2,284 Mickk Comments

  • STAR WARS: Tie Fighter 6.1 years ago

    So many different Star Wars craft to make.

    Gunboat would be favorite, or maybe the MIS (Missile Boat), that'd be a laugh packing it out with all the missiles it can carry in game.

    Sounds like I just found my next project. :P

    But which version to make, the ones from the game TIE Fighter or the ones from X-Wing Alliance? XWA are nicer to look at. :)

    EDIT: Umm yeah. Downloaded because Star Wars. Emperor's Hammer. TIE Corps FTW. Theta Squadron pwns all. ;)

  • Ekranoplan - Large 6.1 years ago

    Who wants a full size one? :P

    Making the hull for that sucker will take a while. 0.o

  • Ekranoplan - small 6.1 years ago

    @robloxweponco Thankyou.
    I am working on a bigger version, not full scale though.
    The original "Caspian Sea Monster" was a big plane/boat, call it what you will.

  • Mickks SST CHALLANGE entry 6.1 years ago

    As various people have noted, no awards for this challenge, but that's not an issue.

    I probably spent less than an hour on making this, a good part of it choosing which engines to put on it and trimming it so it behaves itself with no hands on the controls.

  • Wierd Wing 6.1 years ago

    Does a couple of odd things this plane.
    Cut the power right back while it is climbing and it will do what it did while the power was on, but in reverse.
    It will drop the nose until it picks up speed, then raise it again, rinse and repeat until it get to ground/sea level.
    Not a spectacular flier, probably thanks to the strange wing, but I don't think it is possible to stall this by accident, I reckon you might have to force it into a real stall.

    Also, that flat black color on the wings helps hide how ugly the wing surface is. :P

  • The Monarche Project 6.1 years ago

    @huaishushu2333333 This is sort of based on a 747, size wise at any rate.
    The wing structure is similar, but the main wing is at the top of the fuselage instead of the bottom.
    The book this is from is slowly giving up more details as I read it, so the next version may be different in some aspects.
    Right now that version has actual working engines mounted where they are supposed to be. Fine tuning it is going to be a bugger. lol

  • The Monarche Project 6.1 years ago

    @huaishushu2333333 ? Really? !!

  • B747-100B 6.1 years ago

    @Vidal99977 *grabs this in the name of research for an ongoing project.
    I also like the look of this.

    The nose looks very nice, I may learn a few things to use on the 'Monarche Project'.
    Been having issues getting the pointy end to look right. heh

  • Acrobat Vector 6.1 years ago

    @alex544 A clever idea I haven't seen done before.

  • Biggest plane in the game (i think) 6.1 years ago

    @ClaudeTheB777 Nope, I think Gigantus has you beat by a bit. lol

  • WAC - Zakashi 6.1 years ago

    This is based on an advanced aircraft, the name of which totally escapes me right at this time.
    I'm fairly sure the only similarities between this aircraft and that one is that they both have forward swept wings, the rest is totally out of my head.
    All missiles are mounted on the outer wing because of the canard in front, I'm pretty sure the missiles would hit it otherwise.
    The engines are everyone's favorite BFE150 (who doesn't love afterburners?) made extra thin, and with halved power.
    I am wondering if I should have mounted the big BFE300 Turbo Fans instead, it seems to lack the power to climb at high (30K+ ft) altitude.
    I sort of planned for a single engine, but mounting it right at the end made the aircraft very unstable for some reason and in the end the plane looks cooler with the loooong air intakes.
    I had the PC fly vs a F-15 and it was able to go head to head and win more often than not, although you shouldn't take my word for it.
    It turned out far better than I hoped it would.

    EDIT: I realized that the F-15 I had the PC fly against ( @Sulaiman123 ) may not be the best, but it is certainly the most recent one I could find, so, I also downloaded an F-15 made by @KCferrari and it did pretty well against that also.
    Is there a F-15 Eagle here that is considered to be the 'Best' version?
    I have also tested it against a Su-27 and while it didn't do too badly if it survived the first pass, it was mostly outclassed. That's a real next gen fighter for you.

  • Katherine A. Wilde-Class Fleet Carrier 6.1 years ago

    Can you land on it and stop?
    Just asking because the other aircraft I have you can land on, but as soon as you drop below the speed of the ship, you start sliding off the deck.

