813 Mick31falcon Comments

  • F-187 Thunder Shark 1.2 years ago

    @TinyMaus I'm sure this is VR compatible, all switches and handles are close for input interaction and the dummy pilot is attached to only to a grey Detacher right inside next to the front landing gear door, go under there and select the Detacher pull it out and it'll pull also the whole dummy, put it in the bin and just add a camera in the cockpit. I need to get a VR set and the game's version to make comfortable VR crafts. Hopefully soon. Flying in VR gotta be insane and awesome.

  • Ragdoll Pilot Woman 1.3 years ago

    @KtaAviation Just copypaste that text link?

  • F-187 Thunder Shark 1.3 years ago

    @SIRCOMMANDER031 I absolutely love the F/A 18 legacy Hornet's design, it did inspired this one!

  • Ragdoll Pilot Woman 1.3 years ago


    I made a build with your pilot ragdoll build, gave you credit and I edited it quite a bit. Check it out.

  • F-14 A Super Tomcat 1.9 years ago

    @Mrgoofy Yeah man I wanted the nose fuselage to be like the SU-27, I love that upper nose and the rest of the airframe to be lower style.

  • F-14 A Super Tomcat 1.9 years ago

    Yes I have about 1,300 ish hours on the game, the pandemic of course is why, but my first post was like 11 months ago. This is My 6th or 7th one, my highest downloads is the Sea Viper Attack helo so far.

  • F-14 A Super Tomcat 1.9 years ago

    Yeah haha the wings do move and you go faster, it's my first one with the geometry wings, it was fun I would love to make a Tornado or the Flogger soon.

  • 1Part HUD 2.0 years ago

    Thank you my man, you saved me, I didn't knew I needed those variables which is why my huds have been weird, so embarrassing but no more, will give you credit!

  • Civi 180 2.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Yeah, what I am aiming is really to make nice looking planes or other type vehicles and of course make them behave smoothly with semi detail procedures that simple planes' assets allow me, I wish they put a radar gps part to make nice advance military aircrafts I have a bunch of designs to upload but I wish there was a way to make a radar part that works and is not a mod to upload it here. Next upload will be a civilian helicopter in the same design as the classic twin rotor like the Chinook.