The Worminators are dead but another worm group has started
There's a crap load of discord servers
I hit gold
I made actual friends
Some people are calling a build "Hentai" even though it's just realistic.
Drama x1000000000
2 updates
I made a bomb that can obscure Yeager in its blast.
@BroAeronautics this would be a sweet swarm plane. like put a crap load on an arsenal bird and drop them as individual fighter. I mean that'd be sweet.
@Oski "White-platinum"? xD
1. Another user, I don't really know you tho.
2. Silver
3. a big German Shepherd that likes to curl up next to you everywhere you go.
4. Idk, like I said I don't really know you all that well.
Congrats, man. Take a break, you always deliver, and and you never seem to stop. I'd honestly think you deserve a little break since you made the Fishbed and hit Plat.
@SledDriver that was a joke but yeah I actually thought that xD
Sweepstreak is awesome.
oh god no not this again not the ball tanks!.
This looks like a P-style electron
@Dynamicneedle hmmm...maybe...@Helicopterboy so F-22s are fighters, so they are F designated. Research it. It's not too hard too find.
@Dllama4 oh well go ahead xD
ISIS proceeds to sprint to nearest fallout shelter
Boi, this was -1 second ago...
give me that thing-I need stuff to contort the illusion of reality
The Worminators are dead but another worm group has started
There's a crap load of discord servers
I hit gold
I made actual friends
Some people are calling a build "Hentai" even though it's just realistic.
Drama x1000000000
2 updates
I made a bomb that can obscure Yeager in its blast.
@Dllama4 you don't have to mkae one, unless you'd like to.
@Dllama4 oh lol
now try an AEK-971
Porcus is T H I C C
when you do all the maths and your plane still departs at 2 ft/second and flies like crap
@BroAeronautics this beast
@PyrusEnderhunter I suppose it add 50 to a plane and it's effectively the aigaion.
@BroAeronautics this would be a sweet swarm plane. like put a crap load on an arsenal bird and drop them as individual fighter. I mean that'd be sweet.
@Ichko oh lol it already has a bomb that can obscure most of Yeager in its blast xD
I can make a howitzer to bring it down with xD
@EpicPigster1 xD
@EpicPigster1 SPFA Stronk member
what's the speed of the bullets? normally it's about 800. I can do the velocity and color.
@Fjorge @FlyingThings @Thefalloutplayr @ForeverPie here
@QuantausAviation F/A-38s on standby. Thunderhawk Engineering is at your service.
Put manual controls in...
@Dllama4 yes!!! you are right!
Also, did you keep the extendable inlet cone?
like I said, you deserve a break man. After the 410, you should slow down. I mean, you just hit plat, go and relax for a bit.
one of my favorite bombers of all time
wtf am i seeing rn
reminds me of teh vulture
@Oski "White-platinum"? xD
1. Another user, I don't really know you tho.
2. Silver
3. a big German Shepherd that likes to curl up next to you everywhere you go.
4. Idk, like I said I don't really know you all that well.
@phanps you deserve it, and have deserved it for a while.
tell me this isn't a 3D model....xD
@Iamsilverdahedgie its a joke, im a time traveler, the illuminati, etc.
@Iamsilverdahedgie shh, the government will kill you if you leak too much.
Congrats, man. Take a break, you always deliver, and and you never seem to stop. I'd honestly think you deserve a little break since you made the Fishbed and hit Plat.
ThTats not a plane, that's a 3D model xD
I had one of these in War Thunder
@Texasfam04 can I use this basic design for a build of mine? Like this shape?
More downloads than I expected!
I totally didn't know about this ;)
@Alienbeef0421 not so bad, eh?
@WalrusAircraft quite an effective bird, too.