  • Lawn Dart 6.1 years ago

    Pretty much something I threw together while my younger bro was at my place, just to show him how it worked.
    Never thought it would fly as good as it does.
    One of those 'happy accidents' I seem to be having of late.

  • HELP ME 2 6.1 years ago

    @GreatGuy Not a problem. I've had a pretty good day today. At work I saw two big guys pushing a shopping trolley full of rainbow colored stuffed animals. I thought it was pretty funny. So did they.

  • A Strange Plane 6.1 years ago

    This is an experiment I did, so the plane flies and that is pretty much it. I don't spend a lot of time making my experimental planes look nice. ;)

    On another note, who wants a Shuttle with Rocket Engines?

  • HELP ME 2 6.1 years ago

    I tried my idea, it didn't work. It seems that the wing will pass right through the structural 'brace' defeating the purpose of the brace.

    I have 'fixed' your aircraft, but then I remembered finding a 'structural wing with control surface' that was uploaded quite some time ago.
    Here is the link --> https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/g3uDIy/structural-wing-with-control-surface-modded
    That should solve all of your large wing problems.
    Download that, save it as an 'assembly' (to do that make sure the cockpit is not near it and drag it to the top left corner) and any time you need to put big wings on something, use that.
    I'll upload your fixed aircraft if you want, but all I have really done is put new wings on it, installed landing gear and moved the engines a bit.
    Basically nothing pretty much.

  • Wintermob Two 6.1 years ago

    I'll be uploading a version of this that will need the 'Rocket Engines' mod to work.
    I may need to completely remake it on a larger scale because of how much fuel the rocket engines use.
    No idea, but it will happen.

  • HELP ME 2 6.1 years ago

    To kill wing flex, get the 'Overload' mod, use structural wings, then use Overload to add control surfaces to them.
    To do that, select the wing, then go to the 'wing' tab in Overload, scroll down a bit until you see 'allowControlSurfaces' and where it says 'false' change that to 'true' and you will be able to add a control surface to that wing.

    EDIT: Just saw you are on iOS, which is why you are asking for help.
    Maybe putting a structural wing under the main wing will help with wing flex, not a full wing, just a thin one.
    It seems making big wings that don't flex has always been a problem in game, I pretty much always use structural wings these days.

  • Kitan - Jet Version 6.1 years ago

    Will be uploading the solo version of the 'Pencils' Rocket, minus the Kitan carry gear and a jet version as well. Soon (tm) for a certain amount of Soon.

  • Odd Craft 6.1 years ago

    This aircraft has a few secrets. Well, only one really.
    It is not a fighter or anything else really, it just gets up in the air and flies..... somehow.

  • Kitan - Space Ready - Flyable 6.1 years ago

    Yup, this need TWO mods to use.
    The Rocket Engines mod, because rocket engines and the Outer Space mod, because space VTOL engine doesn't need air, so RCS ports work in space.
    The six rockets on the outside are the 'main' engines, while the center one is the 'space' engine. For some reason all 7 engines firing in space make Kitan want to turn nose up really fast, which is not good for space flight.
    Kitan is fully capable of flight in atmosphere and the best way to recover her is to water land, then use the 'space' engine to get as close to land as possible.

  • Can someone please help me to make this turret 6.1 years ago

    Turrets are easy, getting them to work and have the plane stay upright and out of trouble, not so much.

  • Pencils + Kitan V.1 6.1 years ago

    Forgot to mention, Pencils is the one with the cockpit. Kitan is still flyable, but the cameras don't help a lot.

    EDIT: Get the Space mod for this too, it is what it is all about after all. As an added bonus with the nice view from space, you get all of the normal engines over again, but they don't need air to work!
    Planning on making a 'airless' jet version of this.

  • I need help 6.1 years ago

    It flies all right as it is, but you need to pay attention to what you are doing with it.
    If you try to bring the lift motors to full horizontal, it is going down, there is not enough actual lift surface to keep it in the air and what there is, is at the back.
    If you keep the lift motors at around 45 degrees, it will maintain altitude and it can then be controlled by the big tail plane.
    It's not too bad once you get the hang of it.

