one)
how the heck yall made a frickin boat in simpleplanes tho, are there videos yall watch as basis to create boats that dont spin?
I also want to know since i want to organize my planes and try to atleast make it like a tech tree of some sorts but the way simpleplanes put everything in an alphabetical order and in a complicated one at that, i felt the need to restart