  • Random Aircraft A 6.1 years ago

    Has one or two issues, but flies ok and looks nice.

  • B-52 V.2.7 6.2 years ago

    @ForeverPie How about making the 'Old Dog' from "Flight of the Old Dog" by Dale Brown?
    I'm getting this by the way, looks better than the last one I d/l'd.

    edit: dammit, didn't read that it needs a mod. Getting that too.

  • Wintermob Three - Space 6.2 years ago

    Been to 'space'.
    It's rather nice. I guess the next step is the MOON. ;)
    Must try my Shuttle.

  • The Rogue Betsy Machine Gun Hands 6.2 years ago

    @DrPotluck Yep, that's a lot of guns all right.
    I was just thinking of doing something like that, but you beat me to it :P
    I might go ahead and do it anyway, we can have a competition and see how many guns we can strap to a plane before it stops flying. Kidding.
    I am going to start throwing guns on a plane though, just for giggles.

  • Wintermob Three - Space 6.2 years ago

    Just got the 'Space' mod, now I'm going to got to 'actual' space!

  • WAC i1 6.2 years ago

    This was an effort to make a plane that looked a lot more like the craft it was based on, the Marauder Fighter from the Discovery Mod for the old space trading game "Freelancer".
    The only thing it has in common is a similar shape, but that's about it.
    It does fly nicely though.

    EDIT: News Flash. Le sigh. I should have tested it in dogfight mode vs another aircraft before posting. Turns out it is a "shoot and scoot" fighter. The F15C literally flies rings around it.
    I'm going to try and 'fix' that though.

    2nd EDIT: Find and remove the Gyro, it is near the CoM. That improves things a bit. If it can survive the first pass vs the F15, it now stands a chance of killing it.

  • Crazy Up and Down - armed 6.2 years ago

    Forgot to mention, the shocks on the landing gear have been maxed out, that is why it can 'land' at over 100 mph.
    The guns are there for reasons. :P
    Interesting fact: Except for the two winglets on the blades, there are no other actual flight surfaces on this 'aircraft'.

  • Crazy Up and Down - armed 6.2 years ago

    You need to be up pretty high for this to work properly.
    A good height to start from is over 30k, it gives you time to make mistakes and recover.
    It will take some time to go very high as it has a single motor.
    There have been zero mods used in this.

  • Hibiki’s 0 AAA (revised) 6.2 years ago

    They should look up the game Freelancer (Discovery Mod) and build some ships from that.

  • The strange spinning experiment 6.2 years ago

    If everyone or anyone wants to see more of my strange experiments along this line, let me know and I'll post them.
    I have one that more less works, that is, it will get down again without losing too many parts on landing, without using the engine.
    The surprising part is that it only has two small horizontal stabilizers on the end of two long structural panels, not structural wings, just panels.
    Maybe this should be a challenge, the winner gets free web cookies. lol

    EDIT: Instead of adding another post to my comment count, I'm doing this.
    Mess with this in any way you want, if you can get it -or- a/your version of it down in one piece, post it!
    I'm also working on a version of this that has guns, LOTS and LOTS of guns, kind of like a 'sky porcupine'.

  • The strange spinning experiment 6.2 years ago

    Like it says on the box, this is an experiment. It looks at 'auto rotation' something helicopter pilots are trained to do if the engine fails, except with this you don't have access to the sort of pitch control a helicopter has.
    Have fun, made for a bit of a laugh.

  • Game AI and Turret building. 6.2 years ago

    Work on the turret is on hold, until I can figure out a way to make what I want to do happen.

  • Wintermob Two 6.2 years ago

    My second go at making a rocket, my first go at making a rocket that could be real.
    I also had a go at adding some detail, the black/dark gray leading edge on the wings/tail/nose and the cargo bay doors. Thought about putting 'tile markings' on the wings and tail, but that would have been way too fiddly and time consuming.

  • CVN-71 Aircraft -- flyable 6.2 years ago

    As noted in the description, this jet is from the deck of the CVN-71.
    I got it by accident while I was clearing the deck of the CVN-71 to make it load faster on my PC and decided to make it fly, if I could.
    Things done;
    overhauled engines
    straightened wings
    flattened out a few bumps
    replaced static landing gear with fully operational gear.
    Repaired wing cannons
    Added Interceptor missiles.
    Apart from those things, this aircraft is as I found it.
    I hold no claim on this aircraft.
    Now a tag for @gunkanmarch.
    Did I miss acknowledgements for anyone? If so, who?

  • CVN-71 6.2 years ago

    @gunkanmarch Of course, I mentioned that in the first post I made in this thread, which was one of the reasons I posted in the first place.
    I'll upload sometime in the next few days, work and xmas stuff happening and that.
    I'll tag you so you know when it happens and you can let me know if I miss mentioning anyone who needs to mentioned.

  • Game AI and Turret building. 6.2 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Nope, had no idea that it wasn't doable until I tried. I learned something along the way too.
    I can now make mods, albeit simple ones.

  • Game AI and Turret building. 6.2 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Discovered by trial and error that you can not mix and match properties from one part with another.
    Simply put, you can not add the tracking part from a missile to a rotator/hinge and have it show up as a mod, they plain old do not like each other.
    Once the week end hits, I'm going to try and make rotator/hinge in one part, something that will point up and down AND go around in a circle.

  • CVN-71 6.2 years ago

    @gunkanmarch Just asking if it was ok to upload the aircraft, as I did not make it and do not want people to think I stole it and uploaded without permission.

  • WAC J20 6.2 years ago

    This started out as an experiment to see how fast I could get an aircraft to go.
    I have a version of this with 31 BFE300 motors on it and it just is not that fast.
    It appears drag tends to cancel out speed increase, the more engines you put on, not to mention fuel use. Yikes!
    The other thing I discovered is that I had accidently made a pretty good aircraft, a little rough in places, but not bad, so I tweaked it and made it pretty.

  • WAC-31C 6.2 years ago

    Lots of work done on this with "Overload", which you don't need to have because of the way it does things.
    See if you can figure out what has been done ;)
    I forgot to mount the AA missiles, but people can do that if they want them. :P

  • CVN-71 6.2 years ago

    @gunkanmarch I downloaded this today.
    It's a very nice piece of work and far bigger than anything I am likely to make.
    One thing I did to make it load faster for me, was removed all of the aircraft, which helped a lot.
    While doing that, I managed to grab a complete aircraft from the deck and once I realized that, I saved it as an assembly.
    I also, stuck a cockpit on it to make it 'real' to the game and dropped it at Yeager and discovered those aircraft are full size.
    Who made them?
    I want to know, because after much looking at various things and tweaking stuff, I have a flyable version of one of those aircraft.
    Can I upload it, with the associated acknowledgements to you and whoever made the aircraft?

  • Fastest plane ever 6.2 years ago

    *Downloads to see how fast it goes.

  • Fokker Blauer Vogel 6.2 years ago

    Looks pretty nice, must have!

    EDIT: Got it, flew it. Must be powered by fairy dust, it got airborne so fast. Love the wings, must have taken ages to get that looking right.

  • Gigantus Mk I 6.2 years ago

    Yep, it's BIG, really big.
    This started with me wanting to find out just how big a wingspan you could have on a plane and still manage to get off the ground at a runway, the runway in question being Yeager.
    Experimented with my Gyro Jet -Failed and got the wingspan to a little over 300 feet.
    I think the game scales the aircraft so you always have enough room to get off the ground, but don't quote me on that, because, well the wingspan on this is 360 odd feet and the wings only just hang off the edge of the runway.
    I have another version in the works essentially the same as this but with 'pretty' wings, as in they have a shape instead of just being flat.
    Getting it right is causing me some headaches.
    This flies like it is on wires, smooth and steady.
    As always, feel free to mess with this. ;)

  • Help 6.2 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Ah, I see. My bad.

  • Help 6.2 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Get the mod, 'Overload', then do a little research and you will be able to do it yourself.
    Not being nasty or anything, but it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to tweak an Interceptor missile in a similar fashion, that's with the research to find the right variable to do it.
    Go here ---> https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/729507/SimpleCheats-a-slightly-comprehensive-guide
    to find a link to what looks like a complete list of inputs and other variables you can use to modify stuff.